Arab Institute for Human Rights
Arab Institute for Human Rights, University of Laval Maghreb region (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia).
Listed as a partner organization of the International Center for Transitional Justice.
"Organized jointly by the Arab Institute for Human Rights (AIHR), the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS), and Human Rights Educations Associates (HREA), the new Youth for Human Rights Program will provide long-term training and support for young human rights activists in the Arab World. The program, which will accept 75 trainees and 30 auditors, will begin in December 2006 and end in January 2008." [1]
In 1992 they received a grant from Rights and Democracy: "Founded in 1989, the Institut arabe des droits de l'homme in Tunis seeks to increase awareness of international human rights law and its application in the Maghreb region. In February 1991, the University of Laval in Quebec and the Institut arabe signed a five-year cooperative agreement enabling them to jointly seek funding for a research programme on human rights. The project produced 1) a comparative analysis of the international instruments ratified by three countries in the Maghreb region (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia) and 2) an impact study of the influence of organizations that promote development and democratic values. The project helped assess and promote human rights in the Maghreb region." [2]