Camisea Gas Pipeline

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This article is part of the Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker, a project of Global Energy Monitor and the Center for Media and Democracy.

Camisea Gas Pipeline is an operating natural gas pipeline.[1]


The pipeline runs from Malvinas, Peru to Lima, Peru, and Callao, Peru.

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Project Details

  • Operator: Pluspetrol
  • Parent Company: Grupo de Energia de Bogota 23.6%, Enagás 22.45%, Sonatrach 21.2%, SK Corporation 11.2%, GDF Suez 8%, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board 10.4%, and Graña y Montero 2.98%[2]
  • Current capacity: 5 billion cubic meters per year
  • Proposed capacity:
  • Length: 444 miles / 714 km
  • Status: Operating
  • Start Year: 2004


The Camisea Gas Pipeline system is operated by Transportadora de Gas Peruano, a consortium of Tecgas, Pluspetrol, Hunt Oil Company, SK Corporation, Sonatrach and Grana y Montero.[3] The pipeline passes directly through indigenous territory in the Amazon, connecting to wells in a reserve established for the previously isolated Nahua-Kugapakori peoples in southern Peru.[4]


The pipeline was commissioned in 2004. As of March 2006 there had been five spills along the pipeline, including one on 4 March 2006 that resulted in three injuries.[5] An independent audit by E-Tech in 2006 attributed these accidents to poor planning and construction, including: "improperly certified welders; fast promotions from welder’s helper to welder; improperly welded pipe ends; risky pipe jointing used to adapt to difficult terrain rather than searches for more stable routes. One claim — that 30 to 40 percent of the pipe materials were left over from other South American projects and of substandard quality.[6]


Critics of the pipeline and the Camisea Gas Project have cited its negative impact on human health, the environment, and the lives of indigenous people in the area. Camisea is “a tale of political scandal, technical flaws, and environmental degradation,” said Maria Ramos of Amazon Watch in 2006.[7] The Overseas Private Investment Corporation and Export-Import Bank of the U.S. initially rejected Camisea financing for environmental reasons, and financial services company Citigroup withdrew under pressure from activists. The project then obtained financing from the Inter-American Bank.[7]

Environmental Impact

The United Nations has called for the ‘immediate suspension’ of any plans to expand the Camisea Gas project, due to the high likelihood that by further intrusion into the Nahua-Nanti Reserve, several uncontacted and isolated tribes who live in the territory could be placed at risk of disease and death, as well as extreme scarcity brought on by disruption to game animals. The territory also servers as a buffer zone for Manu National Park, considered by UNESCO to be "the most biodiverse place on earth."[8]

Impact on indigenous people

In 2006 the Peruvian government’s Office of the People’s Defender criticized Camisea for violating indigenous rights, attributing a rise in cases of diarrhea, syphilis, and other illnesses to instances of prohibited contact between workers and native people.[7]

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Wikipedia also has an article on Camisea Gas Pipeline (Camisea Gas Project. This article may use content from the Wikipedia article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License].