UK Coal Forum

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{{#badges: Climate change |CoalSwarm}} The Coal Forum was convened by the British government to address some of the concerns of the coal industry raised in the development of a White Paper on energy.

The White Paper stated that the government had convened the Coal Forum, comprising representatives from the government, coal mining companies, generators, unions and equipment manufacturers "to bring forward ways of strengthening the industry, and working to ensure that the UK has the right framework to secure the long-term future of coal-fired power generation; optimise * the use of our coal reserves, where recovery is economic; and stimulate investment in clean coal technologies."[1]


On its website the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR), which hosts the forum, states that "Membership is by invitation only and is on a personal basis". As of June 2008 the members are listed as being:[2]

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  1. Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, "Energy white paper: meeting the energy challenge", May 2007.
  2. "The UK Coal Forum: Current Membership", Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, accessed June 2008.

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