David Behan

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"David Behan is the Chief Executive of the Care Quality Commission. David was born and brought up in Blackburn in Lancashire and graduated from Bradford University in 1978. He was awarded a CBE in 2003 and, in 2004, was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Law by Greenwich University.

"He was previously the Director General of Social Care, Local Government and Care Partnerships at the Department of Health, the President of the Association of Directors of Social Services, and the first Chief Inspector of the Commission for Social Care Inspection.

"From 1996 to 2003, David was Director of Social Services at London Borough of Greenwich as well as a member of the Greenwich Primary Care Trust Board and the Professional Executive Committee." [1]

His son Patrick Behan is employed by Craegmoor Health which is part of the Priory Group. [1]

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  1. Care Quality Commission David Behan, organizational web page, accessed February 18, 2016.