Dingo to Walton rail duplication

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The Dingo to Walton rail duplication is a rail duplication project on part of the Blackwater Rail System which is under consideration by QR National.

The project is listed by Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) in May 2011 as a $90 million project by QR National which is "awaiting final approval". ABARE lists the project as having a completion date of 2012.[1] QR National's 2010 COALRail Infrastructure Program Review identifies the project as having been listed in its 2008 Master Plan as being at the 'prefeasibility" stage but nost listed as being in the 2009 Master Plan. However, it is unclear whether the upgrade is included within what is listed in the 2009 Master Plan's "Blackwater System Expansion - Concept Study".[2]

Articles and resources


  1. Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences, "Minerals and energy: major development projects - April 2011 Listing", Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences, May 26, 2011.
  2. QR National, "COALRail Infrastructure Program Review: Investing in Queensland’s coal rail Infrastructure since 2006", QR National, August 2010.

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