Endesa Italia

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This article is part of the Coal Issues portal on SourceWatch, a project of Global Energy Monitor and the Center for Media and Democracy. See here for help on adding material to CoalSwarm.

Endesa Italia is a consortium which is 80% owned by Endesa with the remaining share owned by the "Italian, municipally owned, energy company of ASM Brescia."[1]

On its website Endesa states that "Endesa Italia is the third largest generating concern in the Italian electricity sector, with 6,340 MW installed power, of which 5,326 MW corresponds to thermoelectric power stations and 1,014 MW to hydroelectric ... Endesa Italia is carrying out a program of repowering the units of four company thermal power stations, through the conversion of the same to combined cycles and, in one case, to coal, which will permit it to increase the efficiency and extent of its installed power and, in 2007, doubling the production reached in 2002."

The company also has a minor interest in wind power.

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  1. Endesa, "Electricity in Europe: Italy", Endesa website, accessed August 2008.

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