Energie Sanuenay LNG Terminal

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This article is part of the Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker, a project of Global Energy Monitor and the Center for Media and Democracy.

Energie Sanuenay LNG Terminal is a proposed LNG terminal in Port Saguenay, Quebec, Canada. There have been no development updates since 2014, and the project is presumed to be cancelled.


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Project Details

  • Parent: GNL Quebec
  • Location: Port Saguenay, Quebec, Canada
  • Coordinates: 48.441644, -70.697435 (approximate)
  • Capacity: 11 mtpa
  • Status: Cancelled
  • Type: Import
  • Start Year: 2025

Note: mtpa = million tonnes per year; bcfd = billion cubic feet per day


GNL Quebec has been developing the Énergie Saguenay Project since 2014, involving the construction of a natural gas liquefaction complex at Port Saguenay. The goal is to export 11 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) per year, sourced from western Canada. The Project includes liquefaction equipment, storage facilities, and marine shipping infrastructures. The Project is worth an estimated US$7.2 billion and is slated to start operations in 2025. GNL Quebec aims to build the world’s first LNG facility of such magnitude to be powered by hydroelectricity from a preexisting local grid. The LNG complex will be installed on lands belonging to the Administration portuaire de Saguenay (Saguenay Port Authority), adjacent to the existing Grande-Anse port facilities. Natural gas supply will require a new gas pipeline linking the facility to the main transportation system in northeastern Ontario, making it possible to source gas from western Canada. Gazoduq inc. is the company developing the new infrastructure.[1]

There have been no development updates since 2014, and the project is presumed to be cancelled.

Articles and resources


  1. "Project Summary" Energie Sanuenay , accessed April 2019

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