European Security Advocacy Group
The European Security Advocacy Group (ESAG Foundation) defined itself on its now inactive website as:
- "A group organized after 9/11 in the belief that terrorism is a constant and growing threat. More recent attacks in Madrid and Amsterdam have reinforced the need for our work."
According to the July 12, 2005, German publication Sicherheit-Heute, ESAG's first activities were in September 2003 in eleven European countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Turkey and Belgium). At the end of 2005, activities by the organization had not been seen again and the organization's website ( went on inactive status. [1]
The source of ESAG's financial support is unknown, Sicherheit-Heute reported. However, it is known that Norman Vale and the New York public relations firm Vale International LTD are responsible for the organization's campaign.
In the October 2004 ICLN (Criminal Law Network) newsletter, ESAG was welcomed as a new institutional member and introduced thusly:
- "ESAG The European Security Advocacy Group was formed in direct response to severe increases in terrorism activities since the beginning of this millennium. It operates independent of any political or governmental involvement with the single objective of educating and motivating opinion leaders and decision-makers to promote further law to combat terrorism. The Group is privately founded and places messages in newspapers, magazines and television. These are designed to heighten people's awareness of the threats terrorism poses and to demonstrate that terrorism offers no answer to the needs of today's societies. The European Security Advocacy Group is opposed to terrorism in all its forms and guises. Messages directed against specific terrorist groups reflect our response to deadly attacks for those who have claimed responsibility."
- TV spots (aired on Euronews, a European news channel, and n-tv, a German news channel)
- Newspaper ads (published in European newspapers)
- In 2005 organized a European Student Advertising Competition
- Sponsored a special prize in the German School Newspaper Prize 2005 (Deutcher Schülerzeitungspreis 2005 [2]) for the best articles on Security Policy and Terrorism.
Known members & contact information
European Security Advocacy Group
- Jorg Borgwardt, Vale International, Spokesperson Advisory Board
- De Lairessestraat 131 - 135
- 1075 HJ, Amsterdam
- Telephone: +31 20 4700-177
- Fax + 31 20 6710-974
- Jochen Denso (
- Christophe Legrand (owner of ESAG website)
- Telephone/Fax: +352 26 49 32 32
External links
- Florien Rötzer, "Wer steckt hinter der 'European Security Advocacy Group'?" Heise Online (Germany), October 13, 2003. Google Translation: "Who puts behind [funds] the 'European Security Advocacy Group'?"; Yahoo! Translation: "Anonymity is a question of security. Update: Email of the 'European Security Advocacy Group' and an interview with the founder."
- Bjørn Stærk, "Norman Vale's puppet masters," Bjørn Stærk Blog, November 4, 2003. Excellent article with translated extracts of articles and commentary published elsewhere in Europe.
- "Aims and Reasons: Politics and Advertisment" [sic],, February 24, 2004 (cache file).
- Bjørn Stærk, "Norman Vale - more ads," Bjørn Stærk Blog, November 10, 2003.
- Bjørn Stærk, "ESAG to air TV ads in Norway," Bjørn Stærk Blog, September 16, 2004.
- Billmon, "Strategic Campaign Extended," Moon of Alabama, October 22, 2004.
- "ESAG misinformation and exploitation of terrorism," Indymedia Switzerland (Yahoo! translation), November 21, 2004.
- "European Security Advocacy Group in the press, a campaign pub...?" (Google translation from French, Infoguerre, November 26, 2004.
- "Medienberichte sind bisher nur Werbung für neue Terroristen," Sicherheit-Heute (German), July 12, 2005.