Graeme York

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Graeme York is the Chief Executive Officer of International Power Hazelwood, the subsidiary of International Power which operates the Hazelwood Power Station in Victoria, Australia.

A biogrpahical note states that York "joined the power industry in 1983 with the State Electricity Commission of Victoria before moving to an independent power producer (Edison Mission Energy) in 1993. His experience has covered engineering, maintenance, business development and asset management. This has included three years of business development in Europe, and three years of asset management in the United States. Graeme joined International Power in December 2004, and is currently CEO of International Power Hazelwood, a 1600 MW power station and associated lignite mine in the Latrobe Valley, Victoria. He is also a Director with the National Generators Forum, and a member of the Energy Supply Association of Australia. Graeme's qualifications include a Bachelor of Engineering, a Graduate Diploma of Management, and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors."[1]

Articles and resources


  1. "Mr Graeme York, Station Manager, Hazelwood Power", Terrapinn website, accessed May 2010.

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