Greenwood Utilities Commission

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Greenwood Utilities Commission is a water and electric municipal utility which has been owned by and located in the city of Greenwood, Mississippi since 1904. Greenwood Utilities is governed by a board of three commissioners, who are appointed by the Greenwood Mayor and approved by the City Council. The commissioners are a policy making board that serve 3-year staggered terms. All operating decisions are made by the General Manager. Greenwood Utilities has approximately 100 employees.[1]

Existing Coal Plants

Plant State Year(s) Built Capacity
Henderson Station (MS) MS 1960, 1967 32.6 MW

Electric Generation

From 1904 until 1977, Greenwood Utilities generated all the electric power utilized by its customers. The local generation capacity for power, Greenwood Utilities owned and operated Henderson Station (MS) in Greenwood, Mississippi burns multiple fuels for generation, including coal, natural gas, and diesel.[2]

As the demand for power increased, Greenwood Utilities established an interconnection program to provide an alternate source of electricity. Since 1977, three interconnection projects have been completed: between Entergy Mississippi and Greenwood Utilities' Henderson Station (MS), the downtown Wright Station, and the South Substation, to give a combined transformer capacity of approximately 121 MW.[2]

Contact Information

Greenwood Utilities Commission
101 Wright Place
Greenwood, MS 38930
Phone: (662) 453-7234

Articles and Resources


  1. "Greenwood Utilities Commission: About Us", Greenwood Utilities Commission, August 2009.
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Greenwood Utilities Commission: About Us", Greenwood Utilities Commission, August 2009.

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