Hazira Port

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Hazira Port is a multipurpose port in Gujarat, India.

In 2012 Adani Group obtained an agreement with Hazira Port Ltd to operate non-LNG facilities planned at the port, and in 2013 India's Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) granted environmental clearance (EC) and coastal regulation zone (CRZ) approval for a total of 12 berths, including two coal berths. The first five-year phase of Adani's plans called for construction of a coal berth, along with container berths and multi-purpose berths for bulk cargo.[1].

In 2016, Adani proposed an outer port expansion at Hazira which would add 19 new multi-purpose berths to the 12 already approved in 2013, bringing the total number of berths to 31. In August 2017, India's Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change approved Terms of Reference (ToR) for the outer port expansion, giving Adani three years to prepare an environmental impact assessment for the expansion.[2]

As of February 2018, Adani's website shows six berths in operation at Hazira Port: two for dry cargo, two for liquid cargo, and two for containers.[3] The port handles all types and grades of coal, including steam coal and coking coal, both imported and domestic. Hazira Port's deep draft berths and mechanized facilities, including an integrated conveyor system, can accommodate fully-laden panamax and capesize bulk carriers up to 14 mtrs draft.[4]


The port is located on India's west coast, on the Hazira peninsula about 25km west of Surat.

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Hazira Port Pvt Ltd (HPPL) - a joint venture of Shell BV and Gaz De France - operates a LNG terminal at Hazira Port under a concession agreement signed with the government of Gujarat in 2002..[5]


Adani's website states, "In the year 2002, Hazira Port Concession Agreement (CA) was signed between the Gujarat Maritime Board, The Government of Gujarat and Hazira Port Private Limited. Construction of an LNG import terminal at Hazira started in April 2002. The LNG terminal with an initial capacity to handle about 2.0 MMTPA (Phase1A) shall be expanded to a long-term throughput of 10.0 MMTPA. Adani Hazira Port Pvt Ltd (AHPPL) will operate all non-LNG facilities in Hazira Port under the terms of the agreement with Hazira Port Pvt. Ltd. (HPPL). The port development plan includes the long-term port development with non-LNG cargo terminals (container and bulk terminals, and a proposed liquid terminal). LNG Terminal will continue to be operated by HLPL. In the future, both entities together will constitute the Hazira Port. AHPPL has commenced operations in first quarter of 2012. 5 Berths with annual capacity of 35 million tonnes has been developed and operated as part of the first phase. Out of the 5 berths, 2 will cater for the containers, 1 for coal and 2 berth will be used as a multi-purpose terminal for handling vessels of sizes varying from 80,000 DWT to 150,000 DWT. The relevant and required back up yard along with the Material handling systems is in place to support the operations." When fully developed the port is planned to have 13 berths & annual capacity to handle 75 million tonnes.[5]

According to the EIA (environmental impact assessment) report for Adani's new Hazira Port facility, filed in February 2012, "Phase 1A was already been developed for handling LNG cargo by HPPL. While developing approved Phase 1B, AHPPL is seeking EC for minor alteration in basin, liquid cargo handling with storage facilities, other dry and general cargo, Ro-Ro terminal for automobile handling, deepening of channel and supporting infrastructure facilities with additional arterial road network connecting to NH-6 and internal road, rail connectivity to all terminals and HT Power Transmission line. As per 15 year Master Plan of AHPPL, Adani Hazira Port shall have 12 multipurpose berths which consist of Container berth (4 Nos), Coal berth (2 Nos), other dry bulk cargo berth (2 Nos), Liquid berth (3 Nos) and Automobile berth (1 Ro-Ro berth). Phase 1B which is part of first 5 year development plan includes 7 berth such as Container berth (2 Nos), Coal berth (1 No), Liquid berth (1 No), Multipurpose berth (3 No). The other development includes deepening and maintenance of channel, basin and jetty sites with (-) 15 m CD draft, back-up facilities like container yard, rail sidings, rail and truck loading facilities, sea water intake and marine outfall facilities."[6]

Although the EIA speaks of seven berths to be developed in the project's first phase, Adani's website only mentions six berths.[3] However, both sources agree that facilities for coal handling will be included in the port's initial phase.

In May 2013 India's Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) granted environmental and coastal regulation zone approval for Adani's proposed project (including the multi-cargo port, supporting utilities, and infrastructure facilities).[1]

According to press reports, Adani's Hazira container terminal and liquid bulk terminal began operating in 2012[7] and 2013[8], respectively. However, as of February 2015, there are still no indications that the Hazira coal terminal has been commissioned.

2016: Environmental permit revoked

In an order dated January 8, 2016, the National Green Tribunal held that the environmental clearance granted to the dry and liquid port project in 2013 by the Ministry of Environment and Forest, is "illegal and must be set aside." The tribunal passed its order on a petition filed by Hazira Fishermen Committee that challenged the project on the grounds of damaging the ecology and displacing more than 300 poor fishermen families. The NGT also imposed a heavy penalty of Rs. 25 crore for restoration of environment that has been degraded: "What we find from the record is that instead of expanding port work in phase-out manner, expansion was already practically done almost without obtaining environmental clearance and coastal regulation zone (CEZ) clearance." The NGT went on to write that "It is evident from the affidavit of the forest department that this area, which once had abundance of mangrove stretches, presently don’t have any mangrove vegetation."[9] India's Supreme Court refused to put a stay on the revocation of Hazira's environmental clearance, noting that "cancellation of environmental clearance does not affect the shipping and port operations" and directing Adani to pay the Rs 25-crore penalty.[10]

Project Details

  • Operator: Adani Hazira Port Private Ltd (AHPPL), Hazira Port Pvt Ltd (HPPL)
  • Location: Surat, Gujarat, India
  • Proposed Coal Capacity (mtpa): Three coal terminals
  • Status: Uncertain if 1 coal terminal completed, remaining 2 proposed
  • Projected in service:
  • Coal source:
  • Cost:
  • Financing:

Articles and resources


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Adani's multi-cargo port at Hazira gets MoEF nod" The Business Standard, May 10, 2013.
  2. "Expansion of Outer Harbour Development of Hazira Port - Terms of Reference," Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, August 1, 2017
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Hazira Port," Adani website, accessed February 2018
  4. "Coal: Hazira," Adani website, accessed February 2018
  5. 5.0 5.1 "About Hazira Port" Adani website, accessed February 2015.
  6. "Draft Terrestrial Environmental Impact Assessment Report: Development of Hazira Multi Cargo Port" Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Ltd, February 2012.
  7. "Adani Hazira Port to be commissioned on Aug. 1, 2012" Daily Shipping Times, June 22, 2012.
  8. "APSEZ begins handling liquid cargo at Hazira" Business Standard, December 29, 2013.
  9. "NGT lambasts Adani group for environment damage in Hazira," The Hindu, Jan 16, 2016
  10. "Setback for Adani Port: SC refuses to stay NGT order," Money Control, Jan 28, 2016

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