Howard Herzog

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Howard Herzog is a Senior Research Engineer in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)'s Energy Initiative. Herzog was one of thirteen MIT academics to co-author the report The Future of Coal – Options for a Carbon Constrained World. Herzog is one of the leading proponents of Carbon Capture and Storage as a way of reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of coal-fired power stations.

Background information

A biographical note states that he "received his undergraduate and graduate education in Chemical Engineering at MIT. He has industrial experience with Eastman Kodak (1972-1974), Stone & Webster (1975-1978), Aspen Technology (1981-1986), and Spectra Physics (1986-1988). Since 1989, he has been on the MIT research staff, where he works on sponsored research involving energy and the environment, with an emphasis on greenhouse gas mitigation technologies. He was a Coordinating Lead Author for the IPCC Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (released September, 2005), a co-author on the MIT Future of Coal Study (released March 2007), and a US delegate to the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum's Technical Group (June 2003-September 2007)."[1]

Articles and resources


  1. "Howard J. Herzog: Senior Research Engineer", Massachusetts Institute of Technology, accessed May 2010.

Related SourceWatch articles

External resources

Articles and reports by Herzog

External articles