Hwange Colliery Company

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Hwange Colliery Company is the name of a mining company in Zimbabwe and an associated coal mine and plant. It was founded in 1899. Mining operations are located near Hwange in the province of Matabeleland North. The company's headquarters are in the capital, Harare, some 500 kilometers to the northwest and its stock is listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange and is a component of its stock index, the Zimbabwe Mining Index. It is also listed on the London Stock Exchange and Johannesburg Stock Exchange.[1]

On the domestic market, the company's main customer is the Hwange Power Station, which consumes on average 180,000 tonnes of coal a month. As of 2011, most companies in Zimbabwe are operating at below 50 percent of their production potential; Hwange is selling about 30,000 tonnes to industry, compared with its usual 75,000 tonnes per month.

Zambia is the main export market for Hwange where it is supplying coking coal for copper smelting. In September 2011, the company said it is set to start coal exports to India soon, to the steel- making industry, at an average of 40,000 tonnes per month. The coke will be shipped to Tutiricon port in India via Maputo in Mozambique. Hwange has been battling to obtain port space in Maputo and Beira, which is largely controlled by South African companies and Vale, a Brazilian company operating a number of coal mines in Mozambique. Apart from India, Hwange is also targeting further coal and coking coal sales to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Botswana and Mozambique.[2]

Articles and Resources


  1. "Hwange Colliery Company Limited" African Financials, 2008 Annual Report.
  2. "Hwange to start coal exports to Asia" The Herald Online, Sep. 21, 2011.

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