Intermountain Rural Electric Association

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Intermountain Rural Electric Association (IREA) is a member-owned electric distribution cooperative operating in Colorado. IREA's service area is in the counties to the west, south and east of Denver and west of Colorado Springs.[1] IREA buys wholesale power from Xcel Energy, Inc. and the Western Area Power Administration.[2]

Global Warming Skeptic

IREA has both directly and indirectly promoted skepticism about global warming. On the front page of its website it features a teaser for an article "Is Earth Entering Another Cooling Cycle?". "With all the talk about global warming, it’s surprising to hear about some of the coldest, harshest winter weather ever observed. Now the talk is shifting from “global warming” to “climate change”, with some people believing that even cold weather is caused by humans. “We’re not hearing nearly as much about catastrophic man-made global warming this month.”," the website states.[1]


Contact details

5496 North US HWY 85
P.O. Box 495
Sedalia, CO 80135
Phone: 303-688-3100
Toll-free: 1-800-332-9540
Fax: 303-688-7431

Articles and Resources


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Welcome to the Association!", IREA, accessed March 2008.
  2. IREA, "Company Information", accessed March 2008.

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