John Hannett

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Biographical Information

John Hannett is the General Secretary of Usdaw. He was first elected in May 2004 and was re-elected in September 2008. "John sits on both the Executive Committee and the General Council of the TUC and represents the interests of Usdaw members on a number of Government Commissions. In May 2007, John was appointed to sit on the Low Pay Commission... He was appointed as an ACAS Council Member in May 2010 and served as a Commissioner on the Good Work Commission... He has also served on the Women and Work Commission... and the Independent Advisory Group to the Russell Commission; the focus of the Commission being to develop a national framework for youth action and engagement.

"He has been a Labour Party member for more than 30 years and sat on the National Executive Committee (NEC) from 1998 to 2005. He represents Usdaw on the National Policy Forum and is assigned to the Education and Skills Commission." [1]

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  1. Usdaw John Hannett, organizational web page, accessed July 4, 2012.