Jorge Amselle

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Jorge Amselle is the former Public Affairs Director of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).[1][2]

To see a list of ALEC's current staff, visit the ALEC Staff page.

About ALEC
ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators their wishlists to benefit their bottom line. Corporations fund almost all of ALEC's operations. They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve “model” bills. Learn more at the Center for Media and Democracy's, and check out breaking news on our site.


Amselle is now on the public relations team at Libertas Global Partners in Annapolis, Maryland. Libertas is headed by the former Executive Director of ALEC, Lori Roman.[3]

Amselle studied at the University of Maryland College Park from 1987 until 1992, graduating with a BA in economics. After graduating, he spent one year as an assistant at the National Center for Public Policy Research before becoming the Director of Communications at the Center for Equal Opportunity, which opposes affirmative action and bilingual education, from 1994 until 2000. In 1999, he went back to school, studying at the George Mason University School of Law and graduating in 2001.

In 2001, he took a job as Director of Public Liaison at the Center for International Private Enterprise until 2003. He then spent three years (2003-2006) working for the National Rifle Association in a public relations position and then worked for four years (2006-2010) at ALEC as Public Affairs Director.[2]

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  1. American Legislative Exchange Council.Meet Our Staff. Organizational website. Accessed May 25, 2011.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Jorge Amselle. LinkedIn business profile. Accessed May 26, 2011.
  3. Libertas Global Partners. About Us. Organizational website. Accessed May 25, 2011.
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