Julian Matthews

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Biographical Information

"Julian (Zimbabwe bred, UK citizen, 45) is a leading expert in conservation tourism and sustainable tour operations. As the founder MD of an award winning company, Discovery Initiatives, in 1996, he pioneered nature tourism that took a proactive approach to supporting conservation focused enterprises, wildlife research and community support in host countries. Now a non-executive, the company still operates as Steppes Discovery in 35 countries, from Congo to Antarctica, Ecuador to Indonesia and works with many of the world’s best known wildlife agencies including WCS, WWF UK, Jane Goodall Institute, FFI, Scott Polar Research Institute and others. In 2004, he set up TOFT, Travel Operators for Tigers, a voluntary b2b campaign to advocate, endorse and support better wildlife tourism in India’s booming economy. To date it has 170 of the world’s best known wildlife travel companies, India best lodges and service providers. From 2008, alongside Great Plains Conservation, he has led a project to advocate and set up a wholly new model community conservancy in India. His expertise includes project management, nature tourism operations and enterprises and wildlife policy advice and support. " [1]

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  1. People, Conservation Capital, accessed December 14, 2011.