Kosovo B power station

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{{#badges:CoalSwarm|Navbar-Kosovocoal}}Kosovo B power station is a 680-megawatt (MW) coal-fired power station in Obiliq, Kosovo.


The map below shows the plant, located several miles northwest of Pristina in Kosovo.

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The plant is a lignite-fired power station consisting of two units of 340 MW each, commissioned in 1983-1984. The units share a 183 metre tall chimney with 6.8 metre diameter at the top.[1][2]

After conflict in Kosovo in the 1990s, the European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR) invited tenders for the rehabilitation of Kosovo power station unit B2. In June 2000, the contract was won by a consortium of RWE Power International.[3]

The production capacity of Kosovo A power station and Kosovo B power station has been hampered by chronic technical problem, including a lightning strike in July 2002. Kosovo has been importing electricity in order to make up some for its deficit. Despite the imports for much of the 1999-2002 electricity was not guarantied 24 hours a day.[4]

Articles and Resources


  1. "9.1. Energy Situation" Kosovo Ministry of Planning, accessed May 2011
  2. "Coal-Fired Plants in Kosovo & Macedonia," Industcards, accessed April 2016
  3. "RWE’s expertise more than doubles the availability at Kosovo B power station" RWE Power Case Study, December 2008.
  4. "Kosovo Energy" UNMIK, October 28, 2012.

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Europe and coal

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Background information

Wikipedia also has an article on Kosovo B power station. This article may use content from the Wikipedia article under the terms of the GFDL.