Laura Bradford

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Laura Bradford

Laura Bradford is a Republican member of the Colorado House of Representatives from Colorado's District 55.

Environmental issues

In November, 2007, energy company Xcel Energy announced that it planned to shut down the coal-fired Cameo Powerplant in western Colorado by the end of 2010, citing the older plant's inefficiency and the opportunity to reduce carbon emissions.[1]Bradford fought to keep the plant open. [2] Bradford said she believes that oil and gas drilling companies are "doing a good job in the development of our resources" in western Colorado, despite information about the health and environmental harms caused by fracking in western Colorado, including a feature-length, Emmy-winning documentary called "Split Estate" that specifically described the negative environmental and health effects of drilling and hydraulic fracturing in western Colorado.[3][4]

Cultural issues

Women's rights

Bradford opposes a woman's right to seek an abortion, even when medically necessary for survival. Bradford supports the Personhood Amendment which seeks to alter the state's constitution to declare a fertilized human egg a human being, and assign fertilized human eggs all the rights and responsibilities of existing human beings. Bradford's website links to Personhood Colorado, the group that seeks to advance this measure nationally, [5][6]

Bradford's personal, promotional website also links to a group called Parents for Truth, which opposes offering sex education in schools and supports abstinence-only programs in schools.[7]

Human rights

Bradford opposes allowing gays to marry.[8] Bradford's self-promotional website, "Laura Bradford for Colorado," links to the website, which contains a section called "Islam Watch" and posts articles with titles like "Love compels Christian fight against homosexuality"[9] and "Islam is on the Rise, Compliments of Obama."[10][11]

Sourcewatch resources

  • Personhood Colorado
  • Bradford is endorsed by Josh Penry, who works for a Grand Junction, Colorado-based astroturfing firm, EIS Solutions
  • Bradford is endorsed by Janet Rowland who, during a March 17, 2006 broadcast of Rocky Mountain PBS' television show Colorado State of Mind, likened gay marriage to polygamy, incest, and marriage involving 11-year-olds.[12]

External resources


Laura Bradford
Work - 970-245-7870
Home - 970-487-0154


  1. Tim Ciesco Xcel Officials Want to Shut Down Cameo Power Plant, NBC 11 News, Nov. 16, 2007
  2. Laura Bradford Articles:Cameo Power Plant, Legislator's self-promotional website, accessed July 17, 2011
  3. Laura Bradford The Issues: Economic Growth, Bradford for, legislator's self-promotional website, accessed July 17, 2011
  4. Red Rock Pictures Split Estate: The Film, movie promotional website, accessed July 17, 2011
  5. Personhood Colorado Questions About Personhood?, organizational Web site, accessed July 27, 2010
  6. Laura Bradford The Issues: Pro-Life, Pro Marriage, legislator's self-promotional website, accessed July 17, 2011
  7. Laura Bradford The Issues: Pro-Life, Pro Marriage, legislator's self-promotional website, accessed July 17, 2011
  8. Laura Bradford The Issues: Pro-Life, Pro Marriage, legislator's self-promotional website, accessed July 17, 2011
  9. Charlie Butts Love compels Christian fight against homosexuality,, December 23, 2010
  10. Chad Groening Islam is on the rise, Compliments of Obama,, July 9, 2010
  11. Laura Bradford Links, self-promotional website, accessed July 17, 2011
  12. Laura Bradford Endorsements, Self-promotional website, accessed July 17, 2011