Laura Hattendorf

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Biographical Details

"Laura joined the Mulago Foundation in 2007 as part of a career that spans the social and business sectors. As the Portfolio Director, she is responsible for developing the Mulago investment framework and building a portfolio of exemplary social investments. This means evaluating new opportunities, making funding recommendations to the Mulago board and engaging with the portfolio on an ongoing basis. She also acts as an adviser to the Rainer Arnhold Fellows and other social enterprises around the world, with an emphasis on strategy and organization building.

"Laura loves entrepreneurial environments and has worked in three early stage companies – all of which thrived and became viable businesses. In the social sector, Laura co-founded Sustainable Conservation, a non-profit organization that advances the stewardship of natural resources using innovative, pragmatic strategies that actively engage businesses and private landowners in conservation. Laura was its Executive Director from 1993 to 2000 and continues to serve on the Board of Directors. In addition to founding Sustainable Conservation, Laura was a senior executive with the McArthur/Glen Group, a commercial real estate developer, and an analyst at Strategic Planning Associates, now part of Oliver Wyman Consulting. Outside of these roles, she also spent time working at Yosemite National Park, where she was able to indulge her love for the backcountry while trying to make things work better in the valley." [1]

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  1. Laura Hattendorf, Mulago Foundation, accessed January 28, 2011.