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{{#badges: ToxicSludge}} Lindane is a chlorinated hydrocarbon used as an insecticide and a pharmaceutical. As a pharmaceutical, it is used in shampoos and lotions to control lice and scabies. Today, it is banned in 52 countries. The U.S. bans it as an insecticide but allows it as a pharmaceutical. California banned it as a pharmaceutical in 2001.

According to Pesticide Action Network: "In 2009, governments around the world added the persistent pesticide lindane to the list of chemicals targeted for global ban under the Stockholm Convention (POPs treaty). All agricultural uses of lindane will be phased out under the treaty, and any production of the neurotoxic pesticide is banned. Pharmaceutical uses for control of lice and scabies will (using existing stocks) are scheduled for full phase out by 2014."[1]

Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals is the major distributor of lindane shampoos and lotions in the U.S. According to Pesticide Action Network: "The company has actively lobbied against restrictive legislation in Michigan and New York, and filed lawsuits against the Michigan Ecology Center and the National Pediculosis Association for distributing information about lindane's health effects. In late 2007, FDA issued a stern letter to Morton Grove, warning the company to stop its misleading advertising."[2]

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Pesticide Action Network Pesticide Database: Lindane

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