Maharashtra State Power Generation Company

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{{#Badges:CoalSwarm|navbar-Indiacoal}}Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited (MSPGCL) Ltd is a Maharashtra government owned power generation company. On its website MSPGCL states that it has an installed capacity of 9996 megsawatts of which two-thirds of from coal-based power stations.[1]

Existing coal-fired power stations

The Maharashtra State Power Generation Company currently has seven coal-fired power stations. These are:[1]

Projects under construction

MSPGCL lists projects currently under construction, though some may have been commissioned subsequent to their August 2011 listing, as being:[2]

  • the addition of a 500MW unit - Khaperkheda TPS Unit 5 - to the Khaparkheda Thermal Power Station. According to the India Central Electricity Authority, the unit was "commissioned successfully (Full load)" in August, 2011.[3]
  • the addition of 1000MW at the Bhusawal Thermal Power Station by adding Unit 4 & 5 which are each 500MW units. MSPGCL stated that full commissioning of Unit 4 is expected by December 2011 followed by Unit 5 by June 2012.
  • the addition of 2 500MW units at the Chandrapur Thermal Power Station. MSPGCL states that Chandrapur TPS Unit 8 & 9 are expected to be commissioned by September 2013 and January 2014 respectively.
  • the addition of a 350MW unit at the Parli Thermal Power Station. MSPGCL states that the unit is expected to be commissioned by May 2013.
  • the addition of 1960MW at the Koradi Thermal Power Station. The expansion would comprise three 600MW units referred to as Units 8, 9 and 10. Unit 8 is projected to be commissioned by December 2013 followed by Unit 9 by June 2014 and Unit 10 by Dec. 2014.

Projects yet to be approved

MSPGCL list future power generation plans as comprising:[4]

  • an additional 660MW coal-fired unit for the Bhusawal Thermal Power Station. MSPGCL state that the land for the project has been acquired, water is available and coal potentially available from Machhakata coal blocks. The project is yet to receive environmental approval which MSPGCL state could be obtained by May 2012. The company states that the plant could be commissioned by October 2016;
  • a 660MW supercritical unit for the Nasik Thermal Power Station. The company states that land is available, that it has applied for water and that it has been informed that coal would be available from Mahanadi coal blocks. The company states that the Environment Impact Assessment study is currently being undertaken.
  • a 660MW unit at the Paras Thermal Power Project. The company states that land acquisition is currently underway, a water allocation being negotiated and coal assured from the Mahanadi coal blocks.
  • a 1320 MW Latur Thermal Power Project comprising two 660MW units or a 1500MW gas-fired project. The company states that it has signed a joint venture agreement with BHEL to establish a joint venture company, the Latur Power Company Ltd. The company states that it aims to have the first unit commissioned by April 15 for the gas option of April 2016 for the coal option. The company states that coal or gas supply has not yet been guaranteed and the EIS process not commenced.
  • a 1960MW Dhopave Thermal Power Project comprising three 660MW units. The company states that land acquisition is currently underway, water available and coal to be supplied from the Machakkata coal block. The Terms of reference for the EIS have been issued but the studies not yet completed.
  • a 3300MW Dondaicha Thermal Power Project comprising five 660 MW units). The company states that land acquisition is progressing, in-principle agreement on water allocation and coal will be made available from the Chendipada Coal block in Orissa. "The U.C.M (Uttarpradesh-Chattisghad-Maharashtra) Joint venture company who have been allotted the coal block have appointed M.D.O to develop the said mine. The coal for Unit 3, 4 &5 (Stage-II) is proposed to be made available from Machhakata coal block in Orissa. However, if Dhopawe 3x660 MW project is approved by GoM, the coal available from this coal block will be diverted to Dhopawe project and the coalrequired for Dondaicha Stage-II project will be made available from Mahanadi coal block in Orissa. In case of delay in availability of coal from Mahanadi coal block, coal will be made available from tapered linkage," the company states. The Environmental Impact Study is currently being prepared.
  • a 1320MW power station near Manora in Gondia

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  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Maharashtra State Power Generation Company, "Installed Capacity", Maharashtra State Power Generation Company website, accessed November 2011.
  2. Maharashtra State Power Generation Company, "Information on Mahagenco's Power Projects: Ongoing Thermal Power Projects – 4730 MW", Maharashtra State Power Generation Company website, August 26, 2011.
  3. [ "India Central Electricity Authority Monthly Report,"] India Central Electricity Authority, August 2011.
  4. Maharashtra State Power Generation Company, "Future Projects", August 26, 2011.