Majora Carter

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Biographical Information

"Majora Carter is an internationally renowned urban revitalization strategy consultant, real estate developer, and Peabody Award winning broadcaster. She is responsible for the creation & successful implementation of numerous green-infrastructure projects, policies, and job training & placement systems...Her long list of awards and honorary degrees include accolades from groups as diverse as Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, John Podesta’s Center for American Progress, Goldman Sachs, as well as a MacArthur “genius” Fellowship. Her 2006 TED talk was one of the first 6 videos to launch their groundbreaking website...

"Majora is Co-Founder & CEO of StartUpBox.SouthBronx ( This enterprise-generating project is seeding the ground for community participation in accessible and lucrative economic growth trends for the 21st century. In 2012, Majora was one of’s ‘Silicon Alley 100’, a strong supporter and participant of / #Focus100, and one of Goldman-Sachs ‘100 Most Intriguing Entrepreneurs’. She will be speaking at NYC’s very own’s #HelloEtsy conference, May 23, 2013.

"In 2007, while at the helm of Sustainable South Bronx, Majora Carter brought MIT’s first ever Mobile Fab-Lab (digital fabrication laboratory) to the South Bronx where it served as an early iteration of the “Maker-Space” found elsewhere today. It drew residents and visitors together in the South Bronx for creative collaborations. In July 2013, Majora will be a featured speaker at M.I.T. for as she continues to drive the financial currents seeking out diversity & innovation, into the communities left out of previous economic booms."[1]

In December 2008 she became a board member of CERES and seems to have remained in that position until 2012. The same announcement noted how: "Carter co-founded Green for All with Van Jones in 2007 to advocate for a national green-collar job agenda. She is a recipient of the MacArthur Genius Grant, one of Essence Magazine’s 25 most influential African-Americans for 2007, and a board member of the Wilderness Society." [2]


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  1. Majora Carter Group Bio, organizational web page, accessed July 10, 2013.
  2. CERES Ceres Announces Two New Board Members, organizational web page, accessed July 10, 2013.