Mark Dyer

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Biographical Information

"On leaving school in 1984 Mark worked for the Save the Children Fund as an Administrator for eight months in Ethiopia and Sudan during the famine. He went on to Sandhurst in 1986, and then joined the Welsh Guards, with whom he served in Germany, Belize, Australia, Northern Ireland and the UK. He also served as Equerry to HRH The Prince of Wales. Mark left the Army in 1997 and worked for Allied Domecq until 2000 as an Area Manager and Brand Manager in the pub retail sector. In 2000 he founded The Bar Management Company which opened and continues to operate the So bars in West London. From 1997 to 2005 Mark worked as a part time private secretary for The Prince of Wales, with responsibility for Prince William and Prince Harry. "[1]

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  1. Sentebale Team, organizational web page, accessed March 25, 2012.