Mark Grundy

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{{#badges: Climate change}}Mark Grundy is a senior account supervisor in Edelman's Corporate Social Responsibility group in New York. Previously, he was a Communications Officer at the European Commission’s Environment Agency in Copenhagen.[1]

In an October 2008 article in Environmental Leader, Grundy was trolling for business ahead of the December 2009 COP15 meeting where governments will try to negotiate a binding new agreement aimed at avoiding dangerous climate change. Grundy described the COP15 meeting as "the biggest global opportunity for carbon messaging of the next four years…and more." After waxing lyrical about the "$100 billion commodity carbon market", Grundy concludes that if corporate executives still aren't persuaded that they should attend, they should ponder one point: "Where do you think every respected, environmental reporter on the planet will be between 30 November and 11 December next year?."[1]


"COP15 is a major opportunity for all my U.S. clients to go well beyond their European counterparts in the 'green image wars.' Undeserved or not, many European corporations are still reaping the benefits of a green heritage that, in a lot of cases, has more to do with European Commission regulation than progressive corporate CSR policies."[1]


  • Phone: (212) 819-4882
  • Email: mark.grundy AT

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mark Grundy, "COP 15 Offers Communications Opportunities", Environmental Leader, October 8, 2008.
  2. Executive Team, Carbon War Room, accessed March 16, 2011.

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