Matthew Hodes

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Biographical Information

"Matthew Hodes is the Director of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. He has spent most of the past twenty years in a variety of assignments related to the design and implementation of peacemaking, peacekeeping and post-conflict nation building operations around the world as an international civil servant, not-for-profit leader and private consultant.

"As Director of Programs at the Club de Madrid in 2010, Hodes directed activities for a NGO composed of former national leaders, with a focus on transformational leadership in transitional societies and equitable development policies. From 2001 to 2007, he served with the Conflict Resolution Program at The Carter Center, directing the Program from 2003-2007. He advised former President Carter on matters relating to armed conflicts and political disputes while leading Carter Center mediation or negotiation assistance activities in various countries around the world.

"His UN service included experience at headquarters as well as the field in locations such as Somalia and the former Yugoslavia. During the Balkan wars of the 1990s he participated in cease-fire negotiations, fact-finding missions, and provided policy and legal advice. In 1995 he opened the first office in Sarajevo for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). Hodes served during 1999-2001 with the Office of the High Representative in Bosnia with a specific focus on coordinating the rebuilding of the Bosnian judicial system."[1]  


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  1. unaoc Matthew Hodes, organizational web page, accessed April 29, 2013.