Mick Buffier

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{{#badges: CoalSwarm|Navbar-Australiacoal}}Mick Buffier is Group Executive - Corporate Affairs, Government and Industry Relations and Sustainable Development, Xstrata Coal. He is also the Chairperson of the NSW Minerals Council, the peak lobby group for the mining industry in New South Wales Australia.[1]

Buffier is also listed as a broad member of the FutureGen Industrial Alliance.[2]


A biographical note states that Buffier joined Xstrata Coal in February 2001. It states that:

"Appointed Group Executive, Xstrata Coal in March 2009, Mr Buffier is responsible for Corporate Affairs, Government Relations and Sustainable Development across Xstrata’s global coal operations.

"Prior to this Mr Buffier was Chief Operating Officer of Xstrata’s coal mining operations in NSW, a position he held from 2002. Before joining Xstrata, Mr Buffier held various positions including Mining Engineer, Senior Mining Engineer, Production Manager, Mine Manager and General Manager.
"Mr Buffier is the Chairman of the NSW Minerals Council, a member of the Executive Committee and the Coal Committee. He is a Board member of Australian Coal Association Low Emission Technologies Pty Ltd (ACALET) and the National Low Emission Coal Council R&D Board (NLECC). Mr Buffier is also a Ministerial appointee to the NSW Clean Coal Council. He is an Alternate Director of the World Coal Institute and an Associate of the Coal Industry Advisory Board."[2]

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  1. "NSWMC Board and Executive Committee", NSW Minerals Council website, accessed August 2012.
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Organization and Structure", FutureGen Alliance website, accessed august 2012.

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