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{{#badges: ToxicSludge}} Ostara Nutrient Recovery Technologies is a Vancouver-based company that extracts nutrients such as phosphorus and ammonia from waste water and waste solids – also known as sewage sludge. It then converts the nutrients into a slow-release, crystalline fertilizer called Crystal Green. The company has a facility in the City of York that provides services to more than 75,000 residents in York and five surrounding cities.

According to Ostara, Crystal Green fertilizer is “the world’s first renewable and environmentally safe fertilizer.” The company and product have been endorsed by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., an environmental advocate and attorney. [1] He is on the Board of Directors of Ostara.[2]


As of December 5, 2011, Ostara's funders include Vantage Point Capital Partners and Frog Capital.[3]



As of December 5, 2011, management includes[4]:

Board of Directors

As of December 5, 2011, the Board includes[6]:


Ostara Nutrient Recovery Technologies Inc.
690 – 1199 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 2R1
Telephone: (604) 408-6697
Fax: (604) 408-4442
Web Contact Form: http://www.ostara.com/contact
URL: http://www.ostara.com/

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  1. Straight from the Sewer, Sustainable Cities Collective Accessed November 12, 2010.
  2. http://www.waterworld.com/index/display/article-display/0660969385/articles/waterworld/world-regions/europe/2011/12/Phosphorous-recycling-facility-looks-set-for-the-Netherlands.html Phosphorous recycling facility looks set for the Netherlands], Waterworld, wastewater industry publication, December 5, 2011
  3. Ostara, Investors, corporate website, accessed December 5, 2011
  4. Ostara, Management, corporate website, accessed December 5, 2011
  5. Ostara, Ostara CEO, Phillip Abrarry, corporate public relations video, accessed December 5, 2011
  6. Ostara, Board, corporate website, accessed December 5, 2011
  7. Ostara, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Ostara, corporate public relations video, accessed December 5, 2011

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