Paul G Dietrich (Doc Index)

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This stub is a work-in-progress by the journalists's group. We are indexing the millions of documents stored at the San Francisco Uni's Legacy Tobacco Archive [1] With some entries you'll need to go to this site and type into the Search panel a (multi-digit) Bates number. You can search on names for other documents also.     Send any corrections or additions to

{{#badges: tobaccowiki}}

This is an index of the main documents exposing the lobbying activities of Paul George Dietrich mainly for the tobacco industry over many years. He was from the right of Republican political executive group, and he used his political connections to lobby for a number of industries -- not just the many cigarette companies.

His speciality, however, was to conduct sustained attacks on the 'World Health Organisation (WHO) and subvert its subsidiary the Pan-American Health Organisation (PAHO). He also ran a fictitious Institute for International Health and Development which the Catholic University of America was persuaded to provide with some semblance of credibility (which needs to be explained) and he operated also through the Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta (which also deserves an explanation). He is most famous (with even less justification) as the celebrated Publisher and Editor of the famous Saturday Review magazine, which had considerable influence in both the USA and elsewhere as the premier art-oriented magazine on a par with Readers Digest and National Geographic. For all these reasons, he deserves special attention.

Organisation of Material

We have provided an excess of documents about his dealings with the tobacco industry, but even this extensive list is only a fraction of the total of 769 documents which are just in the San Francisco University tobacco archives -- and there are many more discoverable via Google. This is a case-study in how lobbyists work with industries like tobacco.

The entry has been split because the activities of this man in subverting the democratic process are extraordinary. The normal overview material can be found at the Paul G. Dietrich site, while this site concentrates on indexing the tobacco industry documents which provides indisputable evidence of how he worked with the tobacco industry under the cover of a public-health front.

There are two Paul Dietrichs prominent in the tobacco archives. This entry refers to the American Paul G Dietrich who was the legal associate of a famous 'Nobel Laureate' named David A Morse in the lawfirm "Surrey & Morse" (later renamed "Jones Day Reavis Pogue"). Morse had previously run the International Labor Organisation (ILO) in Geneva, and Geoff Bible who became the notorious head of Philip Morris International had also worked with Morse at the ILO before joining PM.

This creates confusion because the Swiss Paul Dietrich was a Tobacco Chemist and salesman who worked for Firmenich , a Geneva-based Swiss firm which sold tobacco-flavour chemicals used around the world. The Geneva squash-club, owned and built on Firmenich company grounds, was the social stamping ground for American, English and Australian ex-pats in this part of Switzerland. Geoff Bible of the ILO and later Phillip Morris Europe), was the club's squash champion.

While David Morse headed the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Geneva, the British-Australian triumvirate of Hamish Maxwell, Bill Murray and Geoff Bible were running Philip Morris's Europe out of Lausanne (nearby)and establishing what became the dominant "International" division of the tobacco industry. So Morse became a close friend of the three Philip Morris executives. Another in this group was Warren W Furth, a bureaucrat rising through the ranks of the World Health Organisation, also headquartered in Geneva. He figures in this timeline also.

Many years later, the Maxwell, Murray and Bible took over and controlled Philip Morris International in New York, and they directed the global tobacco industry's lobbying efforts. And under their watch, both David Morse and the American Paul G Dietrich were employed as major secret lobbyists. Adding to the document-research confusion, Philip Morris was also purchasing flavours from Firmenich's American base now run by the Swiss Paul Dietrich who spent a large part of each year at his sales office in Princeton, New Jersey -- so in the years 1980-85 the index turns up both names in a confusing mix. The Swiss chemist was at least 20 years older than his American namesake, but this leaves open the question, whether the two Dietrich's were related in some way. However the name Paul Dietrich, in Southern Germany and Switzerland is as common as John Smith in the UK, so we shouldn't assume any direct connection.

The most interesting aspect about the American Paul George Dietrich and his wife Laura Jordan Dietrich is in the way they lived lives which blended commercial lobbying and hawkish hints of international espionage (almost certainly some CIA involvement). Their surreptitious work for the tobacco industry appear to be intermingled with claims of being practising Christian workers, proselytisers of high moral standards, and dedicated human-rights activists.

Google will turn up many claims of CIA involvement that need to be taken with a pinch of salt.

Quick Overview Timeline

NOTE: Some of this material comes from personal biographies, timelines and puff pieces put out by organisations and companies which employed or supported Paul Dietrich's activities, and some of the known involvement of his wife Laura Jordan Dietrich. There is clearly some overlap and ambiguous material here - either deliberately or as a result of mis-reading claims. These dates dubiously sourced from their own puff-pieces (etc.) are identified by "brown" for Paul and "green" for Laura to distinguish them from dated documents from the tobacco archives and other sources.

1949 Paul George Dietrich is born to Paul (?) and Audrey Dietrich

1952 Laura Jordan (later his wife) born. Her extended family is in the UK.

1967-72 At the Webster University Law School in St Louis

1970 He made a student movie at Webster Watch movie

1970-71 Claims to have been a producer at KETC-TV, St. Louis, {Dubious claim: he was a student aged 21 with no experience}

1971-74 Producer, CBS-TV, St. Louis,

1973 Laura Jordan (later his wife) Student, Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri,

1976 Producer, chief executive officer, Dietrich International TV, St. Louis, New York City,

1976-88 President, National Center Legislative Research, (Incorporated in Missouri) but registered in Washington, DC.
This is a Republican think-tank run by Dietrich with some Missouri political players, and used by him later as a lobbying venue for the tobacco industry. In Missouri the NCLR is housed at 124 East High Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101 It is associated now with Mindy Franklin, Joseph Churba and the Center for International Security. Previously it was associated with Norman Podhoretz and other neoconservatives.

1976 Nov: Elected to Missouri Assembly for four year term: Representative 90th District. [Conservative Republican.]

1976 Nov - 1980 Nov PD was now a member of the State legislature Missouri General Assembly, St. Louis,

1977-81 Laura Jordan -- claims to have been the Director of the Republican lobby group, the National Center for Legislative Research, St. Louis, {Note this is in St Louis - later Washington}

1978: PD has established a power base in the Missouri Council for Economic Development.

1978 Dec 5 Paul George Dietrich and Laura Jordan married.

1979 While still in the Assembly he says he began a publication business with Legislative Policy a quarterly journal on supply-side economics; also a monthly policy journal International Policy, and the Journal of Economic Growth edited by Spencer Reibman (Professor of economics at Georgia State Uni, Atlanta) - {The funding source for these publications is unknown}

1979 Laura Jordan Dietrich says she is editor: (monographs) Legislative Policy, and State Anti-Trust Laws, (1979), Public Employee Collective Bargaining,

1980 Laura Jordan Dietrich says she was editor of Nuclear Energy: The Legislative Issues,

1980 PD says he was doing postgraduate study at the University Missouri Law School, {If true, this study must have coincided with both his legislative period and with the Reagan lobbying}

1980 (Early) PD says he is running for Congress (later abandoned). He ran the Fund for a Conservative Majority instead (with Jack Kemp and Ken Boehm) which was the major fund-raiser for Reagan's Presidency, and his personal corporate donations were transferred to the Ronald Reagan fund. This was intertwined with the National Legal and Policy Center (NCLP) and the Legal Services Corporation (LSC). Later in this year, the Conservative Majority Fund spent over $2 million on Reagan's behalf in the Federal primary and general elections. [Note: as quoted in Elizabeth Drew, Politics and Money: The New Road to Corruption.]

1980 Nov: Paul Dietrich begins lobbying for the tobacco industry {Dated from document archives}

1980-84 PD lists himself as president, Citizens for Reagan, Washington,

1981 Jan He leaves the Missouri General Assembly. He is now working also with the Koch-funded conservative think-tank American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)

1981 Laura Jordan Dietrich says she was involved in " The Proposed Washington D.C. Amendment, 1981" {whatever that is?}

1981-89 Laura Jordan Dietrich claims to have been on the board of directors, National Center for Legislative Research, Washington (NCLR) {A republican lobby group with Missouri legislators, run by Paul},

1981-82 Laura Jordan Dietrich was also the Congressional liaison, for the U.S. Department Labor, Washington,

1982: PD claims to be Editor of A Guide to American Foreign Policy. {Also claimed in 1984}

1982: PD claims to be associated with David A Morse in established the Institute for International Health & Development (IIHD) at the Catholic University of America (for Philip Morris). {It is doubtful that he was a founder. However he ran it from Dec 1988, shortly before Morse's death. This was a bogus organisation.}

1982-83 Laura Jordan Dietrich was deputy director external relations, Agency for International Development, Washington, [USAID; Associate John Bolton was general counsel at USAID 1981-1982]

1982-85 Laura Jordan Dietrich says she is a Director Foundation Management, Inc., Washington,

1983 Laura Jordan Dietrich is Special assistant to secretary, Department Interior, Washington,

1983 Paul Dietrich is working politically to bring the Tobacco Institute together with ALEC and NCLR, and to use his own Legislative Policy magazine as a propaganda vehicle for Big Tobacco and other corporate backers.

1984-87 Laura Jordan Dietrich is the deputy assistant secretary state [for Human Rights], U.S. Department State, Washington,

1984 PD says he was author and editor: American Foreign Policy and National Defense, also "Guide to U.S. Domestic Policy" (1984).

1984PD Joined the board of directors of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, {SMOM = Knights of Malta … they award American knighthoods}

1984 Nov-1987 PD is now Editor-in-chief of the Saturday Review magazine, which is secretly owned by Philip Morris.

1984-88 Publisher and editor-in-chief, Saturday Review magazine, Washington, New York City, {Dates have been extended both ways}

1984-85 Laura Jordan Dietrich says she was contributor editor Saturday Review 1984-85.

1984-86 PD lists this in his C/V: John Davis Lodge Center International Study, {Lodge was, like Reagan, an actor turned politician. There appears to be no centre with his name. However the NCLR claims this Center as its own foreign policy institute}

1986 Laura Jordan Dietrich says she was the author of U.S. Asylum Policy, (1986)

1986-88 PD says he is on the board of directors Global Media Ltd., Los Angeles, {??May have been a genuine company in this period. No record today}

1986-89 PD is listing himself as publisher and president, Eton Court Pubs., Washington, New York City,

1986-93 PD becomes a trustee of the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC

1987 PD has now transferred from the Saturday Review to being a behind-the-scenes publisher of The Philip Morris Magazine with support from the old Saturday Review staff.

1988 Dec David Morse retires from lobbying. Heart problems. The Institute for International Health & Development (IIHD) is now transferred fully to the control of Paul and Laura Dietrich.

1989 Virginia Law School, (He says he graduated with Juris Doctorate)

1990 PD Appointed to PAHO at about the time he was identified as a tobacco lobbyist by WHO.

1990— {member/advisor?} Harvard University Public Health - Harvard AIDS Institute,

1990 Dec Dietrich's mentor and partner David A Morse died in New York.

1991— {member/advisor?} Congressional Human Rights Foundation {by invitation only. A private lobby of legislators & umbrella of the CHR Academy}

1991-92 Attorney, Jones Day Reavis & Pogue, Washington,

1992— {member} Gorbachev Foundation, also International Foreign Policy Association

1992-96 PD says he is an Attorney of counsel, Squire Sanders & Dempsey, Washington,

1995-Present PD is President, Meridian Emerging Markets, Ltd., Alexandria, Virginia,

2004 JanPaul Dietrich is making semi-religious, right-wing documentaries for the John Templeton Foundation to be aired on PBS network.

2009-10 He is making a three hour Templeton-funded documentary series for airing on PBS; "Forgiveness: A Time to Love and a Time to Hate" [2]

2009 He is running investment vehicles Foxhall Capital Management + Dominion Funds Inc + Foxall Global Trends in Alexandria Virginia

2012 PD is running Fairfax Global Markets LLC + DNZ Property Group Ltd. + Washington Wealth Management, LLC

Tobacco Documents & Timeline

Note: Tobacco archive searches for the name 'Paul Dietrich' for dates before 1981 will only turn up the Swiss tobacco flavour salesman, Paul Dietrich of Firmenech.

1976 Nov - Nov 1980 Paul Dietrich was a member of the State legislature Missouri General Assembly, St. Louis,

1977 /E A meeting of the top executives of the global tobacco industry was attended by representatives of British American Tobacco, Philip Morris, R .J. Reynolds, Reemstma, Rothmans International, and Imperial Tobacco. This was organised by Philip Morris under the code name Operation Berkshire. They determining to unify their defences against anti-smoking legislation world-wide. They also agreed not to make any concessions about smoking and the health, or about the addictive nature of nicotine. All anti-smoking legislation was to be defended politically and legally at every stage by any means. They would attempt to create pseudo-controversies to help smokers rationalise their addiction; they would always maintain that the research linking smoke with lung-cancer and heart conditions was not conclusive, and they would hire medical authorities to maintain this lie.

They also recognised the need to coordinated their defence against the annoyances of passive smoking (ETS - Environmental Tobacco Smoke) and the parallel disputes about Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). They did this by paying for sham air-testing by some specialist companies, and also by promoting the social acceptability of smoking (politeness to smokers). To run these global coordinating activities they employed a Philip Morris lawyer Mary W Covington, and she created the International Committee on Smoking Issues (ICOSI). (A few years later, in 1981, ICOSI was renamed the International Tobacco Information Centre]]).

1980 Mar 5 A letter from the National Republican Congressional Committee (Chr, Guy Vander Jagt) to the PAC Representatives list the hopeful who are standing for various state assembly seats when someone was retiring. Paul Dietrich is listed as one of a half-dozen wanting to fill the place of the 8th District, Missouri -- he was already in the Assembly and was bidding for a second term. [3]

1981 Jan Dietrich left the Missouri State Assembly He appears to have immediately (or prior to leaving) joined the newly formed National Center for Legislative Research (NCRL) as editor of its quarterly newsletter, Legislative Policy which is sent free to conservative politicians and journalists. In the following issue he had been elevated to 'President' then in the next issie he was 'President and Director'. [4]

1981 Jan 7 The international tobacco industry lobby (ICOSI) has published: Social Costs/Social Values: Progress Report .

[Note: "Social Cost", in economic terms, refers to the monetary cost to the community (externalities, like cleaning offices and public places, and the need for air-conditioning flows) over and above the actual monetary cost to individuals. "Social Values" implies that the whole community benefits when people are allowed to smoke without harassment. They are assumed to be more calm and thoughtful when their addiction is satisfied. The assumption is that they experience enhanced contentment from their addiction.]

This is important in the timeline of Paul Dietrich because his long-term projects for the tobacco industry were mainly directed at discrediting the World Health Organisation's (WHO) anti-smoking activites. His partner in these ptojects was ex-ILO president David A Morse.

The ICOSI group are now focussing on a new program to attack both the 'Social Costs' argument, and also the World Health Organisation (WHO). Their report says:

"We have observed the WHO program to control smoking gaining strength rapidly. Not only has its budget increased sharpiy, but also its ability to influence other transnational agencies has developed apace. A brief study of the WHO program found that it is funded almost entirely by specially donated funds dedicated to anti-smoking objectives.
Thus, the program is not in contention with other WHO programs for internal funds.

[Note: this didn't stop the main attack of Dietrich and Morse to be on the WHO diverting essential disease-fighting funds to this trivial matter of smoking. Professor Robert D Tollison, Paul G Dietrich and David Morse are now using the Institute for International Health & Developments (IIHD) as if it were a global organisation of medical experts (And the media didn't question them!). They concentrated on WHO's priorities and attacked the so-called 'wastage' of its limited budget on smoking prevention programs, rather than being totally focussed on AIDS, malaria, etc.
The tobacco industry also sought corporate allies in other industries by promoting WHO's anti-smoking measures as the tip-of-the-iceberg (slippery-slope) of both national governments and the United Nations, which would then move on to attacking other poisonous and polluting activities.

The more effective the program is, the more rapidly it will grow. And WHO has made clear that it plans to involve not only the FAO (Food & Agricultural Organisation), but the ILO (International Labor Organisation) {Note:which had been run by Morse) and the IMF (International Monetary Fund) as well.

ICOSI saw a main threat to the tobacco business as coming from the global influence of WHO and asked for decisions on:

  1. Through what organisation/s will ICOSI sponsor the Wharton Conference? (a set-up public confererence of its own scientists)
[Note:The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania was always available to provide secret services to the tobacco industry.]
  1. Approval to support Tollison and Wagner in publishing their text. (Note: Prof. Robert Tollison and Richard Wagner were paid to publish a range of articles and books)
  2. Strategy for countering the WHO program on the Social Cost of Smoking.
* (Decision headings): Surveillance, Communications, Preparation, and Action.

1981 Mar 21 Document in the archive reporting on: CBS Evening News Saturday

Headline: Conservatives and Reagan
Abstract: (Studio) Conservative Pol. Action Conf. recalled being addressed this weekend by Ronald Reagan's key foreign policy advisers.

REPORTER: Bob Schieffer

(DC) Conservatives' support for Reagan in past recalled; films shown.
[1974, REAGAN - calls for clear message to US.]
[Last night, REAGAN - discusses conservatives' victory.]
  • Conf.'s review of Reagan administration today examined.
  • American Conservative Union spokesperson M. Stanton EVANS,
  • "National Review" spokesperson William RUSHER,
  • Fund for a Conservative Majority spokesperson Paul DIETRICH, [Note:<<<]
  • NCPAC spokesperson Terry DOLAN,
  • pollster Arthur FINDELSTEIN
[They all] praise Reagan administration and predict conservative sweep in future elections.]

REPORTER: Bruce Morton

Begin Time: 06:36:50 pm -- End Time: 06:39:40 pm: TVN Record Number:276102
Copyright: Abstract and Metadata (c) 1981-2007 Vanderbilt University

1981 (Spring) Issue of the IEA report (Institute for Educational Affairs) has an article promoting Paul Dietrich speaking about limiting the influence of "big government" proponents in dealing with pressing issues, He was then the former member of the Missouri House of Representatives and Executive Director of the National Center for Legislative Research (NCLR) in Washington DC and the founder and editor of Legislative Policy -- the first issue of which included an article on tax limitation by Milton Friedman. [5]

1981 Nov /E A newsletter from the New York Area Public Affairs Professionals (previously the American Association of Political Consultants) has had The Honorable Paul Dietrich as one of its guest speakers, (no date) [6]

1981 Dec 13 The ALEC White House and Cabinet Briefing file contains a copy of their (dated) Jan 1982 newsletter The State Factor, the mast-head of which lists:

"Treasurer, Paul Dietrich, former member, Missouri House of Representatives."

It also mentions ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council, a right-wing corporatist front.) [7]

1982 Apr Dietrich's Legislative Policy has an article Public Smoking Laws: Who Needs Them? Who Wants Them? supposedly written by South Carolina Senator Thomas E Smith Jr. He attacks three studies which show non-smokers can get ill from second-had smoke:

  • the Hirayama Study on the high lung-cancer rates among the non-smoking wives of smoking husbands;
  • the Trichopulos Study from Greece, and
  • the White-Froeb Study in the USA..
    These studies laid the groundwork for the condemnation of passive smoking as a health hazard. They all established with a high degree of certainty that measurably higher cancer rates existed among friends, family and workmates of smokers who only inhaled second-hand smoke. The editor was Paul Dietrich. [8]

{Clearly Paul Dietrich has begun working for the tobacco industry at this time. Others credited in the publication staff are Mindy Franklin and Samuel G Landfather -- a Missouri political colleague of Dietrich.}

There is also a major story 'Raising Revenue Without Raising Taxes which is credited to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds, the Tobacco Institute, Brown & Williamson and British-American Tobacco all have multiple copies of this newsletter in their files. [9]

1982 June The midyear "Annual" of the American Legislative Exchange Council' (promoting Newt Gingrich as the "leading intellectual spokesman for the conservative philosophy") has a byline for Paul Dietrich. He is listed in Washington as Treasurer of ALEC. [10]

1982 July /E The Tobacco Institute has contacted the National Center for Legislative Research (NCLR) and asked for an outline of their staff and budget requirements. They claim to have 10 staff members; 6 professionals and 4 support … and a proposed budget for 1983 of $950,000. They say they are a "Washington based "Think Tank" with a mailing list of 32,000 and they list numerous conferences with Republican apparatchiks and legislators like Newt Gingrich, Paul Wolfowitz, Norman Ture, Phil Gram, Donald Rumsfeld, Jack Kemp, etc.etc.etc. The Chief Executive Officer is:

Paul Dietrich, President. Mr Dietrich was formerly president of the Missouri Council for Economic Development. He also served four years for a state representative in the Missouri General Assembly. Mr Dietrich has written extensively on economic an industrial development issues unemployment compensation, and labor-management relations. [11]

Funding for the NCLR comes from Sunnen and Olin Foundations, McDonnell Aerospace, American Petroleum Institute, Edison Electric Institute, The Dow Foundation, the Loctite Coporation, WR Grace, Archer Daniels Midland, Hughes Aircraft -- so they have the financial support of both the major hawkish military corporations, as well as the major environmental polluters and climate deniers.[12] Another document about the same time lists Samuel G Landfather (Sunnen Foundation), Roger Henges (Henges Manufacturing) and Thomas Field (William Jewel College) as directors. It says that its predecessor foundation was the Missouri Council for Economic development, which has received grants from all the major defense, energy, coal, mining, chemical and industrial companies and right-wing foundations. There's a tick alongside the Edison Electric Institute, which is about as aggressive as the Tobacco Institute.

The NCLR has its own subsidiary, the Congressional Policy Institute. It also uses the services of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to distribute all its publications.

The document also included the Spring 1981 Institute for Educational Affairs (IEA) report promoting Paul Dietrich. [13]

1982 Oct 6 Anne Duffin at the Tobacco Institute advises senior executive Kloepfer that the article by Senator Tom Smith Jr will be published in mid November (it was dues "in the fall 1982" issue of Legislative Policy). The delay is because the NCLR are producing two 400 page books on foreign and domestic policy.

The latter, incidentally, contains a piece on the tobacco price support program, based on articles Roger Mozingo (TI) obtained for Dietrich by Roy Davis and John Cyrus, Dietrich has promised copies as soon as they are available. We plan to reprint the Smith byliner and should be thinking about how we can disseminate it.

They are thinking about promoting the Senator's appearances (presumably on TV) She suggests that the current estimate of 5,000 to 10,000 reprints might not be adequate. [:]

1982 Nov 1 William Kloepfer (PR) at the Tobacco Institute puts our a memo on "Proposed Media Activity -- "Legislative Policy" article.

It discusses the (Senator) "Tom Smith article on public smoking scheduled to appear soon in Legislative Policy". He suggest that reprints of the article should be sent directly to…

… opinion journalists, editor page editors, broadcast editorialists and selected national columnists.
For greatest impact and credibility, the reprint could be sent with a cover letter from Paul Dietrich, president of the NCLP, publisher of the journal. Dietrich appears willing to do this if TI handles the production and mailing. A draft Dietrich cover letter, which he has not seen, is attached.

They intend to play up Tommy Smith's claim that the White-Froeb study results (a major finding against second-hand smoke) was manipulated before being published in the New England Journal of Medicine. They would send this claim to …

… approx. 100 science writer at the major newspapers, news magazines and wire services.
The release would be sent from Smith's office in South Carolina. He would also be listed as media contact. (Obviously, if called, Smith could only tell reporters that he obtained the information in the course of his research and suggest that all he knows about the subject is contained in the release and transcript. He would not identify TI as the source.

This memo has attached the TI drafts of the letter to be sent by Paul Dietrich, and also the longer letter purporting to be from Senator Thomas E Smith Jr, on the White-Froeb study.

[Note: This elaborate scam leaves no doubt that Senator Tommy Smith Jr. is in the pay of the tobacco industry, or that Paul Dietrich is knowingly taking their money to provide his and the NCLR misinformation services.] [14]

1982 Nov 23-30 The Tobacco Institute staff are in Winnipeg as part of a global tobacco industry Project Team, sponsored by INFOTAB (which also had other teams). Present are Dutch, German, US, UK French and Canadian executives: Don Hoel of Shook Hardy & Bacon is the main tobacco lawyer present. This conference was being run by the Canadian Council on Smoking & Health (CCSH). They are primarily aiming to influence the World Health Organisation which is taking an active role on anti-smoking propaganda around the world, so they were also preparing for a subsequent/previous WHO meeting in Stockholm.

The Canadian Health and Welfare Department had contributed $30,000 towards the conference, and spending another $240,000 on a "Time to Quit" program in Winnipeg. They planned to hold a no-smoking week in Canada during January 1983.

Ernst Bruckner, the Assistant to Dr Franz X Adlkofer at the Verband der Cigaretten Industrie, Hamburg (Verband - the German equivalent of the Tobacco Institute), suggests to the TI that they should work together at a Winnepeg conference to show that smoking should only be a low health priority in developing countries, when compared to the major problems of waterborne diseases and infant mortality.

This conference attempted to identify the main arguments being used against the industry in different nations; for instance Nigeria had claims that tobacco growing inhibited food production. The WHO had recently exerted pressure on Western Australia to ban advertising and sponsorship. They were detailing who would do what research and analysis of arguments to prepare for the Stockholm Conference; and they were setting in train research into the background of the main plenary speakers likely to line up against them. This is an early attempt at attacking the World Health Organisation (WHO) anti-smoking activities on the basis of 'refocussing' its priorities. [15]

1983 Mar Sending NCLR smoking copies to 500 "editorialists' Good PD signature [ENCLOSED REPRINT ON SMOKING RESTRICTIONS IN PUBLIC PLACES] (Type-in Bates Number) TI04111260/1261

1983 Philip Morris pays $3m to host the first US tour of "The Vatican Collections: The Papacy and Art" which was seen by 2 million people on a major city tour. PM executives lined up to meet and be photographed with "church dignitaries, museum officials, patrons of the arts, politicians and even the First Lady" (Almost certainly arranged via the Knights of Malta by Morse) [16]

1983 Mar Dietrich's National Center for Legislative Research (NCLR) is getting $30,000 in funding from the tobacco industry. Dietrich is listed both as Director and President. This organisation publishes the newsletter "Legislative Policy" which slams anti-smoking regulations.
He is listed at about this time also as chairman of the International Hospital Committee of the Order of Malta-Federal Association (Knights of Malta), in Washington. {Note: This date may be wrong] [17]

1983 Jul 11 Dietrich at the National Center for Legislative Research (NCLR) has written to the Tobacco Institute seeking funding for a new project. Roger O Mozingo from the TI has had lunch with him.

As a result of our conversation, Paul offered to publish on a regular basis articles dealing with key tobacco issues (if) we provide the copy.
The TI should prepare another article for the next issue of Legislative Policy. It might be willing to hit the smoking restrictions issue again (ie. smoking in the workplace?), the fire problem (ie. a summary of the Schaenman Report?), the referendum issue (ie. a story pointing out that all attempts to decide the smoking issue by the ballot have failed.)
Paul had a couple of other ideas offering tremendous potential which he will share with us in a proposal for TI support of the National Center for Legislative Research. [18]

1983 Jul 28 Paul Dietrich has written to Roger Mozingo at the Tobacco Institute in Washington making a formal request "for a grant of $30,000" This is the letter for the files. [19] {Note that Jack Kemp is Honorary Chairman, while Samuel G Landfather is only Chairman] [20]

1983 /E Paul Dietrich's front group, National Center for Legislative Research, has published in Legislative Policy an article by Philip S Schaenman and Barbara Lundquist: "Fire Prevention. American Can Learn Not To Burn". The write-off says the Schaenman serviced as Associate Administrator of the US Fire Administation, and his research was conducted under a grant from the Tobacco Insitute after he left government to found TriData Corporation (consulting) along with Barbara Lundquist who was formerly with the National Fire Data Center,

The message was clear: Cigarette butts don't start fires ... people do! The problem is just education and prevention.

Schaenman and Lundquist and their little TriData Corporation received a lot of funding from the tobacco industry to promote this message. [21]

1983 Aug 12 Roger L Mozingo (TI) has met with Paul Dietrich, and is reporting back on his National Center for Legislative Research NCLR (State Legislative Policy Institute division) proposal for an alternative to the (claimed 'left-wing' and 'anti-business') National Conference of State Legislators.

I believe the Institute can reap tremendous benefits from a close association with the NCLR. The obvious and most immediate benefit is to have a non-partisan organization communicate "balanced" tobacco issues before every state legislator in the country.[22] Also [23]

1983 Aug 27 Mozingo reports also that Dietrich has been approached by some Canadians to organise a ventilation-cost study (on new anti-smoking air quality standards). The Tobacco Institute will help him financially. He is also feeding them scuttlebutt about a National Institute of Health (NIH) research problems with a $1.2m smoking study which has shown adverse health effects. [24]

1983 Aug 29 Paul Dietrich and his NCLR has been sent a Tobacco Institute check for $30,000 to "assist you and the NCLR in your excellent work and are confident out relationship will prove mutually beneficial" [25]

1983 Aug 29-31 At the Tobacco Institute, Roger Monzingo is ccing Kloepfer and Cannell (both in TI PR) asking them to get with PR and come up with some 'damn' good stories. This is for the proposition which is being put to them by Paul Dietrich. [26]

1983 Sep 6 Bill Cannell at the Tobacco Institute sends Dietrich the Canadian ventilation standards. They are setting up a meeting. [27]

1983 Sep 28 William Kloepfer is reminded by Mozingo that they were going to meet Paul Dietrich. Peter Spaber (the TI's Issues Manager) is ccd. [28]

1983 Oct 21 Paul Dietrich was visiting the Tobacco Institute to discuss an article being written by Bill Kloepfer (on excise taxes) for his Legislative Report newsletter. Mozingo comments "Take a few minutes when time permits to read the attached; it will be of interest. Paul is doing some neat work." [29]

1983 Dec The NCRL's Legislative Policy was due to become a glossy quarterly journal distributed to 8,000 state legislators and others in America, it boasts of being "the only pro-business periodical distributed to all of the nation's state legislators."

The Tobacco Institute's Budget for 1984 now has an allocation (State Activities Division) of $30,000 for '"Paul Dietrich - National Center for Legislative Research under the Miscellaneous category.[30]

1984 Jan-Feb Issue of Legislative Policy has a long article "More Taxes on Tobacco? In River City, or Anywhere Else, Higher Excises Spell Trouble with a Capital T." This article is supposedly written by the Hon. Richard A Shoemaker. The magazine is now a bimonthly with Paul S Clark as its Executive Editor, Dupre Jones as editor and Paul G Dietrich as Publisher and Executive Editor. Samuel Landfather has become Chairman.

(On March 8) Roger Mozingo and Anne Duffin write to Dietrich (misspelling his name Dietrick) with congratulations and suggesting that he drop in at any time to talk to them at the Tobacco Institute. The Tobacco Institute has reprinted the article for wider distribution. [31]

1984 Mar 8 Sam Chilcote at the Tobacco Institute brags to his executive Committee about the success he's had with Paul Dietrich ''s National Center for Legislative Research in planting smoking and excise tax articles in Legislative Policy . [32]

1984 May 8 Dietrich's Legislative Policy has billed the tobacco Institute for a 'rush' delivery of the"Fire Prevention: Importing Ideas from Europe" article preprint -- $214.50. This is a the preprint of the May/June 1984 magazine with the article by Schaenman and Lundquist also listed as "Improving Fire Safety" (TriData Corp.) The authors are long-term tobacco industry consultant/lobbyists.

There's also another attacking the Superfund Clean up program by Barney Wander.[33]

1984 June 2 Article "SATURDAY REVIEW TO BE SOLD TO 10 KANSAS CITY INVESTORS" in the New York Times claims that the magazine was bought by Dietrich and the Simpson brothers who own the Hereford House steak house in Kansas City, which was frequented by the tobacco industry's shonky lawyers at Shook Hardy & Bacon. (both are in Walnut St, Kansas City) David L Simpson II ('a banker') is listed as the publisher while "Paul Dietrich," is said to be the "president of the National Center for Legislative Research, a research organisation in Washington." [34]

[Note: the confected entity which held the shares of the Saturday Review was known as the "Saturday Review Limited Partners" and later stories claimed that they were from Washington, not Kansas City.

1984 Jun 20:The New York Times published:

The political action committee of the Congressional Black Caucus has agreed to pay a $250 fine for several minor campaign law violations, according to Federal Election Commission documents released Monday. A conciliation agreement stated that the caucus committee had received five corporate donations ranging from $20 to $100 in violation of a law prohibiting corporations from contributing to Federal elections.

The caucus committee also acknowledged that it had failed for about a year to report a change in treasurers for the organization and had failed to say who paid for a direct mail solicitation in April 1983. Officers of the committee contend that the foregoing errors were not knowingly or wilfully made, the agreement said. The investigation of the caucus was set off by complaints to the election commission last year by two conservative groups, the Washington Legal Foundation and the Fund for a Conservative Majority. [35]

1984 Sep 5 Philip Morris document about political donations lists Unions -- 8 unions received over $ 1 million each per annum - 17 got over $0.5 million On top of this the AFL-CIO COPE (???) received -- $572,475

Under heading Ideological Groups Philip Morris listed grants:

  • National Conservative PAC -- $10.08 m
  • Helms' - National Congressional Club -- $4.2 m
  • Dietrich's - Fund for a Conservative Majority -- $3.58 million
  • Reagan's own - Citizens for the Republic -- $1.85 m
  • Kemp's - Campaign for Prosperity -- $1.35 m
  • Dole's - Campaign America -- $1 m
  • Baker's - Republican Majority Fund -- $3.18 m
  • Many more Conservative groups with less than $1 million


  • Funds for a Democratic Majority (Kennedy) -- $2.1 m
  • LaRouche's Natl Democratic Policy Committee -- $0.75 m
  • Harriman Democrats for the '80s -- $0.73 m
  • (the bulk of the Democratic donations were via the unions) [36]
[Note: Traditionally, Philip Morris funded about 1/3rd of the USA targeted political donations from the tobacco industry. (They seem to have split up their donation lists so that they weren't duplicating excessively.)]

1984 Sep 19: A Philip Morris Marketing Meeting: Outsiders are at this meeting as speakers, and are introduced to the Marketing staff.


1984 Nov 2 The Saturday Review is again featured in a major story by the New York Times, but now in the Business Section. They were already in hot water after plagiarising some material from The Yale Review. [38]

1984 Nov 9-10 Dietrich is listed in attendance at the Colloquium on Intelligence and Policy in Washington DC. [He is listed here as the Editor of the Saturday Review but he was publisher and managing-editor]

Other attendees include

  • William Colby, ex Director of CIA
  • Robert Gates Deputy Director for Intelligence, CIA
  • CIA supporters/staff Lawrence Sternfield, B Hugh Tova, William Wells, Theodore Shackley, Raymond Rocca, Cord Meyer, George Kalaris, Arthur S Hulnick, Samuel Halpern
  • Heritage Foundation's Charles Lichenstein, --Ambassador.
  • Hoover Institute's, Richard Starr --Ambassadpr
  • Smith Richardson Foundation, Devon Gaffney who was its Program officer
    • (Plus) National Security Council + Defence Intelligence Agency + President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board + FBI + House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

Also involved were

  • Dietrich's National Center for Legislative Research (with some Missouri political operators)
  • David A Morse from the law firm Surrey & Morse (Morse was ex ILO and involved with the US State Department). He also worked for tobacco industry. His lawfirm became part of Jones Day Reavis, & Pogue law firm and his role was taken over by Paul Dietrich.

1985 Feb 1 Bill Murray (CEO of PM International) is making a speech (written by someone else) on the various markets Philip Morris had around the world. He was analysing the various cigarette brands which are on sale in each. PM has explored the possibility of buying Imperial Tobacco in order to penetrate the British market. So far they have invested $185 million on only have 5% of the market in the UK -- and they are losing $10 million each year. He wants the group to discuss whether it is best to spend money trying to grow these markets, or whether to just sit back and milk them for profits.

BAT has recently withdrawn from the UK market (it focussed entirely on its overseas businesses) and he is considering buying BAT at a price of about $6 billion (with expected returns of $500m). He is also looking also a Gallaher. However they already have a part share in Rothmans, and so BAT would give them legislative problems. He also deals with Philip Morris's competition from Camel (RJR), and Barclay and Salem.

Murray actively promotes the need for Corporate Affairs, and he wants some "Backup for Andrew Whist". Under another heading:"DIETRICH APPROACH " he says

I believe this type of approach can be used internationally to our advantage. It will be done in conjunction with PM USA and we plan articles in the foreign press for this year." [40]

1985 March Dietrich is trying to keep the Saturday Review functioning despite the continual burning of capital, and continued decline in circulation. He floated the idea of enrolling 80 limited partners who each would pay $100,000. He had little success. [41]

1985 May Folio magazine article on the reopening of the Saturday Review magazine: [42]

1985 Aug 5 Dietrich and Gannon have decided to take the Saturday Review downmarket. LA Times story (also in full in The Blade: Toledo ) Magazine Leaps Into 'Low Culture': Saturday Review Changes Image in Effort to Boost Sales.

A magazine cover adorned with a honey-limbed blonde and the headline "Sex Sells" won't raise an eyebrow in the publishing world. Unless, perhaps, the magazine is a 60-year-old institution that became known for arts criticism and lofty espousal of such causes as nuclear disarmament.

This month's issue of Saturday Review is wrapped with just such a blonde, in what its editors acknowledge is an all-out drive for newsstand sales and advertisers--and what some insiders fear may reflect continuing problems for this erstwhile standard-bearer of liberal humanitarianism. "The sex is awfully mild stuff, but this strikes me as a pretty disingenuous way of trying to sell the book," said one writer who has contributed to the review. Said another: "I'm rooting for the magazine, but I won't buy this sex issue."

Bruce Van Wyngarden, first managing editor to work under the current ownership, describes the new look as "remarkable" in light of Saturday Review's past. "I just wonder if their newsstand presence is enough that this will make a difference."

In the past year, the review has gone through three managing editors and dismissed several key writers, including Stanley Kauffmann, formerly theater critic. Kauffmann, whose film reviews appear in The New Republic, said he was told last month that his reviews were too long to fit in with the magazine's new look. Some contributors have been paid five months late, and the review has postponed plans to move from a bimonthly to a monthly schedule.

Yet Dietrich says circulation and advertising revenues are slowly improving, and that the overall trend is up. Circulation has edged to 240,000 from last year's 210,000, he said, although noting that the first independent review of circulation, by the Audit Bureau of Circulations, has not been completed. We've seen a little bit of a tough time, but I'd call this a first ditch effort, not a last-ditch effort, Dietrich says. The magazine fired two managing editors because "they wanted it to be a little too much like the old days," he says. "I describe them as young fogeys, and I say that fondly." [43]

[Note.Dietrich forecasted that the magazine's losses would be between $1.5 and $1.6 million this year; he was offering limited partnerships worth $7 million.. They had fired managing editor, Valerie McGhee and Bruce VanWyngarden appears to have taken over from Dietrich shortly after. He went on to edit the free alternative magazine "Memphis Flyer".]

1985 Dec Later revealed that the Saturday Review lost $1.5 million in 1985, and was to lose another $875,000 in the first two-thirds of 1986. The circulation had dropped from 480,000 in 1982 to 200,000 in 1984, and down to 150,000 in 1985. [44]

1986 (c) (See 1988 May 18) Tobacco Institute Memo from Kloepfer to Samuel Chilcote (Tobacco Institute), This is about a planning meeting on May 8-9 1988 for the Center for Indoor Air Research (CIAR) (a grant-making body which only gave grants to friendly scientists). The memo talks about ".... the proposal made several years ago by Paul Dietrich for industry funding of a library of unpublished research." [45]]

1986 Mar At this time Paul Dietrich , was still the editor in chief of Saturday Review magazine [then secretly owned and controlled by Philip Morris with some financial help from RJ Reynolds and the Tobacco Institute] . He has drafted a long propaganda article accusing the anti-smoking forces of scientific bias.


Dietrich has sent this draft to Philip Morris for approval, correction, and legal clearance. It purports to be "the first in a series of studies by the National Center on Legislative Research" [Note: 'owned and operated by Dietrich and a number of Missouri Republicans.] In this monograph he attacks the Auerbach study (using beagle-dogs) and the MRFIT study and he celebrates a number of notoriously corrupt tobacco scientists Philip RJ Burch, Carl C Seltzer, Gio B Gori, and others.

[Note:This is an excellent example of the PR/lobbyist practitioner's art -- the ability to write a well-crafted explanatory article with a highly selected slant. Paul Dietrich was a master at this art, and spent much of his life attacking the World Health Organisation on behalf of the cigarette companies. He praises some scientists and favourably quotes some others, and virtually every scientist favorably quoted is a life-long member of the tobacco industry's stable of compliant scientists.
In a trusted magazine like the Saturday Review, this article would be extremely convincing to the general public. It demonstrates the corporate benefits of owning both the journalists and the media, as well as the scientists.] [46]

The original draft was sent to RJ Reynolds in the previous year: 1985 This draft copy of The Bias Factor - When Politics Manipulates Public Health Research has been sent on Saturday Review letterhead to RJ Reynolds. - Paul Dietrich and Randy Fitzgerald (ex-NCLC) are credited as Principle Researchers and authors. The headings are:

  • The Bias of Expectations in Science
  • 'Negative' studies that die of neglect
  • The MRFIT Study that didn't fit
  • Selective Editing as a Bias Factor: Surgeon General's Report
  • When Scientists Adhere to Facts, Not Policy
  • Holding the System Accountable

It claims to be the first in a series to

...present the American people with impartial, balanced scientific research and perspectives... The first examines how the federal bureaucracy through the NCI and Surgeon-General reports portray the scientific evidence on smoking and health.[47]

1986 Mar 4 - 7 The PM Corporate Affairs Conference discusses the role of LIBERTAD and various other Philip Morris International operations which are designed to foil WHO and the anti-smoking movement. Libertad only exist as a file on the desk of Andrew Whist. (This pretence may have been for the benefit of Murdoch's henchmen)
Five Australians attend as speakers:

  • Andrew Whist (Corporate Affairs PMI),
  • Bryan Simpson (Sec-General of the INFOTAB),
  • John Dollison (TI Australia)
  • Bill Murray (CEO of PM Iinternational/Corp)
  • Rupert Murdoch, Australian Chairman and CEO of News Corp
    • Murdoch also brought along a few of his 20th C Fox and News Limited henchmen.
      Murdoch was the lunchtime keynote speaker who also joined the Philip Morris board shortly after.

Also present were:

  • Paul Dietrich , "Publisher and Editor-in-chief" of the Saturday Review ... who was now being listed under the Libertad banner (although it didn't exist as a membership organisation).
  • Steve Rabin, VP Ogilvy & Mather, Washington ... also listed under the Libertad banner.
  • Quique Iampolsky, President of Radix Publicided, and President of the International Advertising Association in Argentina ... who is also listed under the Libertad banner [48]

1986 Apr 11 A report from the Tobacco Institute's PR head, Bill Klopfer to its President Sam Chilcote has a one-line reference to: Dietrich: Visit to KC scheduled 4/18

[Note - Translation: Paul Dietrich is being sent to see the tobacco industry's lawyers Shook Hardy & Bacon in Kansas City on April 18th to work out the details on the abandonment of the Saturday Review magazine project.] [49]

1986 Apr 15 The Masthead of Vol1 No4 Philip Morris Magazine (spring 1986) has an Introductory piece which lists Guy Smith (PM PR) as the Publisher. The masthead of the magazine mentions that Paul Dietrich is the Editor in Chief and that Frank Gannon is Editor. It also says that the Magazine is "Prepared by Saturday Review magazine. [50]

1986 May 5 Paul Dietrich has an article in the Wall Street Journal "WHO's Budget Crisis" which laments the money being spent on anti-smoking activities when they should concentrate on third-world diseases. He quotes "WHO's assistant director general, Warren Furth" as saying that, because of WHO's financial crisis millions of children will not be immunized and many will die."

He doesn't explain that Furth was an old associate of David A Morse, Dietrich's partner -- or that Furth had been in contact with his old associates, Geoff Bible and Bill Murray (from their time in Geneva) offering his services. Bible and Murray now ran Philip Morris.

The article credits Dietrich as the 'ex-publisher and editor of the Saturday Review, and says he is also the chairman of the International Hospital Committee of the Order of Malta - Federal Association in Washington.[51]

1986 Oct 3 A Los Angeles Times story Next Issue in Doubt: Money-Losing Saturday Review Put Up for Sale claims that the magazine was owned by a Washington investors group, and being sold through John Casey at Meridian Investments at an asking pice of $3.5m [Note: Meridan Investments also lists Paul Dietrich as one of its partners.] It said

Saturday Review Publisher Paul Dietrich, president of a conservative Washington think tank called the National Center for Legislative Research, declined to be interviewed.

Upon taking over in June, 1984, Dietrich and Editor Frank Gannon decided to recast the magazine in search of younger readers, switching from a weekly to a bimonthly schedule and in Casey's words taking "the USA Today format."

Most covers have featured a pretty model and cover lines featured stories such as Marilyn Monroe's "Secret Lives and Death," "The 52 Prettiest Faces in America" and "38 Over and Underrated People."

But Dietrich's group lacked the capital to finance their redirection, Casey said. Unable to pay for direct-mail campaigns to boost subscriptions, Saturday Review circulation has dropped to 150,000 from 220,000 in 1984 and 480,000 in 1982.

Casey said the magazine lost $1.5 million in 1985 and will lose another $875,000 this year.

In March, Dietrich set out to find 80 limited partners who each would pay $100,000. Finding little success, he decided last month to sell instead. One reason, Casey said, is that the expected losses at Saturday Review will no longer be tax deductible to limited partners under the tax reform law.

Casey said Dietrich hopes to retain the television rights to the Saturday Review name and is trying to put together a program now that would be "an upscale 'Entertainment Tonight.' " If the buyer insists, however, Casey said Dietrich and his group would sell the TV rights for an additional $1 million.


1987 Much material missing here. Needs some further tobacco archive research

1987 Aug 12 Walter Woodson, the PR at the Tobacco Institute, advises his Regional VPs and Directors that Philip Morris now publishes the Philip Morris Magazine (PMM) "Smoker newsletter" (Vol 2 No6) reaching half a million readers. It is a quarterly with Frank Ganon as Editor and Guy L Smith as Publisher. Other PM corporate staff have assorted credits. [Dietrich is not listed] [53]

1987 Dec The CONTENTS page of 'The Philip Morris Magazine Winter 1987 Volume 2, Number 3 The Philip Morris Magazine is distributed compliments of Philip Morris USA.

  • Frank Gannon. Editor
  • Owen Hartley, Art Director
  • Craig Stoltz, Managing Editor ( later AdWeekly columnist (Ads & health), editor of Washington Dossier - also involved in tort reform)
  • Elisabeth Squire, Production Manager (Dietrich's law firm was Squire Sanders & Dempster)
  • David Simpson, Publishing Consultant (actually the banker/owner of Hereford House restaurant in Kansas City)
  • Guy L Smith, Publisher (actually Philip Morris public relations head)
  • Mary A Taylor, Associate Publisher (Communications Director for PM USA)
  • David L Smith, Advertising Director (PM/Seven-up ad mgr/Tobacco Institute)
[NOTE: Paul Dietrich not longer being listed, but the magazine is supposedly "Prepared by Eton Court Publishers" in Washington.] [54] In the 1990-92 period the magazine was produced by Gannon/Hartley Ltd. [55]

1988 May 18 William Kloepfer to Samuel Chilcote at the Tobacco Institute, on the planning meeting for the new [[Center for Indoor Air Research[[ (CIAR), yet another front group of the Tobacco Institute which purported to fund 'independent' research into problems like passive smoking. The lawyers were drafting an announcement of the new organisation and trying ...

"... to establish a newsletter. Its communications will be to establish an identity, "advertise" for researchers to take certain projects; provide review articles and to report its research activities."
The early planning called for a variety of projects:
  • the IAPAG group at Georgetown university to run an Indoor Air Quality Symposium "for possible sponsorship of the Society of Toxicology." (They were a group of corrupt academics who made a fortune from the tobacco industry)
  • Paul Dietrich suggested a library of unpublished scientific papers.
  • Train staff in the use of the new PASS portable air testing system
  • Find a behavioral psychologist to attack the Surgeon General Koops questionaire about airline smoking.
  • Paul Dietrich had suggested a library of unpublished scientific papers which could be used to attack new studies.
  • The IAPAG group of Schwartz, Balter and Witorsch were to be asked to look at a number of studies.
  • The CIAR's next meeting was in London, to coordinate their activities on a global scale. [56]

1988 Jan 26 Peter Manso of Penthouse magazine phoned Brennan Dawson Moran, Director of Media Relations at the Tobacco Institute and left a message. She wrote down his full address.[57]

[Note: She had obviously talked on the phone with Manso and was sending him something. The Penthouse Magazine's publisher, Bob Giacarno bought the Saturday Review magazine from Philip Morris at about this time]

1988 May 5 Wall Street Journal article: WHO's Budget 'Crisis' by Paul Dietrich

The World Health Organization, which is holding its annual assembly in Geneva this week and next, is crying budget crunch. According to a WHO assistant director general, Warren Furth , because of the financial crisis, "millions of children will not be immunized and many will die." Though the U. S. is the main supporter of WHO, it is being charged with stifling the organization by not paying its dues.

Is the 40-year-old agency really constrained from its mission because of a US-induced budget shortfall? Or is WHO a victim of the vagaries of its own fiscal priorities and mismanagement? <snip>

How does WHO manage all this money that the US and others contribute? The largest increase in the 1988-89 budget was in support services, up a whopping 34% from the previous two-year period. Another big winner was the budget for the annual meetings in Geneva, up 38%. The total spent on these World Health Assemblies is now more than $2.7 million a year.

This is more than the proposed annual expenditure for health programs for the elderly and three times as much as is budgeted for blindness programs. In these times of "budget crisis," WHO proposes a net loss of only two staff positions at its headquarters; staff salary costs are up 23% and staff allowances, 26%. A former US government official, John Bryant, who also worked for WHO, describes WHO's philosophy as "grounded in equity, to each according to their needs." It is difficult to see how such a philosophy is consistent with a budget that emphasizes Geneva expenses and administration rather than primary health-care programs in developing countries.

Sadly, there are real losers in the budget. Disease prevention and control, WHO's ostensible purpose, has been reduced from 16% of the regular budget to 14% in 1988-89, a loss of $8 million.

Ministries of finance in the developing world have recognized this transition and have used the power of the purse to reduce public-health budgets. Doesn't it make sense, therefore, for the world's premier health institution to take a careful and critical look at its own priorities and finances? WHO has gone through a lot of controversy over the past decade, with dissension on infant formula, on drug policies that limit the number and kinds of pharmaceuticals available to developing countries, and on its slowness to develop AIDS policies. It can regain its once-deserved high respect by going back to basics -- providing health care to meet the real health needs in developing countries, not what they used to be -- and organizing its budget according to current needs.

[Mr. Dietrich, ex-publisher and editor of Saturday Review, is chairman of the International Hospital Committee of the Order of Malta--Federal Association, in Washington. The order is one of the world's largest charitable hospital associations.]

[Note: there is no "International Hospital Committee" with the Knights of Malta (SMOM), however there is a "Hospitaller Committee" which is quite a different thing (Hospitaller = Hosting or Housing).

[From the Internet] The International Hospitaller Committee of the Order of Malta coordinates the international activities of the Order’s national associations and organizations. Its mission is to promote the activities of the Order and the identity of its institutions which operate at the international level, in accordance with the Order’s mission. It is presided over by the Grand Hospitaller and has its headquarters in the Magistral Palace in Rome.

What the Wall Street article didn't say.
  • Warren W Furth, assistant director-general of the WHO and the claimed source of this material, was a friend of colleague of David A Morse (in his Geneva ILO days) and also a close friend of Philip Morris top executives Bill Murray and Geoff Bible
  • Furth had previously made contact with Philip Morris via (c. Oct 1977) Jim Bowling, assistant to the CEO. He let it be known that he was critical of the WHO's anti-smoking program. [59]
  • In 1982 the WHO created smoking reduction as a priority activity. [60]
  • In late 1984 Bill Murray list the WHO as a major problem for the industry, and signals special attention in trying to disrupt its priorities using the "Surrey & Morse/Jones Day Reavis Pogue" law firm run by David A Murray and Paul G Dietrich in Washington DC.
  • The law firm was to open a Geneva office and its CEO would be Warren W Furth. [61] [62]
  • Furth evidently did not accept the offer of employment despite his appointment being circulated in PM. [See Page 48] [63]
  • He remained 5 more years with the WHO and then became a consultant to the World Bank. He remained in Geneva and ran a couple of ex-pat political organisations for the Republican party.
  • In July 2000 Furth blamed the WHO and its priorities on such trivia as smoking for the AIDS epidemic. [64]

1988 Oct 17-20 Paul Dietrich former Publisher and Editor of Saturday Review. Chairman, International Hospital Committee of the Order of Malta/Federal Association. is the guest speaker at an INFOTAB workshop in Malaga. With the exception of Michael Riches, the MD of the UK Press Association, everyone else at this large workshop was a president or CEO of a national/global tobacco institute. [65]

1988 Nov 28 David Morse officially handed over the reigns of the sham Institute for International Health and Development to Paul and Laura Dietrich

1988 Nov 29 to Dec 3 Geoffrey Bible of Philip Morris (who had just taken over as CEO of PM International) ran his own internal planning conference at Boca Raton, Florida -- where the Boca Raton Action Plan was formulated. It guided the industry's actions against the World Health Organisation (WHO) and other UN Agencies for many years, and provided the initial planning for projects to subvert science and politics around the world.

Those at the Boca Raton conference were:

  • Disinformation staff of both the domestic USA and European Science & Technology groups [later grouped together as Worldwide Scientific Affairs, or WSA],
  • Members of the Worldwide Regulatory Affairs (WRA) staff, [in-house lawyers and political lobbyists]
  • Corporate Affairs people [based at the New York headquarters, but with members from all regions, (including Brussels and Neuchatel)].
  • a few trusted outside consultants who had services to offer.
    • Trevor King, INFOTAB in the UK [observer; but INFOTAB also participated}
    • Paul Dietrich , Institute for International Health & Development [IIHD] , Catholic University, Wash. DC
    • Clive Turner , Tobacco Advisory Council (TAC) in the UK [observer]
    • Don Hoel , Shook Hardy & Bacon, Kansas City [tobacco industry lawyer/lobbyist]
    • Stephen Aiello , Burson-Marsteller, New York
    • James Lindheim , Burson-Marsteller, London
    • David A Morse , Jones Day Reavis & Pogue [actually working under the banners of the IIHD, Libertad, etc]
    • Wayne V Reid , International Confederation of Sports , UK [PM's paid Australian lobbyist in the tennis world]]
    • John Rupp , Covington & Burling, Washington DC
    • Auberon Waugh , Columnist, UK [he was a Murdoch lackey, and lobbyist working through ARISE and Libertad]
    • Stephen Parrish , Shook Hardy & Bacon, lawyer [then working through Lausanne, Switzerland - later PM executive]

Apart from the lawyers, PR people, and observers: -- Paul Dietrich and David Morse were partners who worked with Andrew Whist of PMI Corporate Affairs in establishing and operating many front groups including AECA, NYSIA, Libertad, and IIHD. The Catholic University in Washington and the Knights of Malter were just fronts. -- Wayne Reid was Andrew Whist's long-term lobbyist to retain tobacco-sports sponsorship. He had been a clandestine recruit many years before as head of Australian Lawn Tennis.

-- Auberon Waugh (and his close friend Bernard Levin ) were paid by the tobacco industry to promote the anti-Nanny-State idea through the faux-Libertad organisation and the ARISE conferernces, with other media 'curmudgeon-contrarians'. This was partly a News Ltd. operation.

[NOTE: See also discussion about this conference in the WHO's July 2000 document "Tobacco Company Strategies to Undermine Tobacco Control Activities at the WHO. [66] (260 page document).]

1989 In a later document he claims: "Since 1989 Mr Dietrich has also been an investment advisor to a Bermuda-based offshore investment fund."

1989 Mar The first edition of International Health and Development magazine produced by Paul Dietrich's Institute for International Health & Development (IIHD) Vol 1 No 1 (Copy not found) The Letters page in No.2 talk about an article by Hernando de Soto, and by Jerry Main and Mario Vargas Llosa.

However the main articles in No. 1 and in No.2 were attacks on the World Health Organisations budget by Dr Susan Ueber Raymond, Who was managing director of Changing Our World Inc in NY city. She was also at one-time the director of policy programs at the New York Academy of Sciences, and she edited their conference papers and prepared some National Science Foundation reports.

1989 May 13 Dietrich had a number of successes with his anti-WHO propaganda:

  • He has planted an editorial on The Boston Globe on WHO priorities.
  • BJ Cutler of the Scripps Howard News Service has had his column syndicated in 78 US newspapers: Whistle blowing on WHO.
  • The Commercial Appeal in Memphis has run an editorial
  • The International Herald Tribune has published his article WHO: Time to Get Back to the Basics. [67]

1989 May 16 B-M memo on World Health Assembly (ie WHO Ministers) program, Paul is being sent the information about their conclusions. {document has disappeared}

1989 Jul (Summer) The Summer edition (Vol 1 No 2) of Dietrich's International Health & Development magazine. It was listed as produced by The Catholic University of America's Institute for International Health and Development. [68] At this time David A Morse was still listed as Chairman of the IIHD, Paul G Dietrich was President, Elizabeth Kristol (daughter of Irvin and sister of Billy) was both Publisher and Executive Director, Elisabeth M Squire was Production Manager, and Graciela D Testa was Editor and Editorial Director.

A Privatisation article was by Ronald D Utt. Both Ron Utt and Gracela Testa were from the National Chamber Foundation (NCF) and the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) and associated with the Center for Policy Research and the Center for Public Research (Amitai Etzioni) and with Carol Hrycaj and Susan Stuntz at the Tobacco Institute in 1991 [69] The NCF charged the Tobacco Institute $130,626 per year to run their own journal. [70] In 1989 Utt was also the John M. Olin Senior Fellow in Political Economy at the Heritage Foundation. Prior to this, he served as Reagan's Associate Director for Privatization at the Office of Management and Budget, and as editor of the Journal of Economic Growth. [71]

1989 Oct IIHD Global Children's Health Conference "To deflect attention and interest from the 1990 Anti-Smoking Day as well as ..[+] profile the need for increased "privatisation" of the aid and development process [+] highllight the need for redefining interantional agencis, such as WHO, their mandate and mission" "Primary Objective: To deflect anticipated media coverage and attention from the WHO anti-smoking campaign. In particular, to distract media from extensive coverage of the May 31 1990 International Anti-Smoking Day and the 1990 theme of Smoking and Children Secondary Objective: to undertake a long-term initiative to counteract the WHO's aggressive global anti-smoking campaign and to introduce a public debate with respect to a redefinition of the WHO's mandate." [72]

1989 Nov 3-4 Dietrich and Morse's faux IIHD organisation was put to use by Philip Morris as the nominal organisers of the first McGill Conference which was held at McGill University, Montreal, at the end of 1989. This was organised by Andrew Whist's Corporate Affairs group at Philip Morris International in New York, partly

  • to provide many of the newly recruited participants with some knowledge of the subject matter, so that they could claim expertise in the future.
  • to create some recognised scientific/medical credentials for newly recruited Whitecoats in Asia and
  • to generate useable propaganda pieces in the published proceedings.
    It was totally funded and controlled by the tobacco company. [73] Initially, every participant and every speaker was in the employ, or receiving special payments, from Philip Morris [74] but scientists from other tobacco companies were admitted at the last moment in an attempt to use the occasion for joint-company collaboration. [75]

1990 Aug 13 Mayada Logue who worked with Tom Borelli in the Science & Technology division of Philip Morris has sent Paul Dietrich at the IIHD a package of pro-smoking materials -- mainly written by tobacco industry helpers like Robert Tollison, Roger Perry and Frank Lunau, etc. Also included was the proceedings of the fake industry McGill University ETS Symposium [76]

1990 The later (1999) WHO report into the anti-WHO activities of the tobacco industry identifies Paul Dietrich as one of the industry's main lobbyist/science corrupters. It says he was appointed to Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) -- a branch of WHO -- in 1990 [77]

1990 Aug 6 A meeting of the Development Committee of the Pan American Health Organisation (subdivision of the WHO) has as committee members: [78] • ex-President Jimmy Carter, now living in Atlanta Georgia

1990 Dec 1 David Abner Morse Paul Dietrich's mentor and partner in most of the tobacco industry and lobbying scams, has died. Surrey had already died well before this time. The law-firm Surrey & Morse probably disappeared at this time (or it may have been merged into Jones Day Reavis & Pogue) [84]

1991 Mar British-American Tobacco (BAT) and Philip Morris jointly sponsored a media seminar in Guetamala at this time. Later the Republic of Guatemala filed a legal complaint in the US against tobacco lobbyists, Philip Witorsch, Paul Dietrich and Simon Turner and the tobacco companies for "conspired together to deny " the effects of tobacco products on its users while Defendants were consciously aware of the health risks to tobacco users.[]

One document generated by this seminar was sent by fax to BAT on 25 Mary 1992:

'Industry Briefing Sessions for the Media.
The Program: BAT and Philip Morris have now run a series of briefings in Latin America, and BAT has continued in the Caribbean. The most successful have adopted the following format:

  • a maximum of 15-20 journalists
  • location is somewhere pleasant (e.g. a beach resort)
  • 2 days - 1 day of presentations, 1 day free
  • It is made clear that the international experts who attend are quite independent and have nothing to do with the industry.
  • follow-up program to maintain contact.

The experts who are paid between $1000 and $1800 a day were:

  1. Professor Philip Witorsch (who maintains that passive smoking doesn't cause diseases such as lung cancer. His brother Ray 'stepped in when he was unavailable'.
  2. Someone from Health Buildings International (HBI) either Gray Robertson or Simon Turner. Replaced by Consolidated Services (Jolanda Janczewski) or Christopher Proctor from Covington & Burling (lawyers)
  3. Sharon Boyse of BAT (the chief science manipulator) spoke on 'active smoking' because they couldn't trust medical experts.
  4. Professor Jean Boddewyn spoke on advertising and the effect on children
  5. Glen Smith (an Australian who ran the UK-based Children'ts Research Unit) reviewed evidence as to why children smoke
  6. Paul Dietrich ('the star of every journalist briefing') questions the priorities of the WHO in targeting tobacco and alcohol, when countries have different health priorities. His analysis of the WHO budget brings out all the best investigative journalism instincts, and he never fails to make an impact on the media. His position on the development committee of PAHO makes his credentials impeccable.
  7. Ian Hindmarch from UK gives a useful (anti-moralistic) presentation on addiction - stating that smokers smoke because it is pleasurable.


1991 March He claims to have spent the day with the Dalai Lama in India. [86]

1991 Mar Paul Dietrich is now being promoted as "A former consultant to WHO who now "observes and analyses the organisation as a hobby" (See p5) He believes that the WHO has financial "excesses and mis-guided priorities" (Type-in Bates Number) 321792550

1991 Mar 26 p 14(Misdated) BAT memo says: Paul Dietrich costs US $1600 per day, 1st class travel, Travel time to be included in daily rate, Only working days charged for. [87]

Dietrich writes to (ADC) Clive Turner at BAT's Asian Tobacco Council in Hong Kong (the father of HBI's Simon Turner (later head of the UK TAC)). He sends …

… a recent article I wrote that was published in the International Herald Tribune. I got in a small 'dig' against the anti-smoking activists. Another article on the WHO will appear next month in the Washington Post.

This was WHO: Time to Get Back to the Basics
He also advises that he has been elected to Harvard AIDS Advisory Group within the Harvard School of Public Health, and that …… Dr Nakajima at the WHO has also recently appointed me, along with former US President Jimmy Carter, to the fifteen-person Policy Development of the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO)[88]

1991 Jun 10-13: List of consultants at one of Philip Morris's media conferences in Madrid.

  • Peter Burger (misspelled) Peter Berger a Boston University sociologist who was on a six-month retainer of $2 - 4,000 (1982 on)
  • Joe Pedelty, IAQ consultant working with Larry Holcomb in fake air testing.
  • Juan C Bermundez (local air-tester??)
  • Paul G Dietrich
  • Jorge Vives contracted economist ??
  • Dr Jean J Boddewyn, corrupt advertising expert from Barucha College, NY
  • Xavier Oliver, ?? (From Spain) //Journalist??
  • Jorge Planas ?? From Spain
  • Moncho Alpuente smoking expert " Spain
  • Thomas Borelli, Science & Technology division of Philip Morris in New York


1991 Jul Clive Turner (of the UK TAC, and father of HBI's Simon Turner) thinks Dietrich's credibiity is a bit thin Philip Morris are using him quite a bit for briefings in South America. [90]

1991 July 13 (ADC) Clive Turner, then the MD of the Asian Tobacco Council in HK, has invited Dietrich to run a media briefing in Hong Kong. He has just returned from meeting Sharon Boyse in Washington, and will see her again in two weeks in Argentina (She does all the scheduling) [91]

A few weeks later (Sept 25), Turner confirms to the ATC Board that Dietrich should be engaged outside the requirements of the ATC conference,; in particular within Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and possibly the Philippines. [92]

1991 Jul 15 Sharon Boyse at BAT to Brenda Chow at BAT Hong Kong. Clive Turner had written to Brenda Chow about Paul Dietrich's visit in November. She says he is willing to come; that Philip Morris was supporting a visit; that she would try to enlist Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore to share the costs. They would spit the costs with Philip Morris International and the Asian Tobacco Council. [93]

1991 Aug 8 Sharon Boyse of BAT outlines his value to the tobacco industry. "The industry has worked for some years with Paul Dietrich, a US journalist/lawyer, jack-of-all-trades, who has made something of a career by criticising WHO priorities and spending. And, as a member of the development committee of the Pan-American Health Organisation (PAHO), he has a particularly high credibility." [94]

1991 Aug 28 A Sharon Boyse memo to B. Bramley, (from BAT) notes that

"Paul has managed to persuade PAHO to take tobacco off their list of priorities for this year." (Type-in Bates Number) 202019293

1991 Aug 27-28 The South African Tobacco Institute UTICO (Peter Warring) wants a media briefing project from Sharon Boyse. She has been in contract with Gray Robertson of HBI who is one of their regulars. Boyse advises him:

  • that he should appoint a PR company to handle the media briefings ('not your own') to keep the tobacco industry at a distance from the propaganda.
  • Gray Robertson will claim that he is in South Africa just to investigate business opportunities.
  • They may conduct a quick Harris poll to generate some media releases.
  • The Malawi media-training conference is begin conducted by John Rupp (top tobacco lawyer, Covington & Burling) at considerable cost.
  • She wants to know whether the decision on Paul Dietrich's media tour had been superceded by Gray Robertson. [95]

This document (and others at the same time) reveal that Paul Dietrich has been contacting Sir Geoffrey Howe (UK Deputy Prime Minister and ex-foreign Minister) - seeking ministerial contacts in South Africa:

The Dalai Lama is one of several thinkers being interviewed by Paul Dietrich of Alexandria Va. for an upcoming PBS special: The special on forgiveness will also include Billy Graham, Nelson Mandela, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

Dietrich who spent a day with the Dalai Lama in India in March was impressed by the man's philosophy of acceptance a clear key to his serenity in the face of an occupying force like China. "He lives compassion, not as a tool to use, but a way to look at the world," recalls Dietrich who expects PBS to air his special in late 2005 or early 2006. "Most people give up hate from a selfish point of view to keep from hurting themselves The next step is to see the enemy with compassion as a fallible human being like you."

Every morning, the Dalai Lama said, he tries to take into himself all the hatred of the Chinese for the Tibetans. And when he hears of some Chinese atrocity he blames himself for not taking in that hatred. Dietrich laughs I don't know if I could do that. He told me that in life, you have only two choices You can be upset and anxious and resentful or you can accept what God gives you, which is the perfect prayer.

As a Catholic with an affinity to evangelicalism, Dietrich sees parallels between the Dalai Lama's teachings and those of Christianity. "Techniques like contemplative prayer, and living Christianity as a state of being." He mourns the lack of such teachings from most pulpits.

"It's there, a deep tradition, but it's buried by the churches, he complains. Many people look for it, going from one church to another. It's a cry for spirituality."


1991 Sep 8 Paul Dietrich writes to Aurora Gonzales at Philip Morris International, Corporate Affairs division (copied also to Sharon Boyse at BAT in UK), enclosing a budget and materials on the Pan-American Health Organisation (PAHO) immunisation Teleconfernce to be held on March 19 1991 (must be 1992).

At Friday's PAHO Policy Development committee meeting they swore us to secrecy over an announcement that would be made the day of the teleconference and TV special. They believe this announcement will receive world-wide press coverage.
They will be announcing the formal certification of the complete eradication of polio in the Western hemisphere.

He was intending to exploit this as (??) part of his PROPOSAL (see below) because he mentions Gloria Estefan as a popular female entertainer in Latin America. [97]

1991 Sept 17 Sharon Boyse has received an update on the 8th World Conference/Paul Dietrich proposal. and distributed it to her Latin American counterparts (Venezuela, Chile, Brazil, Argentina). The agreement with Dietrich has already been made, but Latin America can be included via satellite distribution. They expect prime-time viewing because….

it is expected that the Gloria Estefan connection will achieve this wherever else we require it.
A revised budget to cover Venezuela, Chile and Brazil only would cost US$199,432. If we can come up with 75% of this figure PAHO will come up with the rest. This would be a contribution of US $50,000 from each company. [98]

[Note: It is obvious that Dietrich has already conned the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO a branch of WHO) into financially supporting a satellite-delivered TV program, which will be usurped by the tobacco industry to spread their own message.

1991 Sept 24 BAT's Public Affairs Issues Manager (Richard Davies). The British Government is actively encouraging the export of cigarettes to Asia as part of their trade promotion.
Also included were the minutes of the ATC where it was confirmed that Paul Dietrich would be a keynote speaker - but outside the ATC conference.
Dr Philip Witorsch (IAPAG) has been brought to Korea to provide a 'counter' press conference at the APACT meeting [99]

1991 Oct 3The Argentinian subsidiary of BAT appears to have decided to become part of the Latin American tobacco companies which are supporting the "PAUL DIETRICH PROPOSAL" (involving Gloria Estefan) They write to Sharon Boyse confirming that the revised total cost for Latin America will be $US150,000 divided four ways (Chile was also included at this time) [100]

She replies saying that if Argentina were to participate the expenses would be $US 37,500 per Latin American company.
An outline of PAUL DIETRICH'S PROPOSAL is included here.

"In essence this includes:

  • making and editing the TV program (with Gloria Estefan and another Brazilian celebrity)
  • syndicating it to various TV stations in Latin America
  • follow-up visits by Paul Dietrich to Chile, Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina
  • newspaper interviews about the program. [101]

1991 Sep 30 The Chile subsidiary of BAT has decided not to participate in the "8th World Conference/Paul Dietrich proposal". The company needs to devote its resources to countering the "anti-smoking law project, including ETS." [102]

1991 Oct 8 Dietrich is passing through London on his way to Dublin on Oct 14-15 and would like to meet Sharon Boyse. [??Niall Lawlor??] [103]

1991 Oct 18 Dietrich is flying to Caracus, then, on 21st he flies to Guatemala, then back on 23rd. First Class all the way.

[Note: Marc Palay is an associate, and the schedule mentions David A Morse (his partner), and Beatriz C Casals. She is a Cuban who works in PR through Casals & Associates, and as an international advisor on International Finance and Development. She runs BAT's media tours.]


1991 Nov Knights of Malta: this information is from the Office of Private & Voluntary Cooperation, The Executive Contact List: Private and Voluntary Organizations Registered with the Agency for International Development (Washington D. C. : AIDS, [105]

Also: Paul Dietrich Paul is listed here as the program director of Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) [106]

1991 Nov 3: A number of memos from Prague.

  • Pavel Bratinka (Czech human rights activist) has knows Dietrich from a Civil Democratic Alliance meeting at the "Arden Homestead" (a New York conference centre). He is now writing cryptically to Paul Dietrich about Alain Coblence of Coblence & Warner (Lawyers with both New York and Paris offices). He explains that Coblence is ...
"... a friend of Andrew Whist (the chief corporate dissembler and manipulator for Philip Morris). It is not necessary that you attempt to call him. His wish is that he contacts you first." [107]
[Note: This is from the UK BAT's files. Other earlier memos and letters show that they were keen on importing and promoting the French YSL (Yves Saint Laurent) Ritz cigarettes for sale through RJ Reynolds.]

1991 Nov 5
Turners agenda for the Asian Tobacco Council Regional Conference Nov 18/19. Paul Dietrich is the keynote speaker who will be talking about the WHO. Sharon Boyse of BAT is also listed as "Senior Scientific Advisor, BAT. [108]

1991 Nov 11 A Sharon Boyse (BAT) memo circulated to BAT's Latin American tobacco subsidiaries is headed 'PAUL DIETRICH PROPOSAL'. She has not been able to get agreement with Philip Morris, and .. the meantime Paul Dietrich has taken matters into his own hands and is seeking funding from the pharmaceutical company Merck for the TV part of the programme. This would mean that they would fund the making of the TV programme, and we would fund the press work with Paul Dietrich in the countries that we are interested in, and that would have a slightly more direct bearing on tobacco.
I will confirm this as soon as Paul has final agreement from Merck, but if all goes well we will be asking Venezuala, Brazil and Argentina for their agreed contribution of US $25,000 early next year. [109]

1991 Dec 10 Paul Dietrich has sent a note to the file (British-American Tobacco file FK0002) He is reporting that:

  • He had talked on Hong Kong radio about the WHO.
  • A Ms Bala of the Asian International Organisation of Consumer Unions (IOCU) had then contacted him thinking he was a "health activist". She told that the IOCU planned to introduce "ingredient labeling regulations" for all cigarette packages.
  • The IOCU had persuaded the Minister for Health in Thailand to act and issue a regulation.
    • He subsequently met with the Minister and persuaded him to attack the WHO priorities.
    • He recommended that the industry should act quickly to provide the Minister with "compromise language:
  • He met with Dr Han, the Director of the Asia-Pacific Region of WHO
    • Dr Han didn't see smoking as a high priority, but would support labelling regulations and the banning of high nicotine, high tar cigarettes.


1991 Dec 20 Paul Dietrich, as a lawyer at Jones Day, Reavis Pogue is advising Richard J Marcotillo one of the main scientific and political manipulators at RJ Reynolds Tobacco. [NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT IS NOW RESTRICTED] [111]

1992 Jan 13 Dietrich is writing on behalf of Andrew Whist's mythical New York Society for International Affairs (NYSIA - run by Philip Morris), to invite Sharon Boyse of BAT to cocktails and an intimate dinner party with Vladimir Dlouhy the Czech/Slovak Minister of the Economy. Cocktails will be in Andrew Whist's penthouse apartment in Brookland Heights (which is also the only address of the NYSIA). Dinner is at "Windows on the World" at the 107th floor of the World Trade Center. He includes a biog of Dloughy [112]

1992 Jan 29 Dietrich is reporting to Sharon Boyse at BAT that he has visited the Minister of Health in Thailand, and Dr Han in Manila. He encloses a translation of the new Thai Tobacco Control Bill. He is due to see her at another media briefing in Tobacco early February. [113]

1992 Feb 12 Sharon Boyse the key misinformation huckster at BAT is writing to Paul G Dietrich asking him for information on the Pan-American Health Organisation (PAHO) which is a branch of WHO. The PAHO had given the Venezualan Congress a computer and a link to their network and database on health legislation. She wants to know whether this is part of a wider project to give 20 countries similar access -- and also what information is available on the databse. [114]

1992 Feb The recorded Bates Numbers for this document have vanished from the BAT repository. Originally this was a 54-page long document, which was indexed "see last page". In this longer document (Dated February 1982) Paul Dietrich was inviting Sharon Boyse, the top science manipulator of British-American Tobacco, to attend an American-European Community Association (AECA) function to meet a Czech. (The AECA is a fake sister organisation of the NYSIA (see below))

The US branch of the AECA was run by Andrew Whist from the Corporate Affairs division of Philip Morris in New York. [115] (Since removed by BAT)

In the San Francisco University archive they now turn up only a two-page BAT document. dated February 1992 with no mention of Sharon Boyse. It is a memo on Jones Day Reavis & Pogue letterhead from Dietrich report to BAT on the 1992 Tobacco Products Control Bill in Thailand.

1992 Feb 12 Sharon Boyse at BAT has discovered that the PAHO organisation (supposedly under Dietrich's influence) has donated a computer to the Venezualan Congress to enable them to get network access to the database on health legislation. She wants him to find out about the database, [116]

On the same day she faxes to Paul Dietrich, Jean Boddewyn (Advertising and children consultant) and Gray Robertson (HBI) details of another series of media briefings they are to conduct in Costa Rica and Panama. [117]

1992 Feb 28 Paul Dietrich has written to Richard Davies at BAT about the Thai National Legislative Assembly failing to pass the Tobacco Control Bill. He is openly acting as an information provider for BAT. [118]

1992 Mar Letter from Eduardo G Grant (Argentina) to Peter Bazel at BAT Staines UK (copied to Sharon Boyse) about

…the strategy proposed by Paul Dietrich for a media program to be carried out during the World Conference on Smoking & Health (WHCS&H) which is to be held in Buenos Aires next March.
We have serious reservations as to the effectiveness of this strategy…
As you say the object of the media programme is to highlight other health priorities in Latin America, making the point that any health funding should not necessarily go to smoking prevention programmes.
The other point not mentioned in your letter which forms part of Paul Dietrich's strategy is his proposal to train four or five top local journalists in press conference techniques in order that they can draw attention away from smoking issues at the press conferences that will be held with the participants of the Confererence on Smoking and Health. We have serious doubts as to whether any reputable local journalist would be prepared to participate in this plan.
Apart from our scepticism as to the effectiveness of the strategy, the proposed budget of $240,000 dollars to be shared 50/50 with Mazealin Particulares was seen as an extremely high figure …. (Philip Morris has pulled out)


1992 Mar 19 In a previous document Paul Dietrich was sending budget for PAHO activities to Philip Morris. He said that

"At Friday's PAHO Policy Development Committee meeting, they swore us to secrecy over an announcement that would be made the day of the teleconference and TV special. They believe this announcement will receive world-wide press coverage. They will be announcing the formal certification of the complete eradication of polio from the Western hemisphere.



1992 Mar Covington & Burling (C&B lawyers) memo on Latin American WhitecoatS.

Paul Williams has completed a Spanish translation of the McGill book. (the proceedings of the McGill University ETS Symposium). Paul Dietrich has given us an estimate for publishing 5000 copies of the book -- $7.00 to $8.00 a copy plus a one-time $3000.00 to $4000.00 design charge -- and has promised us a written quote within a week. If we request fewer than 5000 copies -- which we probably should, at least initially -- the cost per copy can be expected to increase marginally (although the design charge would not change). A decision on this probably can wait until your meeting in Costa Rica with Chris. A target date for a first proof of the book (which Paul Williams will review) is mid-May. [121]

1992 Mar 6 Paul Dietrich at Jones Day Reavis & Pogue in Washington has sent a fax to a list of 12 corporate science manipulators with his Itinerary for March 7-19: He is travelling Washington to London, then London to Prague, then Prague to Frankfurt, then back to Washington over 12 days. The recipients are:

  1. Andrew Whist, Head of Corporate Affairs at Philip Morris New York
  2. William Lewis (Pres Merck/EMD Bioscience), Peter G Ernster (European counsel), Henry Lipman, Elinor Fagan -- all Merck Pharmaceuticals (New Jersey)
  3. Arne Larsson (London) (??first pacemaker recipient??)
  4. Niall Lawlor (London) (??[122])
  5. Sharon Boyse, Head of corporate corruption, British-American Tobacco (Whist's BAT counterpart) & Richard Davies (BAT Far-East Dept.) [123]
  6. James Garrison (San Francisco) [Probably State of the World Forum/Gorbachev Foundation now Wisdom University]
  7. Harold F Uplinger (Maryland) TV producer
  8. Peter Donnelly (Probably PD Donnelly who worked for WHO in South Africa and Jamaica) [124]
[Note: In the 1990s, Merck became embroiled in a scandal over the arthritis drug Vioxx which was pulled from the market after being linked to heart attacks and death. The lawsuits were eventually settled for $4.85 billion.

1992 Mar 19 Richard Davies is transmitting the Dietrich information about Thailand onto John Clutterbuck at Rothmans. [125]

1992 Mar 31 Sharon Boyse at BAT is writing to Paul Dietrich at Jones Day Reavis Pogue. She is sending him some information from Helene Bourgois (Director of the French Tobacco Institute) and :

  • information on an article from Herve Le Bras who shares Dietrich's views on WHO, and suggests making contact.
  • She has also identified a possible supporter, "a well-know British sociologist" who would like to "do some work on the WHO" and she wants Dietrich to meet him (Probably Peter Berger)
  • She wants his invoice from "Tobago" (a journalist/media conference) to finalise the accounts on the conference and start splitting the costs between our companies." [126]
[Note: This illustrates how closely Philip Morris, BAT (and its subsidiary Brown & Williamson), and RJ Reynolds were cooperating at this time]

1992 May 18 Sharon Boyse at BAT is planning a Regional Media Briefing in Bali and the Indonesian tobacco subsidiary wants to know whether there will be journalists from Australia, Their memo is headlined "PAUL DIETRICH AND THE WHO" [127]

1992 May 28 Letter from Paul Dietrich to Richard Davies at BAT. He says he has been in Russia, the Republic of Georgia, and at the WHO World Health Assembly meeting in Geneva for a month. He is trying to get information for BAT re the new Health Minister in Thailand and some information on his position re smoking. He encloses a recent Wall Street Journal article he has written on the WHO and WHA: WHO's Bureaucracy Is Its Healthiest Patient. (May 14 1992 WSJ) [128]

1992 June 3 Richard Aitken of BAT in Asia is writing to Richard Davies, the main scam organiser in Woking, He is concerned that the anti-smokers were about to exploit the fact that the tobacco industry was taking journalists to Bali for a media briefing. He thinks it should be transferred to Thailand. Paul Dietich is thanked for a letter on the political situation. Clive Turner's solution is not considered suitable and Spindler would do the best job??? [129]

1992 Jun Dietrich is using the Harvard AIDS Advisory Group credentials for an attack on WHO in an article WHO's Bureaucracy Is Its Healthiest Patient.

  • Paul Dietrich's notes on real problems of WHO finances, and problems with countries. [130]

1992 June 9 Dietrich is advising Patrick Davies at Covington & Burling that he can provide 4,000 books (presumably the McGill University ETS Symposium proceedings) at $12.00 per book. This is an extra print run for the IIHD. [131]

1992 Jul 9 Paul Dietrich to Richard Davies (BAT Far East) and Sharon Boyse at BAT London. He has arranged to (probably) get a copy of the Thai Tobacco Control Bill from a consultant friend via the Ministry of Health (he claims) and will pass it on when it is received. [132]

1992 Jul 9 -- Aug 3 Dietrich is travelling to Moscow and Tbilisi, Georgia. [133]

1992 Aug 4 Dietrich reports to Richard Davies (BAT) on his trip to Russia. He sends the information he has received from Thailand about the Tobacco Control Bill and product ingredient requirements. Thailand was considering adopting the Australian requirement for package warnings. Advertising of cigarettes was to be prohibited from Aug 4 1992 (day of writing) -- and sales of cigarettes to people under 18 also prohibited. [134]

[Note: In effect he was telling them stuff they would already have known -- and far too late for them to make use of the information anyway.]

1992 June Philip Morris terminated the employment of Frank Gannon and Owen Hartley and the old Saturday Review production crew. They were no longer producing the Philip Morris Magazine (PMM). [135]

1992 Jul 12-16 British-American Tobacco ran a five day international confererence for staff and consultants Public Affairs for Profit. One session was Desocialisation of smoking. It examined critically their approach to combatting smoking restrictions. The Topics for discussion were:

  1. Pros and cons of courtesy campaigns. (be polite to the smoker - he has rights)
  2. Does advertising on health issues by the tobacco industry have any credibility>
  3. Value of smokers's rights groups: how should they best be organised and managed?
  4. How to take advantage of the media seminar programme?
  5. How to argue on health priorities? (The WHO problem)
  6. To what extent can we win the ETS debate on scientific arguments, IAQ arguments, and freedom arguments?

This is followed by a Biography of Paul Dietrich, which emphasises his presidency of the Institute for International Health & Development and his publishing of the Saturday Review magazine. RL : [136]

1992 Jul 29-30 Sharon Boyse and Paul Dietrich are both attending two conferences in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • The first is a meeting of tobacco companies for "Creation of a group in order to protect the smoking habit"
  • The second is to discuss proposals for joint action during the 8th World Conference on Smoking or Health
    • the afternoon of this session is to "treat Paul Dietrich proposal". [137]

1992 Sep 29 Dietrich has sent out a form letter to "Clients and Friends". He has left Jones Day Reavis & Pogue and joined the law firm of Squire, Sanders & Dempsey (which specialises in Eastern Europe). He is now concentrating his legal work on Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, the Republic of Georgia and other former Soviet Republics. SS&D have offices across Europe and are planning one in Moscow. [138]

[Note: Attached is a long Dietrich article published in the International Health and Development magazine attacking WHO. Also another article in the International Herald Tribune (but older May 17 11991)]

1992 Oct 13 Sharon Boyse has sent a long fax to Paul Dietrich. No one is answering his home or business phones and she is needing to discuss a Venezuela Conference. She advises him that:

  • She has hired Bob Tollison to replace him. (Tollison runs the Cash-for-Comments Economists Network from George Mason Uni.
    • Tollison needs some material from Dietrich on WHO budgets, and since Dietrich is on an annual retainer she feels she has a right to ask.
  • She is working with Philip Morris on this media conference. [139]

1992 Nov 30 Sharon Boyse of BAT sends a memo to Hilary Thompson at UNTICO (United Tobacco) in South Africa re "HBI/Paul Deitrich" She had had a phone call from …

… Gray Robertson (HBI) who is concerned about how they are going to acknowledge industry sponsorship of their appearances in South Africa in Johannesburg.
They would like to be able to say, if asked, that they did have some sponsorship from the South African industry, but that the tobacco industry are of course only one of their clients. They have a very impressive slide with a huge range of clients, including government, to back that up. That way, they are not lying or in any way concealing the truth.
I don't know whether you have anything to do with the African working group which is meeting in Benin at the end of January. Anyway, one of the invited speakers is Paul Dietrich and he fully expects to attend. Assuming, naively probably, that it is actually cheaper for Paul to get from Benin to South Africa than from Washington to South Africa (which I know is not necessarily taken for granted because of the difficulties of intra-continental travel) would you be interested in having him do anything in South Africa around this time? He is in Benin from 31 January -- 2 February. [140]

1992 Dec 2Paul Dietrich to Sharon Boyse at BAT He is Back from Russia and the Republic of Georgia, and in the offices of Squire Sanders & Dempsey. He has set up in Kiev, and is dealing with US State Department. His London meeting was to

…discuss the work that has been done over the past year by the Institute for International Health & Developments (IIHD) as well as our plans for 1993... My work on the Board of the PAHO continues as I try to redirect their priorities towards disease control rather than life-style issues.</i?

He also advises her that they need to prepare for the incoming Clinton Administration - since the State Department is now in line with Clinton, and it will support WHO's anti-smoking program. They need to take action

"Because of the Clinton Administration change, I believe the Institute will have to become even more active and vocal in its constructive criticism of the WHO and the support it will be receiving from the US Government.

Effectively, he is touting for more work. [141] [This document has since disappeared from this site]

1992 Dec 22 Memorandum to Sharon Boyse of BAT, Dietrich sent BAT a memo stating that "I am attaching with this memo, a copy of a bill for my monthly consulting fees from June 1, 1992, through September 30, 1992….My work on the Board of the Pan American Health Organisation continues as I try to redirect their priorities toward disease control rather than life-style issues." 500899119

1993 A later report (2000) in the Washington Post examines the role played by Paul Dietrich via PAHO and the orchestrated series of "dirty tricks" aim at disruption the 8th World Confererence on Tobacco of Health in Buenos Aires in 1992 which

included staging elaborate diversions from the Conference, and training journalists to both hound a conference participant and take over a … press conference.

Some of the report's allegations involve suspicions that could not be proved. For instance, a 1989 document describes Philip Morris's knowledge of the money received by the WHO's Tobacco or Health project from a Japanese shipbuilding foundation, and of plans to explore "a variety of avenues" for "containing … funding from private sources."

In 1993, the WHO group learned that its share of the Japanese fund would be cut from $600,000 to $300,000 for 1994-95. In 1995, the funds were eliminated and the money was shifted to the WHO's leprosy program. Staff members were never told why the funds had been shifted, but they suspected that Philip Morris had something to do with it." [142]

The same republication contains Paul Dietrich's denial that he ever worked for the tobacco industry on limiting the WHO tobacco activities. The Wall Street Journal also defended its role in the attack on WHO in an editorial.


Paul Dietrich letter to Sharon Boyse at BAT, re: their fake Institute for International Health and Development's work in placing the enclosed article about the WHO in the New York Times.

"…the State Department had passed along to me a number of confidential cables regarding Dr Nakajima's campaign for reelection to the post of Director of the WHO. The State Department asked if I could do an op-ed article for either the WSJ or the International Herald Tribute. (sent to Washington Post and New York Times) -- the seeds we have sown are beginning to bear fruit."

One of the Dietrich techniques was to appeal to the prejudices of many newspaper readers. For instance, he regularly makes the claim that "75% of WHO's budget is spent on salaries and overheads" (linking the two together -- which unthinking journalists will interpret as code for "junkets in the most expensive cities").

But a team of medicos or medical researchers camping in the jungles of Africa or the swamps of Asia, fighting malaria and other similar disease, will spend very little on lobster, champaign and elaborate room service. If they are doing their job, it is natural that a high percentage of the WHO budget will go on salaries and overheads.
No doubt there was some exploitation, and some excessive overheads. But in the eradication of smallpox, and the partial eradication polio, TB and of many other diseases, the WHO has proved its worth many times over. See this typical article: [143]

1993 Jan 25 The tobacco industry is attacking the credibility of the World Health Organisation, which has recently condemned smoking as a health hazard. The specialist anti-WHO lobbyist Paul Dietrich (at Squire Sanders & Dempsey) is writing to Sharon L Boyse at BAT. Dietrich and his partner David A Morse have created a fake organisation known as the Institute for International Health and Development (IIHD) which publicly questions WHO's effectiveness and budgets. Dietrich, claiming to be an independent lawyer, has been promoted by the industry's friends as the authority on the WHO.

  • The New York Times has been given his name as a source when other journalists have called asking to do a story on the WHO.
  • He has been interviewed on the subject by The Economist (London), The London Times, the International Herald Tribune, and the Financial Times.
  • The leading Italian financial daily, Mono Economico has now asked him to rewrite his May 1992 Wall Street Journal article for them.
He encloses a magazine cutting attacking the WHO's Japanese director general. [144]

1993 Feb -- full details of his break up with BAT over Spanish McGill document, Acromonious He charged C&B with acting "reprehensibly, disgracefully and less than honourably" MANY DOCUMENTS TOGETHER HERE [145]

1993 Feb 26 [memo Feb 9] Chris Proctor and Sharon Boyse will be meeting with the consultants [WhiteCoats] in Jakarta. John Rupp won't be with them. [146]

1993 Apr 6 The sham PM/Whist organisation, Libertad is holding a "Commercial Free Speech" conference in Prague. The keynote address is by '"Professor Paul Dietrich"' of the Catholic University, who is also a member of the US Congressional Human Rights Committee. [147]

[Note how he has now morphed to being a 'professor' at the 'Catholic University' -- and acquired the status of a member of a US Congressional committee.]

1989 Feb A CONFIDENTIAL paper "Public Smoking Hearing Readiness" lists the industry preparations to fight battles over public smoking during the 101st Congress. There were at least a half-dozen bills already introduced. Now they faced:

  • Smoking abroad airliners (also buses and trains)
  • Workplace Smoking Restrictions.
  • Smoking restrictions in other public places
  • Indoor air quality issues.
    These are plans to combat these legislated restrictions. They have readied a number of teams including a (1) Scientific Witness Team and Ventilation /IAQ experts (All contract fake air-testing company staff) (2) Representatives from the tobacco unions. (3) Economists from the Cash-for-Comments Economists Network including Robert D Tollison from George Mason Uni and his partner lobbyist James Savarese.

Tollison was to eventually take over the Paul Dietrich role. [148]

1993 Jun 10 The AECA invitation still lists Hamish Maxwell and Andrew Whist at the head of the American-European Community Association , but Paul Dietrich is listed as "Chairman, AECA-USA, Washington DC Chapter." [The Tobacco Institute's $50 'donation' check was made out to Paul Dietrich at 1201 Pennsylvania Ave, PO Box 407 Washington DC 20044. This was the address of Squire Sanders & Dempsey (and also Covington & Burling).] [149]

1993 Jun 29 An Andrew Whist letter promoting Libertad to his associate Theodore A Lattanzio. The letterhead lists the Advisory Board as

  • David A Morse, Chairman (Senior Partner Jones Day Reavis & Pogue)
  • Juan Carlos Blanco, Attorney (Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Ambasador to UN. from Uragary
  • Dr Kenneth Clark, Prof Emeritus City College of the City, University of New York,
  • Salestiano del Campo, Professor of Sociology, Uni of Madrid, Spain
  • Hanns Joachinn Friedrichs, Chief Editor XPC ??? , Hamburg West Germany
  • Marvin Kalb, Professor, John Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
  • George W Koch, President Grocery Manufacturers Association of America, Washington DC
  • Nan McEvoy, Chairwoman and CEO, The San Francisco Chronicle Group, San Francisco
  • Jacques Sequela, CEO Roux, Seuela, Cayzan & Guadard, Paris
  • Alexander Buei Trowbridge, President, National Association of Manufacturers, Washington DC


1993 Jul 9 Sharon Boyse replies to her BAT subsidiary in New Zealand. Obviously he had been asking whether Dietrich would be available.

On the subject of Mr Dietrich: unfortunately, we have had a major falling out with him and as a consequence have determined to have nothing further to do with him. In brief: he has proved to be less than honest in relation to a project he was undertaking for us with one of his publishing companies, publishing a Spanish version of the McGill ETS book.

When questioned his reaction was quite puerile and verging on the insulting to ourselves and to Covington & Burling. Added to which, we were not getting value for money from the consultancy fee we were paying him.

Unfortunately, that means that we have lost him from our media seminars and that is actually quite a loss because it was the one area he was ver effective (although I have to say that after the Bali meeting, as we progressed to Taiwan, he became more of a liability than an advantage! Lecturing the Taiwanese, who think of themselves as the real China, and the People's Republic as a bunch of interlopers, on why they should not have insisted on being called the Republic of China.

We have replaced Paul in media seminars with Bob Tollison, who Michael at least may know. Tollison is a good speaker with good credentials; he is an economist and gives a much more factual and accurate representation of WHO's budget priorities than Paul. (He has also put it all in writing, which Paul never would). However, he does not have Paul's connections with the WHO/PAHO or his journalistic experience. Tollison has also been funded by us to write a book with the Social Affairs Unit here on the WHO budget and health priorities which should appear shortly. [Note: the SAU was run by Digby Anderson - professional lobbyist]

There are two possibilities: to consider Tollison as a substitute, or to cut out Millbank [Her division] totally and go direct to Paul through the Tobacco Institute of New Zealand (TINZ) [151]

1993 Sep 28 This is a list of the "WHO Book - Additional Requests" went to British-American Tobacco. Sharon Boyse of BAT is informing her associates, Corporate Affairs Managers and General Managers, about the status of the book.

We have sponsored one of our US consultants, Dr Robert Tollison, to publish a book through the auspices of the Social Affairs Unit in London, on problems with the WHO and their health priorities.

You will remember press articles provided to you by our previous consultant, Paul dietrich, on this issue, Essentially, the argument is that the WHO has its priorities wrong in placing so muc emphasis and spending so much money on western-type health prevention issues (smoking, seat belts, alcohol etc) instead of concentrating its resources on major killers in the developing world.

The launch of the book has received considerable publicity in the UK, particularly in the Sunday Telegraph. (She attaches photocopies)

The book is currently in the final stages of publication and we have put in a substantial order from the printer.


[Notes: (1) The Attached article "WHO"S KIDDING WHO" was written by a paid tobacco industry lobbyist and Sunday Telegraph columnist, James Le Fanu   (2) A subsidiary story "The benefactor with links to the underworld." exposes A Japanese billionaire who is a convicted war criminal provides the WHO with £5 million a year. This is an attack on the Japanese shipbuilder who was funding the WHO's anti-smoking campaign (and forced by media pressure to withdraw). See below.   (3) The George Mason University economist Robert Tollison, who ran the Cash-for-Comments Economists Network was now doing both the book and lecturing in Dietrich's place on their Latin American media junkets.]

1994 --1997 Paul Dietrich was editor of both the Reuters Emerging Markets Guide and the Reuters Asian Shares Stockbook. [153] See also

1994 Feb 23 Craig L Fuller Philip Morris Senior Executive of the Washington Regulatory Office (WRO) is reporting to his CEO Mike Miles.

  • He details both their work in open opposition to President Clinton' excise tax plan, and their legitimate lobbying, and their 'work behind the scenes'.
  • He is also working to modify product liability litigation (Federal Tort Reform) to lessen the ability of litigants to get access to the industry documents to prove their case.
  • Senator Wendell Ford is an ally against Environmental Tobacco Smoke litigation and on Environmental Issues. They have allies in the union movement and AFL-CIO against any passive smoking litigation (by the OSHA) At the same time they are trying to modify Senator Frank Lautenberg's PRO-KIDS legislation by amending it in the conference phase;
  • They are opposing food safety report and also need to have improved standards on health supplements (Nutritional Health Alliance)
  • They are organised to defend against Henry Waxman's hearings on passive smoking and the youth problem.
  • Trying to promote legislation to force the EPA to use sound scientific principals in risk assessment. (code for their junk-science/sound-science program with Steve Milloy and TASSC. [154]

1994 Sep 22 BAT memo on a IIHD survey circulated by Linda Rudge (Smoking Issues division of BAT) which, she says, was released "in the context of the current WHO World Conference on Tobacco and Health."

I am attaching a press release announcing the results of a survey of the priorities of [supposedly 67] health ministers in developing countries.

  • "...every Minister of Health responding to the survey ranked smoking related health issues in the lowest 10% of priorities. "
  • One Minister commented, "In poorer countries, we must worry about children dying of diseases that are vaccine-preventable and other diseases where there are cheaply available cures. … This must be our first priority before we spend our resources on behavioural modification programmes and public education."
  • The survey was conducted by Paul Dietrich, at the Institute for International Health and Development, US. The survey will not be officially published for another few weeks, but this press release may be of interest to local journalists. "The results clearly show the frustrations of Ministers of Health of developing countries in trying to re-focus donor nations and the World Health Organisation away from low-priority public awareness campaigns," said Laura Jordan the Institute's Director of Research. She states, "Ministers want to target all available health resources towards high priority disease prevention and control programs to save lives."

Note that (1) Laura Jordan [Paul Dietrich's wife] was list as "the Institute's Director of Research."   (2) The original press release was sent out by the tobacco industry's favourite US media agency, Spring O'Brien Ltd which now had both Washington and London offices.   (3) However, it was only released a few weeks later.   (4) Obviously Paul and Laura Dietrich had continued to work for the US tobacco industry despite their falling out with Sharon Boyse at BAT. [155]

1994 Sep 25 The press barrage against WHO has earned them this Sunday Express (UK) article Who needs this bunch of wasters? by Charles Lewington. He also attacks the WHO for its non-smoking line, Yet the (British) Imperial Cancer Research Fund had just produced a report prepared with WHO which "claimed that a million youngsters will die in middle age from smoking.". He questions why the " WHO should be spending £7 million this year on a Tobacco or Health campaign" rather than TB and Polio and malaria. He repeats this slander that the Secretary General of WHO is 'trading favours for votes" The source of his information is made apparent at the end.

As Paul Dietrich, President of the Institute for International Health and Development in Washington puts it: "WHO has become a mistress of the big countries that pick up the bills and forgotten why it was created." [156]

Note: Charles Lewington was at one time a member of a small consortium bidding for the UK Tobacco Alliance account. [157]

1994 Oct 11 The Times of London has published an anti-WHO article by Paul Dietrich A plague upon the health bureaucrats with the rider … "the time may have come to replace the bloated World Health Organisation". Dietrich lists the litany of epidemics plaguing the world … and claims that the WHO …

"…has given up campaigns to eradicate diseases, and has become an organisation of conferences and study groups.
Last month, the organisation called on Western governments for an additional $100 million to fight (..TB..) but its recent patchy record suggests that the WHO is scarcely qualified to lead the fight.
The problem, however, is not a lack of money, but a failure to decide priorities (snip) … 500 other programmes compete for scarce resources, including seatbelt safety ad campaigns, "Oral Hygiene Week" celebrations, and the distribution of millions of bumper sticks for "World No-Tobacco Day".
If the WHO refuses to channel its spending into disease control and health emergencies, the UN will be forced to create a new international health organisation to deal with future epidemics. [158]

1994 Oct 13 The US/UK tobacco industry's PR firm, Spring O'Brien, is circulating a press release attacking WHO priorities World Health - Getting the Priorities Right. It is quoting Paul Dietrich's wife Laura Jordan (NOT DIETRICH himself.) as the "Institute's Director of Research" The release says that the world is facing an explosion of epidemics:

A report has just been released by the United States based Institute for International Health and Development ranking the healthcare priorities of Ministers of Health from developing countries.
This follows a written questionnaire sent to 67 Ministers of Health in countries which the World Bank terms as either "low income" or "middle income".

The required tobacco industry conclusions were at the end of the "five lowest ranging priorities" -- the lowest of which was "Smoking-Related Health Issues". [159]

Other related documents credit Paul Dietrich. [160] and a (UK) Sunday Telegraph story concludes that "The lowest priority of all, 24th on the list and put by all the ministers, without exception, in the lowest 10 per cent of priorities, was "smoking related health issues." [161]

[Note: It is difficult to believe that any journalist would take this finding and press-release seriously!]

1995 Jul 18: Paul Dietrich is still being listed as a publisher (it doesn't say Saturday Review) at the Libertad/American Spectator dinner to honour Malcolm Forbes. Andrew Whist is now listed as the ghost 'President" of this non-existing organisation along with a number of other ghost Advisos on the letterhead"

  • The Chairman is Lord Plumb of Coleshill (Conservative MP and President of the European Parliament). He was the founder of leading EU lobbying law firm Alber & Geiger.
  • Andrew Whist is now President
  • The remaining members of the Advisory Board are the same -- both gullible status-seekers and grocery lobbyists. [162]

1995 Sep This draft speech written by Paul Dietrich is another attack on the WHO. Is The WHO The Next UNESCO".
It is actually a series of speech points for Senator Jesse Helms to be used during the discussions over the United National Appropriations in Congress. It quotes other critics of the WHO -- some probably legitimate, and others almost certainly generated by industries like tobacco, seeking to lessen its influence.

They are seeking to frighten the WHO into dropping its anti-smoking campaign by cutting the US contributions to its funding. [163]

1995 Sep 6 Paula Dobriansky (climate denier, Bush II UN envoy) is leading an attack on WHO in Washington, along with Paul Dietrich and John Bolton (the mentor of Laura Jordan Dietrich). They are also promoting the Krieble Institute. [Transcript]

"Tonight on Freedom's Challenge" an examination of the role of the WHO. Is it fit to govern our global health?
Joining me tonight is John Bolton, president of the National Policy Forum and former Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs under President Bush, and Paul Dietrich, president of the Institute for International Health and Development and a practicing attorney here in Washington, DC." [Snip]
I think if we withdrew [funding] and every other country withdrew from the WHO, there wouldn't be one iota of change in the quality of health care in the world. It makes no difference, as it's run right now. I say that, but I say that very sadly, because I think that is a disaster. There is a need for an international organization that deals with these massive regional problems and right now there's no one.

See AIDS condom quote also his attack on Nakajima [164] [165]

Reported later comments from the Wall Street Journal.
Reporter: Richard Adams (Friday February 8, 2002 in The Guardian)
"The Wall Street Journal Europe has, you may recall, been embarrassed by publishing pro-tobacco articles by Roger Scruton and recent revelations in this newspaper that Roger was receiving pay-offs from a tobacco company. But, sadly, this may not be the first time the WSJ's editorial pages have been used this way. For many years the WSJ published attacks on the World Health Organisation for its anti-smoking campaigns, written by Paul Dietrich, a US lawyer. According to a WHO report in 2000, Dietrich was a paid "consultant" for the tobacco industry. Dietrich denied the charge, but documents from Philip Morris and British-American Tobacco suggest he was paid by them for the same period as his WSJ pieces regularly appeared between 1988 and 1993. "

Note also that the WHO, not long after, announced the virtual complete elimination of global polio, and a reduction in the rate of Tuberculosis to very low levels.

1995 Sep 21 A memo from Andrew Whist at Philip Morris to his senior executive Steven Parrish. He is bringing Parrish up to date on

…"what we have accomplished so far, stateside, with regard to the WHO.
Through the good offices of Greg Scott, who recently met with Steve Berry, Chief Counsel, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Brad Edwards, Senator Helm's Legislative Assistant. I brought along Paul Dietrich who has been a critic of the WHO for years and has spearheaded the attack on the corruption and waste of the organisation. Following this meeting, Paul has been working on a daily basis with Berry (on …)

  1. writing a speech for Senator Helms with the intention of substantially cutting the WHO appropriations.
  2. meeting with a Government Auditing Office (GAO) inspector for the WHO (to influence their audit).
  3. Paul to meet both Senator Kassenbaum and Feingold who run committees.
(he wants to bring them in line and to form a small group to organise and "script" the WHO Senate Hearings).
  1. They are hoping that the hearings will prove the public support for "major" cuts in the WHO budget.

Paul Dietrich was to act through Howard Liebengood in future (Washington Regulatory Office - WRO)


Senator Helm's anti WHO speech notes Is the WHO the Next UNESCO? by Paul Dietrich (sent on to Helms by Andrew Whist on 19 Sep). [167]

1996 (See the tobacco documents. Needs more research.

1996 Sept 10 Paul Dietrich is now focussing on discrediting Dr S T Han and the 10th World Conference of Smoking & Health (to be held in Beijing August 24-28 1997) which is actively supported by the WHO.

  • Page 1 is a copy of a Philip Morris Corporate Affairs speech to an INFOTAB meeting in Hong Kong, which outlines their proposed attack on Dr Han and the WCOS&H.
    • It notes that China has already banned cigarette advertising, and was running a World No-Smoking day, with proposed smoking bans in Beijing and 42 other cities.
    • They are trying to energise and enlist STMA which appears to be the cigarette monopoly in China.
    • SMTA officials are being given overseas study grants to learn about Philip Morris's "Youth Access Program" etc.
  • Dietich's article in Herald Tribune was to be recycled by regional media contacts in Philippines, Hong Kong, etc. It is to be released via the "Philippines Journal - Life & Leisure and in Hong Kong via Hong Kong Monthly and Asian Health Focus"
  • Roger Walk from the FTR Scientific Affairs had run a media briefing for 42 journalists in Beijing.
    • He presented "research findings published in Chinese medical journals, such as the Shanhai Tumor"
  • Philip Morris were generating scientific support in China via…
    • A personal air monitoring study in Beijing by Corning Hazelton
    • Publication of similar air monitoring studies done in Hong Kong and Malaysia
    • Publication of a meta-analyis of a major ETS/lung cancer study in China
    • Plans to run a workshop on risk assessment and good epidemiology practice (GEP) in China.
  • Plans to launch "Courtesy of Choice Program" in China (If you don't complain about my smoke, I won't complain about you not smoking!) [168]
[Note Report on Beijing WHO conference] [169]

1997 Aug 4 Wall Street Journal staff reporters Tatiana Boncompagni and Jill Abramson exposed the scams of Andrew Whist at Philip Morris (and therefore some of the lies of Paul Dietrich). About the New York Society of International Affairs it says:

Andrew Whist is president of the society. In an interview, he says he helped launch the group years ago with the late David Morse, a labor lawyer who once led the International Labor Organization. (Paul Dietrich's partner) The 63-year-old Mr. Whist says the organization aims to promote international trade and says it has underwritten 18 trips for governors and various state officeholders.

Other basics about the organization are also difficult to pin down. Where is the New York Society for International Affairs headquartered? At first, Mr. Whist supplies an address on Madison Avenue. The doorman at the address knows nothing of such an organization: it's a residential building. During a second interview, Mr. Whist concedes that the New York Society's office is "a chair in my apartment."

Mr. Whist also has a chair at Philip Morris, where he has worked since 1966. He now serves as senior vice president for external affairs, in which capacity, the company says, he advises it on international trade issues. Mr. Callahan also works at Philip Morris, right under Mr. Whist in the external affairs department. The New York Society intern who went to Costa Rica? She, too, works at Philip Morris. And that shadowy figure on the Costa Rica trip was Ed Beauchemin, a high-profile Philip Morris lobbyist in Austin, Texas. [170]

1997 Aug 8 Brian Bates, a Minnesota lawyer, filed a complaint against the "violation of Chapter 10A.071 by Philip Morris, Inc and/or Governor Arne Carlson" following the Wall Street Journal article about Whist's use of the New York Society (NYSIA) and the American-European Community Association (AECA) to give politicians junkets. He charged that …

The Australian trip was estimated to cost $7,000.00. The trip was financed by Philip Morris through two (they only knew of two at this time) non-profit organisations which appear to be nothing more than conduits through which Phillip Morris channels money to public officials .
The President of both non-profit conduit organisations is Andrew Whist, a senior vice president at Philip Moris. Mr Whist has admitted that NYSIA's office is "a chair in my apartment." [171]

1995 Sep 21: Andrew Whist of PM Corporate has been taking PD with him to help them lobby Senator Helms, and persuade him to move to cut the WHO Appropriations. The GAO is to audit all US government funds that go to WHO by Jan 1996. He is also to meet other "anti-WHO" senators and help them "script" the WHO Senate Hearings in Jan-Feb 1996. By then the Republicans will control the Congress budget. Whist hands PD over to the PM USA lobbyists, since he is not an expert in the US Congress.

1995 Sep 21 Andrew Whist is writing to Steve Parrish about Philip Morris Corporate Affairs division's activities against the World Health Organisation (WHO).

  • Whist claims to have "good contacts with sympathetic health officials and/or the media" in the US, the UK and Denmark.
  • He is working with Paul Dietrich, the tobacco industry's main anti-WHO lobbyist.
  • Following a recent meeting with Steve Berry, Chief Counsel of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, (and) Brad Edwards (Sen. Helms' Legislative Assistant), Paul Dietrich has been working on a daily basis with Berry. They have struck agreement on....
  1. Paul [Dietrich] will write a speech for Senator Helms to explain his amendment on the floor of the Senate to substantially cut the WHO appropriations.
  2. Helms is also going to try to hold up a percentage of the final appropriation until a GAO or IG audit can be conducted of US funds previously given to the WHO.
  3. Berry wants Paul to meet with the GAO inspector for the WHO.
  4. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has requested the GAO audit of the WHO be completed by January 1996. The Committee has also requested a GAO audit of all US government funds that go to the WHO. Steve said no one actually knows how much US money goes to the WHO.
  5. Berry also wants Paul to meet with Senator Kassebaum's and Democratic Senator Feingold's Committee staff people. Evidently, they do not like the WHO. He wants to bring them in to form a small group to organize and "script" the WHO Senate Hearings which he thinks we can have in January or February of next year, in a way that will maximize press and TV coverage.
  6. They are hoping that the hearings will provide the public support for "major" cuts in the WHO budget in next year's budget hearings, which will be the first time the Republican Congress has full control over the new budget cycle.

Yesterday, Paul and I met with Howard Liebengood (Republican lobbyist) and Greg Scott (Tobacco Institute) to update them on where we stand and what further help we might need over the next few months. Howard had many good ideas. For the sake of efficiency, I suggest that Paul stay in direct touch with Howard from now on, with Howard reporting periodically to you [In explanation:] much of the ammunition which we have used has been obtained through funding by PMI over a good number of years I have a number of ideas how we can broaden our attack internationally, and would like to discuss them with you whenever convenient.

I can't do much more, since I am not all that well acquainted with the important players in Congress, and, in any case, (i) will lead three separate delegations of the NCSL, CSG, and the NGA to various points over the next few weeks. ' I would only slow up the proceedings.

[Note: These would be associate with Whist's ACEA an NYSIA junkets for compliant legislators to various exotic locations around the world. NCSL = National Conference of State Legislators, CSG = Council of State Governors, and NGA = National Governor's Association.]

1995 Oct 1 "The Sleaze Factor:UN Blues" - 50 mins. broadcast on Channel 4 Robert Tollison with Paul Dietrich in program attacking WHO. Tollison says he is a "professor of health policy at an American university" <> [1]

1995 Dec 8: Confidential information about WHO - Denmark is to cut in half their payments to WHO. He credited Dietrich with this achievement 2046266043

1995 Dec 8: WHO - DENMARK to cut in half payments. Credited Dietrich 2046266043 BMJ Aug 5 2000 Editorial The forced disclosure last year of 35 million pages of confidential tobacco industry documents alerted the WHO to the possibility of direct interference and led its director general, Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland, to set up an independent inquiry. The four external experts published their report this week.4 In it they conclude: "To many in the international community, tobacco use prevention may be seen as a struggle against chemical addiction, cancers, cardiovascular diseases and other health consequences of smoking. This inquiry adds to the mounting evidence that it is also a struggle against an active, organised and calculating industry." The report gives insights into the lengths to which an industry may go to protect its interests and into the methods it uses. Although influential, Tollison was a minor player compared with Paul Dietrich, an American lawyer with long term undisclosed ties to tobacco companies. According to the report, Dietrich's role was to undermine the WHO's credibility, raise questions about its mission, and redirect its priorities away from tobacco control.

Dietrich himself denied links with the tobacco industry when interviewed by the inquiry committee. But the industry documents present a picture of a lengthy financial relationship in return for advising tobacco companies, writing articles attacking the WHO (published in major US newspapers), giving media briefings, and speaking at conferences all in the guise of an independent expert. In 1990, while receiving a monthly retainer from British American Tobacco, he was appointed to the development committee of the Pan American Health Organization, which also serves as the WHO's regional office for the Americas. Documents from British American Tobacco credit him with persuading the Pan American Health Organization to remove tobacco control from that year's priorities, in favour of immunisation and cholera campaigns.

1995 Jun /E See an index of his 1995 tobacco activities in PM files [172]
  1. Wall Street Journal Articles (only cover page, other pages missing)
  2. Other US syndicated articles written on WHO
  3. London Times, International Herald Tribune & other British articles
  4. European articles written on WHO
  5. South China Morning Post & other Asian articles written on WHO
  6. Middle East article written on WHO
  7. South African article written on WHO
  8. Latin American articles written on WHO
  9. Television Programs (Guided by Dietrich)
    1. 60 Minute expose on WHO (Aired twice on 60 Minutes, and rebroadcast on Murdoch SKY satellite and cable networks)
    2. WHO: The Sleaze Factor/UN Blues (British ITN -- broadcast across Europe)
    3. The WHO (Danish Television, rescheduled to air in UK and Europe later)
  10. Book "Tabac L'historie D'une Imposture" by Bertand Deveaud and Bertrand Lemennicier (Dietrich source of information)
  11. Ministers of Health Survey (1989) also (1994) -- by the IIHD
  12. Major negative articles on the WHO in the UK medical journals
    1. The Lancet
    2. British Medical Journal
    3. Other negative articles on WHO (New York Times front page)
[Note: this list of anti-WHO achievements was in a file-folder now consisting mainly of cover-sheets only (documents have been destroyed). This file brackets them with an article for WHO on "Air-Quality Guidelines for Europe" written by two staff members of the US EPA. [173]
Also in the same folder are articles quoting the Institute for International Health and Development (IIHD) or written by Dietrich (plus some in foreign languages) which all attack WHO.
These articles are probably from the above Dietrich/IIHD files for the year before (1994)
None of the newspapers appears to have made even an elementary attempt to check that Dietrich's IIHD actually existed.
  • The London Times A Plague upon the health bureaucrats. [174]
  • Sunday Telegraph (UK) No Smoke [175]
  • Asian Wall Street Journal [176]
  • Three articles from Thailand [1.] [177]   [2] [178]   [3] [179]
  • One from South Africa [180]
  • One article from Russia [181]

1996 Mar Tobacco Reporter Smoking-Related health issues rank at bottom of priorities of 21 Ministers of Health in survey supposedly conducted by Institute for International Health and Development (IIHD). They quote Laura Jordan asdirector of research at the Institute. [182]

1998 Apr 29 Paul Dietrich is listed as being at a Jesse Helms fundraiser -- among hundreds of others (He has no company affiliation). Phone no 703-660-9080 [183]

1999 Jul 27 An article in defence of WHO (distributed by BAT operatives) attacks both Paul Dietrich and Robert Tollison . Tollison was later hired as the prinicple speaker to journalists on the WHO after Sharon Boyse , the Issues Manager at BAT had a fall-out with Paul Dietrich over payments for past services.

Material from BATCo documents indicates that four years later they were studying WHO's program budget in detail and commissioning academics to write articles seemingly in their private capacity that questioned WHO spending priorities.

For example, Paul Dietrich , President and sole member of the Institute for International Health and Development , who was influential in downplaying tobacco in a New York Academy of Sciences publication 18 months ago, and Bob Tollison , from the Centre for Study of Public Choice, were paid by BATCo to prepare articles that later appeared in the International Herald Tribune. The core of their argument was that WHO "spending should be concentrated on fighting diseases in third world nations, leaving rich, first world nations to finance their own programs. Hence, WHO funds would go for fighting malaria and cholera, but not go for the campaigns for seat belts or against cigarettes and alcohol (Tollison and Wagner, 1993)."

This theme continues with Dietrich's most recent article in the International Herald Tribune urging a stronger attack on infectious disease (Dietrich, p. 14 , 1999). In reality, if these ideas continue to be repeated in major global media there is the threat that they will become accepted as fact.


2000 Aug 2 This is a series of excerpts from various reports about the tobacco industry's subversion of WHO: It discusses Dietrich's role. [185]

2000 Aug 3, Editorial in the Wall Street Journal Europe

Hearing from the WHO

When the World Health Organization is mad at you, it publishes a 248-page report. A new report sharply condemns cigarette-makers for "subverting the efforts of the World Health Organization to control tobacco use" by trying to "discredit" the agency and cut its budget. The report takes a few cracks at us, as well.

In short, a ponderous U.N. bureaucracy, aptly abbreviated WHO, has discovered that its targets sometimes fight back. The WHO wants to limit smoking world-wide and tobacco firms want to defend their shareholders' interests. Sounds like both sides are doing what comes naturally.

There is very little that is new in this sometimes tendentious report, released with great fanfare yesterday afternoon. It is mostly based on the some 35 million documents that tobacco companies have had to make public in a welter of lawsuits over the past several years. The "incriminating" documents date from 1988.

Still, the report is an important story -- albeit not for the reasons that so many journalists seem to think. The report reveals that the agency is still thin-skinned about criticism. That doesn't augur well for its own long-term health. One persistent critic, Paul Dietrich, told us yesterday that the WHO hired private detectives to trail him and gather dirt.

The WHO seems perplexed by such artifacts of Western democracy as the right of free expression. Journal editorial pages, which in the 1990s printed some of Mr. Dietrich's critiques, come in for more than their share of WHO complaints in this report. The WHO's effort to subtly associate Mr. Dietrich's articles and this newspaper with the tobacco industry is most unbecoming.

There is in fact very little new to be said about the health hazards associated with tobacco use. They have been thoroughly documented in the press -- including this newspaper -- and medical literature, including the now-famous U.S. Surgeon's General report that is the basis for the warnings on cigarette packs required by U.S. law. The WHO has thus spent a lot of time and money attacking an industry that is already under heavy fire in the press, in lawsuits by smoking "victims" and from state attorneys general in the U.S. So the WHO, which could be more arduously pursuing the difficult work of trying to eradicate sources of epidemics, is wasting its resources on what Americans call "beating a dead horse."

We must of course ask ourselves why. The only answer that satisfies is that this much-criticized agency is trying to demonize its critics by associating them with a pariah industry, tobacco. In fact, most of its critics have nothing to do with that industry and neither do the questions they have raised over the years about whether the WHO had simply become a talk shop while epidemics rage throughout the world.

In the mid-1990s, the WHO was investigated for poor accounting practices by the U.S. and several European governments. The prestigious British Medical Journal wondered if the agency was doomed to "flounder in a morass of petty corruption and ineffective bureaucracy." At about the same time, Mr. Dietrich in these pages pointed out that the WHO was increasing the budget for conferences by 73% while slashing funds for some vaccinations in poor countries. The agency's own reports admitted that infectious diseases were rising because "vigilance had been relaxed." Millions die every year from infectious diseases -- most of those lives could be saved by a vaccine that costs less than $1 per dose.

We understand that the WHO did clean up its bookkeeping in response to the 1990s complaints. And it also has stepped up spending for vaccinations, we're told. So maybe the critics did some good. Instead of excoriating them, the WHO should consider them free consultants.

If the WHO wants to join the anti-tobacco chorus, it's OK with us. But protecting world health is a question of priorities. Money and time is limited. Next week the WHO and other organizations will hold a conference that will help set up a global anti-smoking regime (another conference, yet). "They want to pressure governments to raise the cigarette tax," said Roger Bate, a fellow at the Cambridge, U.K.-based European Science and Environment Forum.

But when the WHO director Gro Brundtland calls smoking the "biggest global health threat" and adds that "by the year 2010 tobacco is going to be the biggest disease burden globally," we wonder about the WHO's priorities. Has anyone at the WHO heard about the AIDS scourge in Africa?

Smoking is not a disease; it is a dangerous choice. A disease is a hostile form of biology. Dealing with real diseases is hard work, requiring the organizational capacity to mount effective public health programs. Writing a report based on well-known facts or calling a conference to massage those facts is something any deskbound bureaucrat can do. The WHO would win more respect if it paid more heed to complaints that it is essentially a do-nothing organization.

2000 Aug 21 Fax for a film and promotion budget in BAT files: Dietrich wants $80K for shooting some TV interviews in the USA. Beatriz Casals of Casals & Associations is arranging the media tours. Total cost is $232,781 [186]

2001 ASH article "Trust Us. We're The Tobacco Industry" has an expose of the activities of Dietrich and other tobacco scams. [187]

2004 /E Virginia Lawyer Allegedly Outs Wife as CIA Operative About a year ago I worked for a man by the name of Paul Dietrich. ...... and is currently a member of the Advisory Board to the John Templeton Foundation. ...

[Note: This long and generally trustworthy article is by someone who was employed by Dietrich for some time. He recounts some of the stories told to him. However, Paul Dietrich is a life-long consummate liar, and so how much if this is to be trusted is questionable. There's no doubt that Laura Jordan Dietrich was the right-hand-woman of Secretary John Bolton, but whether she was a CIA operative is impossible to know. Obviously the cigarette industry (as with most export oriented American industries) had CIA help and in return provided the CIA with some sinister connections and information, but whether this extended to the limits suggested here, is dubious. ] [188]

2008 Templeton Foundation

Board of Advisors
Paul Dietrich, J.D.

Chairman and CEO of Foxhall Capital Management, Inc., Alexandria, Virginia, which currently manages investments for private investors, union pension funds, mutual funds and large private institutions throughout the United States. Mr. Dietrich was the founder of Meridian Emerging Markets, Ltd., a leading provider of global emerging markets company financial information. He is also an international corporate attorney. As an attorney, he has been an advisor on privatization and economic development issues to the Czech government, the World Bank, as well as several governments in Asia and the former Soviet Union. Before entering law, he served as publisher and editor-in-chief of Saturday Review. Mr. Dietrich has been a frequent contributor to the editorial pages of The Wall Street Journal, the London Times, the International Herald Tribune, the Singapore Times and the South China Morning Post. He served as editor of both the Reuters Emerging Markets Guide and the Reuters Asian Stock Sourcebook. He is also president of the Institute for International Health and Development, has served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., was a member of the National Advisory Board of Harvard University's School of Public Health's AIDS Institute and a member of the Advisory Group on International Health Systems Assessment of the New York Academy of Sciences. Mr. Dietrich has also served as a member of the Development Committee of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and as a member of the Board of Directors of the U.S. Congressional Human Rights Foundation and the American-European Community Association. He is the editor of the award-winning book, A Guide to American Foreign Policy.[189]

2008 Religious Studies
Faculty (University of Montana)

Fax: (406)243-5313. ... and Intolerance In the World's Religions (West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Foundation Press, 2008). [190]

2008 Sep 2 Web-site Movers and Shakers of the Soverign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) . Their puff-piece listing for Paul Dietrich says:

Paul Dietrich
Paul Dietrich - Attorney with Law Firm of Jones Day Reavis & Pogue; President o/t Catholic University of America's Institute for International Health & Development; Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Saturday Review ; TV Producer for CBS and Public Broadcasting; Board of Directors of Federal Association of SMOM[191]

[Quotes below are listed here] 1991 Nov Knights of Malta listing:


  • J. Peter Grace (chair, U. S. chapter; W. R. Grace),
  • Martin F. Shea (sec, U. S. chapter; Morgan Bank),
  • John D. J. Moore (chancellor; U. S. Ambassador to Ireland under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford).
  • Members include: [...] Paul Dietrich (program director).


2009 May 7 Adviser to World Bank DietrichWorldBank.jpg

2009 Nov 9 List of Public TV programs in the New Year.
Forgiveness: A Time to Love, A Time to Hate (w.t.)
Producing organizations: A co-production of WETA and Helen Whitney Productions.

Distributor: PBS. Episodes: 2 x 120 (HD).
Status: postproduction.
Major funders: Fetzer Institute, Templeton Foundation, ClearView Foundation.
Executive producers: Dalton Delan, David S. Thompson.
Producer: Paul Dietrich. Producer/director: Helen Whitney.
Contact: Kate Kelly,
' Explores forgiveness in even the most tragic circumstances by following stories of individuals facing agonizing choices.' [193] [194]

2016 Puff piece online

Paul Dietrich
Company: Fairfax Global Markets LLC
PAUL DIETRICH is the CEO and Chief Investment Officer of FAIRFAX GLOBAL MARKETS LLC (FAIRFAX). FAIRFAX currently manages investments for private investors, mutual funds and large private institutions throughout the United States. He is an international corporate attorney and was formerly associated with two Washington, DC law firms, SQUIRE, SANDERS & DEMPSEY, and JONES DAY. As an attorney, he has been an advisor on privatization and economic development issues to the World Bank, as well as several governments in Asia, Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Before entering the practice of law, he served as Publisher and Editor in Chief of SATURDAY REVIEW, one of the United States’ oldest cultural magazines. He also served for four years as an elected State Representative (Republican from St. Louis County) in the Missouri General Assembly. Mr. Dietrich is a frequent guest commentator on Fox Business News, CNBC, CNN and Bloomberg TV. He has also been a contributor to the editorial pages of the WALL STREET JOURNAL, the WASHINGTON POST, the LONDON TIMES, the INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE, the SINGAPORE TIMES and the SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST.
From 1994 to 1997, he was editor of both the REUTERS EMERGING MARKETS GUIDE and the REUTERS ASIAN STOCK SOURCEBOOK. He is also President of the INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT (founded in 1982 by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, David Morse). He has served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA in Washington, DC, was a member of the NATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY’S SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH’S AIDS INSTITUTE and a member of the Advisory Group on International Health Systems Assessment of the NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES.
He has been a member of the Advisory Board of the JOHN TEMPLETON FOUNDATION. He has also served as a member of the Development Committee of the PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION (PAHO), and as a member of the Board of Directors of the U.S. CONGRESSIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS FOUNDATION and the AMERICAN-EUROPEAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. He is also the Editor of the award winning book, A GUIDE TO AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY (1982) and the author of the forthcoming book, GLOBAL ACTIVE INVESTING: HOW TO MAKE MONEY IN BOTH BULL & BEAR MARKETS. [195]

[Note: about the only honest and correct words are the last: He certainly knows how to make money from the BULL MARKET]
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