Port of Long Beach

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{{#badges: CoalSwarm |Navbar-Coalexports}}Port of Long Beach is in southern California. It is the second-busiest container port in the United States, after the Port of Los Angeles, which it adjoins.[1] The port exports coal and petcoke, a byproduct of oil sands refining.

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Coal is transported from Colorado and Utah by rail to the Port of Long Beach, where about 1.3 million tonnes is exported a year, primarily to Asia. Companies that use the port for coal export include Metropolitan Stevedore Company and Oxbow Carbon, owned by William I. Koch.[2] Coal is exported through Pier G, which has a capacity of nearly 700,000 tonnes and an annual throughput of over 6.3 million tonnes.[3]

In 2014 the Port signed contracts with Metropolitan Stevedore Company and Oxbow Carbon to continue exporting coal and petroleum coke - about 1.5 million tonnes annually for 15 to 20 years. In response, environmental groups petitioned for environmental review of the proposal. In a 9-0 vote taken in August 2014, the Long Beach City Council decided that doing an environmental impact statement before shipping the coal and petcoke abroad was not necessary.[4]

Project Details

  • Operator:
  • Location: Long Beach, California
  • Capacity (Million tonnes per annum): 6.3
  • Status: Operating
  • Type: Exports

Articles and Resources


  1. White, Ronald D. (August 7, 2011). "Long Beach port chief's long voyage nears an end". Retrieved on January 4, 2012. 
  2. "Port of Long Beach's coal exports tarnish its "green" reputation," NRDC, May 14, 2014
  3. "Long Beach," Oxbow, accessed May 2015
  4. Steve Horn, "After Oregon Rejects Coal Export Plan, Long Beach Votes to Export Coal and PetKoch," DeSmog Blog, Aug 21, 2014

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