Port of Qinhuangdao

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Port of Qinhuangdao is a seaport in Hebei, People's Republic of China.

Together with the Port of Huanghua, Port of Tianjin, and Port of Tangshan, Qinghuangdao Port is a major port for coal transportation.[1]


The port is on the Bohai sea in vicinity of Qinghuangdao, located along the Beijing−Shenyang Expressway which links Beijing with Shenyang, Liaoning.

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The 5th-phase expansion of the coal terminal is located at east side of the 4th-phase coal terminal.

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Qinhuangdao Port is mainly supplied with coal from Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Inner Mongolia, and is used to transport coal from north to south China. The port's throughput in 2010 was 209 million tonnes, with 21 dedicated coal berths.[2] The port's phase 1 coal terminal has coal export capacity of 20 million tonnes per annum (mpta), Phase 2 coal terminal has a capacity of 10 mtpa, Phase 3 is 30 mtpa, phase 4 is 55 mtpa, and phase 5 is 50 mtpa.[3]

In 2009 the harbor said it was adding an additional six berths to increase its capacity, and was increasingly being invested in by other port operators, such as South Africa's Richards Bay Coal Terminal, who announced plans in 2009 to invest US$150 million to increase capacity by at least 28 percent.[4]

According to China Briefing Business Guide (2009), rail links from Shanxi province (China’s largest coal mining region) to Qinhuangdao Port are in the process of being upgraded, which should allow for Qinhuangdao to ultimately increase its throughput to 360 million tonnes of coal per annum from its current level of about 230 million tonnes by 2015.[4][5]

However, it was reported in June 2012 that coal inventories at the port had an oversupply of coal. Along with the Port of Qinhuangdao, Tangshan and Huanghua ports also had oversupplies of coal, potentially impacting the China coal market.[6]

In 2014 coal handling at the port was 194.55 million tonnes.[7] Capacity may increase by 20 million to 30 million tonnes by 2017.[8][9]


秦皇岛港位于渤海辽东湾西侧,河北省滨海平原的东北部,地处山海关内外要冲,连通华北与东北两大区域,属河北省秦皇岛市辖境。秦皇岛港是中国北方少有的天然深水港。海岸曲折、港阔水深,风平浪静,不冻不淤,万吨货轮可自由出入,航道甚少需要维护。港口在1898年启用,目前是中国“北煤南运”的主枢纽港。以煤炭、石油等能源输出为主,兼营杂货和集装箱运输,担负着中国南方“八省一市”的煤炭供应。 以新开河为界,港口分为东西两大港区。东港区以能源输出为主,西港区以进出口杂货为主。自2013年6月始,西港区不再经营煤炭装卸业务。[10] [11]





1985年,建成了年吞吐量为2000 万吨的煤二期码头。

1988年12月28日, “西煤东送”干线大秦铁路开通,使得秦皇岛港成为中国最大的煤炭输出港。








目前,秦港拥有23个煤炭泊位,设计年通过能力为2.2635亿吨,最大运行能力超过2.4亿吨。拥有堆存能力1,027万吨的专业化煤炭堆场。自2006年起,秦港煤炭吞吐量连续10年超过2亿吨。2012年实现煤炭吞吐量2.64亿吨,为历史最高。2013年实现2.37亿吨;2015年为2.2亿吨。[14] [15] 2016年,秦皇岛港完成煤炭吞吐量1.59亿吨,同比减少6110万吨。与此同时,邻近的黄骅港煤炭吞吐量激增7250万吨,达到1.92亿吨,首次超过秦港,成为全球第一运煤港。 原因有二:一是铁路准池线(连接大准铁路和朔黄铁路的支线)和蒙冀线(内蒙古鄂尔多斯至曹妃甸港)相继投产,煤炭运输格局发生剧变。2016年有2000万吨的准混煤(准格尔混合煤)由准池线转到朔黄线(山西省神池县至黄骅港)外运至黄骅港,导致大秦线准混货源发运量减少。 二是,由于能源结构调整、煤炭去产能以及国际原油价格下跌等因素,使得汽车运煤成本降低,邻近秦港的黄骅港、天津港、曹妃甸港汽运煤暴增。汽运集港(环渤海港口)下水的煤炭资源达7000万吨,对秦港煤炭运输带来很大影响。[16]

尽管秦皇岛港煤炭发运量不如往年,但相比黄骅港,秦皇岛港堆存和运输能力更强一些,秦港煤炭市场“晴雨表”和煤炭价格“风向标”作用更加明显,秦港煤炭价格变化直接影响国内煤炭价格的走势。进入2017年,中央政府相关部门出手干预。天津、河北、山东及环渤海所有集疏港煤炭将主要由铁路运输,禁止接收柴油货车运输的煤炭。[17] 秦港经铁路运输到港的煤炭量有所增加,前5个月秦港煤炭吞吐量达到8950万吨。[18]


秦皇岛港隶属河北港口集团。位于西港区的秦港三公司因为距离城市中心太近,出于环境考虑,于2014年“退役”,不再转运煤炭。而拥有东港区煤炭一码头、二码头的秦港二公司也计划在2020年前实施转产,改为集装箱码头。两者合计,秦港煤炭运输能力将减少5000万吨左右。展望未来,秦港没有新增煤码头的规划。预计到2020年,秦皇岛港煤炭设计能力将由2.5亿吨降至2亿吨。为弥补煤炭运力,河北港口集团在邻近的曹妃甸港和黄骅港加快部署煤码头。到2018年,将部署3个新煤炭码头,新增煤炭运力2.5亿吨。[19] [20]

Port Details

  • Operator: Qinhuangdao Port Co.,Ltd.
  • Parent Company: Hebei Port Group
  • Location: Qinghuangdao Prefecture, Hebei province, China
  • Annual Coal Capacity (Tonnes per year): 240 million
  • Additional Proposed Coal Capacity (Tonnes per year): 20m-30m
  • Status: Operating; possible expansion by 2017
  • Type: Domestic
  • Coal source: Datong (Shanxi), Junggar (Inner Mongolia), Shenmu (Shaanxi).
  • Financing:

Articles and resources


  1. "China has 26 ports that now handle 100 million tonnes of cargo a year" (30 May 2012). Retrieved on September 14, 2012. 
  2. RK Morse, The world's greatest coal arbitrage," Stanford University report, 2010
  3. "Coal Terminals," CCCC First Harbor Consultants, accessed June 2015
  4. 4.0 4.1 Dezan Shira & Associates. Dezan Shira & Associates (2009). Retrieved on 2009-02-08.
  5. China Briefing Business Guide. China Briefing (2009). Retrieved on 2009-02-08.
  6. "China major ports face coal oversupply" China Daily, July 2, 2012.
  7. [www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/SEHK/.../LTN20150323812.pdf Qinhuangdao Port Co., Ltd,"] Annual Results, Mar 23, 2015
  8. "China Port Seen as Economic Barometer Plans Cargo Record," Bloomberg News, August 19, 2014
  9. "Port of Qinhuangdao IPO application was submitted," Finance Feeds, July 16, 2015
  10. "百年秦皇岛港西港正式搬迁"2013-06-07 《光明日报》
  11. "秦皇岛港"中文百科
  12. "河北港口集团原董事长黄建华受贿2023万"2012-01-04 《财经》
  13. "Port Of Qinhuangdao"通用运费网 2017-7-6
  14. "秦皇岛港煤炭吞吐量连续第6年突破两亿吨"2012-11-08 新华网
  15. "河北港口煤炭吞吐量创“十二五”以来最高增速"2017-06-22, 中国煤炭资源网
  16. "秦港、黄骅港2017年谁将是第一运煤大港?"2017-03-02 中国煤炭资源网
  17. "環渤海所有港口將禁止汽運煤集疏港,各方影響幾何?"2017-05-26 《財經》
  18. "河北港口煤炭吞吐量创“十二五”以来最高增速"2017-06-22 钢联资讯
  19. ["竞争日趋激烈环渤海煤港加快建设"中交广州航道局有限公司官网, 2013-1-8
  20. "煤炭运能仍快速扩张"中国能源报, 2013-09-02

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Wikipedia also has an article on Port of Qinhuangdao. This article may use content from the Wikipedia article under the terms of the GFDL.