Richard J Bing

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Richard John Bing, M.D. was a physician and experimental cardiologist who worked for many years as a consultant in the tobacco industry -- specifically with the (Council for Tobacco Research's Special Advisory Board (SAB). This committee reviewed genuine grant applications [1] however he was also a recipient of grants which he didn't want this publicised. He therefore elected to be funded through the secret Special Projects #4 account. See CTR Special Projects

According to the puff-piece introducing him as a mamber of the SAB, he was Professor of Medicine and Chairman of the Department of Medicine, Wayne State University College of Medicine, Detroit . Before that, he had been Professor of Medicine at Washington University and Professor of Experimental Medicine, Professor of Clinical Physiology and Director of the Cardiac Clinic at the Medical College of Alabama . He has been Associate Professor of Surgery and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, and is the author of numerous scientific articles and reports on the heart and coronary systems . [2]

Bing was the Honorary Life President of the International Society for Heart Research, founded in 1968. He spent his early days at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in the 1930s.[2]

Documents & Timeline

1930s He is at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in the 1930s,

1955 Dec 2 A Hill & Knowlton press release for the industry "Tobacco Research Grants Now Over $838,000 Mark " lists Bing's first Tobacco Industry Research Committee (TIRC) grants. He was at Medical College of Alabama, Birmingham. The effects of smoking on coronary blood flow: (CHD and arteriosclerosis. [3] Only a couple on this list avoided becoming dependent on the TIRC/CTR grants, and helpers of the tobacco industry.

[The TIRC became the CTR (Council for Tobacco Research) when it was later incorporated. The two were continuous.]

1956 Feb 14 A Hill & Knowlton report to the TIRC lists some achievements:

` April 30, American Society for Clinical Investigation, Atlantic City. Dr. Richard Bing , a grantee, will report on the effects of smoking on coronary blood flow. Dr. Bing also will report at the American Federation of Clinical Research in Chicago, Nov. 29-Dec. 2.
` Dr. Maurice Segal , a grantee, is scheduled to give a paper and present an exhibit at these three meetings: April 22-25, Texas Medical Society, Galveston; May 21-22, National Trudeau Society, New York, and June 11-15, American Medical Association, Chicago.

1956 Feb 14 TIRC's public relations report:

  • Dr Richard Bing , a grantee, will report on the effects of smoking on coronary blood flow. [at the meeting] April 30, American Society for Clinical Investigation, Atlantic City.
  • Dr Bing also will report at the American Federation of Clinical Research in Chicago, Nov 29 -- Dec 2 .


1958- 91 He was a long-term member of the TIRC/CTR Scientific Advisory Board. [This was the First Scientific Advisory Board or 'SAB'. His name was added to the list at the two-year mark. He was not replacing anyone.] He i listed at

  • Washington University,
  • Wayne State University,
  • University of Southern California


1958 He sat on the SAB of the TIRC/CTR for 32 years (from 1958 - 91) and received a grant every year. [7].

Court-declared list of scientists

Note: this is just a partial list of the scientists, academics and 'consultants' who were being paid via Special Project accounts. It deals only with the scientists known to the courts at the time it was compiled. Many other academics and professionals were paid via these accounts as revealed at later dates.  

The Council of Tobacco Research (CTR) was a tobacco front group designed to promote the idea that science had not proven cigarettes were bad for your health. Those listed below were scientists funded by tobacco to confuse the scientific issues.
Grants made via the CTR's Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) may be legitimate (or not), but those made through the secret Special Account #4 were effectively bribes.
Domingo M Aviado Lauren V Ackerman George Albee James Ballenger
Alvan L Barach Walter L BarkerBroda O Barnes SP#41
W-BRF, Colorado State Uni.
Walter Becker
Peter Berger Rodger L Bick Theodore H Blau Richard Bing
Evelyn J BowersThomas H Brem Irvin Blose Walter M Booker
Oliver Brooke Richard Brotman Lyman A Brewer SP#47
School of Medicine, USC, LA
Barbara B Brown SP#50
PANA Res.Found., Sepulveda CA
K Alexander BrownleeKatherine Bryant Victor B Buhler Thomas H Burford
J Harold BurnMarie Burnett Maurice Campbell Duane Carr
Rune Cederlof Domenic V Cicchetti Martin J Cline W Clark Cooper
Anthony M Cosentino Daniel Cox Gertrude M Cox
Geza De Takato Bertram D Dimmens Charles Dunlap Henry W Elliott
J Earle Estes Frederick J EvansWilliam Evans Hans J Eysenck SP#60/65
Uni of London, UK.
Jack M FarrisSherwin J FeinhandlerAlvan R Feinstein SP#2
Yale Uni, New Haven, Conn
Herman Feldman
Edward Fickes Theodor N Finley Melvin W First Edwin R Fisher
Russel S Fisher Merritt W FosterRichard FreedmanHerbert Freudenberger
Arthur Furst Nicholas GerberMenard M Gertler Jean D Gibbons
Carl GlasserDonald Goodwin Bernard G Greenberg Alan Griffen
Finn Gyntelberg William Heavlin Norman W Heimstra Joseph Herkson
Richard J. Hickey SP#56
Wharton School, U of Penn.
Carlos Hilado Harold C Hodge Charles H Hine
Gary L Huber Wilhelm C Hueper Darrell Huff Duncan Hutcheon
Joseph J Janis Roger A Jenkins Marvin Kastenbaum Marti Kirschbaum
Leonard A Katz SP#3
Michigan State Uni, East Lansing
Lawrence L Kuper Mariano La Via Hiram T Langston SP#4
VA Hospital, Hines IL
William G LeamanMichael Lebowitz Samuel B LehrerWilliam Lerner
Edward Raynar LevineGerald J LiebermanStephen C Littlechild Eleanor Macdonald
Nathan Mantel Ross McFarland Thomas F Mancuso SP#67
Occ.Health, Uni of Pittsburgh
Milton Meckler
Nancy Mello Jack Mendelson Irvin Miller Marc Micozzi
Kenneth M Moser Albert H Niden Judith O'FallonJohn O'Lane
William B OberJoseph H Ogura Ronald OkunIngram Olkin
Thomas L Petty Leslie Preger Walter J. Priest Richard Proctor
Terrence P Pshler Herbert L. RatcliffeAttilio Renzetti L.G.S. Rao
Raymond H Rigdon Jay Roberts Milton B Rosenblatt John Rosencrans
Walter Rosenkrantz Ray H Rosenman Linda Russek Henry Russek
Ragnar Rylander George L Saiger D.E. Sailagyi I Richard Savage
Richard S Schilling Stanley S SchorGerhard N Schrauzer Charles Schultz
John Schwab Carl C Seltzer Paul Shalmy Robert Shilling
Henry Shotwell Allen Silberberg N. Skolnik James F Smith SP#43
Uni of Tennessee, Memphis
Louis A. SoloffSheldon C Sommers (CTR) JB Spalding Charles Spielberg
Charles Spielberger Lawrence Spielvogel Russell StedmanArthur Stein
Elia SterlingTheodor Sterling SP#51/58/61/62
Washington U, St Louis
Thomas Szasz Paul Toannidis
Chris P TsokosHelmut Valentin Richard Wagner Norman Wall
Roger WilsonJack Wiseman George Wright John P Wyatt
Jacob Yerushalmy SP#59
SPH UC Berkely+ Stats, Jerusalem
Irving Zeidman
Aleph Foundation Arthur D. Little Aspen Conference Atmospheric Health Sciences
(Domingo M Avido)
ACVA Atlantic
(Gray Robertson)
Able-Lands Battelle Columbus LaboratoriesBattelle Memorial Institute
Billings & Gussman BioResearch Laboratories
(L.G.S. Rao)
Brigham Young University Colucci & Associates
Cohen Coleghety FoundationCode Consultants Inc.Carney Enterprises Computerland
Engineered Energy ManagementEnvironmental Policy InstituteEysenck Institute of Psychiatry
(Hans J Eysenck)
FudenbergHarvard Medical SchoolHine Inc.
(Charles H Hine)
Information Intersciences
International Consultancy International Technology Corporation International Information Institute J.B. Spalding Statistical Service
J.F. Smith Research Account Jacob, Medinger & Finnegan Kravetz Levine & SpotnitzShook, Hardy & Bacon
Michigan State University Meckler Engineering Group
(Milton Meckler)
Peat, Marwick Main & Co. R.W. Andersohn & Assoc.
Pitney, Hardin & KippPublic Smoking Research Group Response Analysis Project
(Alfred Vogel/Reuben Cohen)
Response Analysis Corporation
(Alfred Vogel/Reuben Cohen)
Schirmer Engineering Corp.St. George Hospital & Medical SchoolStanford Research Institution ProjectFound. for Res. in Bronchial Asthma and Related Diseases
The Futures GroupUniversity of South FloridaWayne State University Weinberg Consulting Group
(Myron Weinberg)
Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation
DOUBLE-HIDDEN SPECIAL GRANTS paid through the companies/itself
CTR (paid itself) Hearings-Kennedy-Hart BillIndustry Research Liaison Committee Philip Morris
Thomas S Osdene
RJ Reynolds
Murray Senkus
See also [8] and this 1972-81 list with the total amounts paid: [9] This is not an exhaustive list.<br The CTR also has a special site with an index under the Minnesota Agreement. (not very useful) [10]

These are CTR Special Project grantees now known not to have been included in the above list: [11]

<tdo>resource_id=2748 resource_code=bing_richard_j_dr search_term=Richard John Bing</tdo>


  1. (N.M.'s Who's Who) (UCSF Brown & Williamson 1012.01)
  2. (ISHR's news bulletin, Heart News and Views. Google)