Rune Cederlof

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{{#badges: tobaccowiki}} Rune Cederlof, Ph.D. was a doctor at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden who specialised in twin-studies (comparing the health histories of identical and non-identical twins). He also served as an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Hygiene, National Institute of Public Health, in Stockholm, Sweden circa 1969. He worked extensively with Lars Friberg

Professor Rune Cederlof was a Council for Tobacco Research grantee, Council for Tobacco Research Special Project recipient and Industry Consultant. He elected to be funded through the secret Special Projects #4 account. See CTR Special Projects. (PMI's Introduction to Privilege Log and Glossary of Names, Estate of Burl Butler v. PMI, et al, April 19, 1996)


The industry supported Dr. Cederlof because his beliefs helped the industry confuse the public about the link between smoking and disease. Cederlof believed that "observed differences in the health status between the smokers and nonsmokers could be due to "factors, genetic or environmental, that are more prevalent in the group of smokers than in the group of non-smokers." Dr. Cederlof performed studies on Swedish twins where one twin was a smoker and the other a nonsmoker. [1]

On April 28, 1969, the Tobacco Institute issued a press release centered upon a statement released by Dr. Cederlof to a House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. It stated:

In Dr.Cederlof's opinion, the extensive "twin studies" which he had helped to conduct have "clearly indicated that the association between smoking and the symptom 'angina pectoris'may be merely statistical and not causal. They have also shown that at least part of the association between smoking and cough may be due to confounding factors.


The tobacco industry was so pleased with Cederlof's claims that they funded his visit to Australia in December 1969 with Lars Friberg. The pair were sent on a media tour around the southern states, and given tickets on a luxury liner, with a stop-over in Hawaii, on their way home. The visit was organised and sponsored by Philip Morris.

Papers authored by Cederlof

Cederlof, R., Friberg, L., Jonsson, E., Kaij, L. Morbidity among monozygotic twins. Arch Environ Health 10(2): 346-350; 1965.

Cederlof, R., Friberg, L., Jonsson, E., Kaij, L. Respiratory symptoms and `angina pectoris" in twins with reference to smoking habits. An epidemiological study with mailed questionnaire. Arch. of Environ. Health 13(6):726-737; 1966.

Cederlof, R. et al., Hereditary factors and "angina pectoris" Arch Environ Health 14 (3): 397-400; 1967.

Cederlof, R., et al. Hereditary factors, "spontaneous cough" and smoker' s cough. Arch Environ Health 14(3): 401-406; March 1967.

Cederlof, R., Friberg, L. Tobacco smoking and health: Results of epidemiologic studies in twins. Source? 65(27): 2727-2734; July 3, 1968.

Cederlof, R., Friberg, L., Hrubec, Z. Cardiovascular and respiratory symptoms in relation to tobacco smoking. A study on American twins. Arch. Environ. Health 18(June):934-940, 1969.

Cederlof, R. Statement presented at Hearings-before the Committee of Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, April 15 - May 1, 1969. Serial No. 91-11, pp. 673-.

Friberg L, Cederlof R, Lorich U, LundmanT, De Faire U. Mortality in twins in relation to smoking habits and alcohol problems. Arch Environ Health 1973;27:294-304.

Cederlof, R., Friberg, L., Hrubec, Z., Lorich, U. The Relationship of Smoking and Some Social Covariables to Mortality and Cancer Morbidity. A Ten Year Follow-up in a Probability Sample of 55,000 Swedish Subjects Age 18-69, Part 1/2. Stockholm, Sweden: Karolinska Institute, Department of Environmental Hygiene, 1975.

Cederlof, R., Friberg, L. and Lundman, T. (1977). The interactions of smoking, environment and heredity and their implications for disease etiology : a report of epidemiological studies on the Swedish twin registries. Acta Med. Scand. Suppl. 612, 1-128.

Cederlof, R., et al., Air Pollution and Cancer: Risk Assessment Methodology and Epidemiologic Evidence, Env. Health Persp. 22:1-12, 1978.

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