Ronald A. Tamol

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{{#badges: tobaccowiki}} Ronald A. Tamol (last name pronounced with a long "A") was a Philip Morris Research Engineer who worked for the company from1963 until 1992, when he retired. He was involved in new brand development.


Ronald Tamol was Head of Brand Development for Philip Morris. A transcript of his fiance' Hatsy Heep exists in which she describes the effort by Philip Morris to recover a document cache Tamol kept at her home after leaving Philip Morris.[1]

Among the documents in the cache was a handwritten note, stamped "R.A. Tamol" and dated February 1, 1965, that said "determine minimum nicotine drop to keep normal smokers 'hooked.'" Mr. Tamol denied knowledge of the documents, saying only that he had collected some documents relating to consulting work he had done. He said he had broken up with his fiance' because she was "unstable" and a "chronic liar," but she insisted she was telling the truth, and that Philip Morris personnel had said in no uncertain terms to destroy the documents.[2]

External resources


  1. Borrello, Charles, Certified Court Reporter Statement of Hatsy Heep Web site, accessed March 31, 2008
  2. G. Collins Disputed documents could be used in class-action suit against tobacco companies New York Times, April 10, 1996, Philip Morris Bates No. 2061693088

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