Sammy Wilson

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{{#badges:climate change}}Sammy Wilson is the Minister for Environment in Northern Ireland government.

Climate Skeptic

Wilson claims that "there is no conclusive evidence that greenhouse gases are a major cause of climate change."[3]

In an opinion column in a Northern Ireland newspaper the News Letter, Wilson criticised the Greens and stated that "I refuse to blindly accept the new pseudo-religion that we must dramatically change our economy in order to stop climate change ... We have never clearly understood the causes of these changes and despite what some environmentalists say there is no scientific consensus around the causes. Some claim that recent climate change is due to CO2 production from industrialisation, our energy use, our love affair with the car and foreign holidays by jet airplane. The difficulty with this explanation is that climate change occurred even when we did not have the increase on CO2 emissions experience in the last 200 years. Another difficulty they have is that the increase in CO2 occurs after the increase in temperatures."[4]

"To date governments across the world seem to have caved in to the demands of well-placed environmental lobby groups and the political hysteria they have generated and have introduced a wide range of measures to reduce CO2 emissions in an attempt to stop climate change," he wrote. He also argued that "resources should be used to adapt to the consequences of climate change, rather than King Canute-style vainly trying to stop it." said the minister.[4]

Wilson is the four of clubs in George Monbiot's Royal Flush of Climate change deniers [5]

On 29th October 2010 Sammy Wilson hosts, along with Graham Stringer a climate sceptic event inside the House of Commons.[6]

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  1. Campaign for an Independent Britain Patrons, organizational web page, accessed July 14, 2014.
  2. Westminster Declaration, Christian Voice, accessed June 9, 2015.
  3. "Wilson: Greenhouse gas reduction will increase electricity prices by 25%", Media Release, September 1, 2008.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Sammy Wilson "Debate must replace scaremongering of green climate alarmists", News Letter, September 5, 2008.
  5. "[1]"
  6. [2]

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