Smokeless Tobacco Council

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{{#badges: Tobaccowiki}} The Smokeless Tobacco Council (STC) was the chewing and snuff tobacco equivalent of the Tobacco Institute, with a touch of the Council for Tobacco Research. It developed good relationships with each, and eventually the functions virtually merged. There was a resurgence of interest in chewing tobacco in the 1980s, partly due to the teenage "rebel/tough-man" image boosted by the movies.

In this period the STC was reasonably independent, but the cigarette manufacturers progressively bought up smokeless tobacco companies,[1] and so their interests tended to merge.[2] [3] Eventually the STC was treated as a sub-section of the Tobacco Institute for the purposes of political lobbying, working to defeat ballot measures and other activities, being billed for one-thirtieth of all costs.[4]

Key Characters

People involved in the Council included:

  • Jeff Schlagenhauf who was an administrative assistant to Congressman Thomas Bliley, a supporter of the tobacco industry in Congress. [5] He became the president of the Council in 1994. [6]

Articles and resources

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  1. Philip MorisSmokeless Tobacco Business Planning and Analysis Market Research Report. February, 1978. Bates No. 2025390507/0532
  2. Juchatz WW, R.J. ReynoldsThis Will Confirm That, To the Best of My Knowledge and Belief (after Reasonable Inquiry), All Internally Generated Documents Containing Information Covered by our Confidentiality Agreement Have Been Destroyed Letter. January 2, 1985. Bates No. 515685862
  3. Schlagenhauf J;Smokeless Tobacco Council, Inc.[1] Letter. March 23, 1995. Bates No. 568211864
  4. Adams WA. Tobacco Institute Attached Schedule Shows Amount Allocated Letter. August 16, 1994. Bates No. TI16360350
  5. Fois S, Quinn J Discussion Draft of H.R. 5041 Memorandum. August 6, 1990. Bates No. 2073415990/6001
  6. Adams WA, Tobacco Institute Assessment Approval for Colorado Initiative Campaign of $405,000 and $4,820,615 Request for Remittance Check Letter. October 17, 1994. Bates No. TI16370337

External resources

External articles

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