Thomas Bliley

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Thomas J. Bliley, Jr., 106th Congress

Thomas Bliley was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives (R-Va.), and was on the House Energy & Commerce Committee.


Rep. Thomas J. Bliley Jr. was a United States Representative (1984-1994) (R-Va.). As of 1994, he was the ranking Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and an ally of the Pro-tobacco industry (U. S. News 4/18/94) (E. Whelan 1984). According to U.S. Public Interest Research Group, Bliley was the biggest single recipient of tobacco political action committee (PAC) contributions in Congress; Bliley has received $96,040 from tobacco PACs from January 1987 to July 1994 (LAT 9/18/94). He spent most of his career representing the district in which the giant Philip Morris Industrial Complex resides, earning him a nickname "The Congressman from Philip Morris". Among the press corps the quips got a little nastier. (Smokescreen, pg. 195)

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