Suzanne Goldenberg

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{{#badges: ToxicSludge}} Suzanne Goldenberg is a UK Guardian reporter being accused of "libel" by Francesca Vietor of the SFPUC and the [[Chez Panisse Foundation for having written this article: US chef Alice Waters criticised over sewage fertiliser: Top US healthy-eating chef Alice Waters attacked for supporting fertiliser made of sewage that activists say contains toxins, UK Guardian, April 1, 2010. She and her newspaper stand by the veracity of the article.

Author and food writer Jill Richardson wrote a piece examining the charges in the article and concluded that the Guardian article is accurate: Francesca Takes Legal Action over Sludge Article, La Vida Locavore blog, April 6, 2010.

Chez Sludge

Additional information on the attack by Vietor upon this reporter and her paper can be found in the July 9, 2010 report of the major investigative report released on July 9, 2010 by the Food Rights Network titled: Chez Sludge: How the Sewage Sludge Industry Bedded Alice Waters. [1] It examines the conflicts of interest and collusion between the Chez Panisse Foundation and the SFPUC based on an extensive open records investigation of the SFPUC internal files. (To view the internal documents see: SFPUC Sludge Controversy Timeline.)

Timeline of Vietor Charges Against the Guardian

** April 1, 2010: Suzanne Goldenberg of the UK's Guardian newspaper reports on the controversy. [2]

    • April 1, 2010: A search of the CA Bar Association website reveals that the California law license of Vietor's attorney, Chris Desser is "inactive" and so cannot legally be held out or act as her attorney.[3]

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