Synthia Andrews

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Biographical Information

"Synthia Andrews has been in the world of wholisitic health for over 25 years. Her work has focused on the resolution and relief of pain and its underlying mechanical, metabolic, emotional or traumatic causes. She has recently expanded her scope of practice to include naturopathic medicine in order to assist people even further in their quest for pain-free living .

"Synthia has maintained a private practice, taught workshops around the country, and was a faculty member at the Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy from 1991 to 2005. She has written two books and contributed to journal articles. She also taught Pathology for Massage Therapist for three years at the Kripalu Yoga Institute and is an authorized teacher of the Jin Shin Do® Foundation...

"I graduated from the college of Naturopathic Medicine at the University of Bridgeport in May 2008. However, my career in wholistic health began more than 25 years ago as a massage and bodywork therapist. Massage therapy feeds my love of anatomy and physiology while allowing me to explore the interaction between the body, mind, and emotions. When I embarked on this career in 1981 there were no laws in Connecticut governing massage therapist nor was there any standardized training. Massage therapists created their own curriculum and studied areas that interested them. As licensing requirements went into effect in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s I decided to become a massage therapy teacher. I attended the Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy (CCMT) in 1989, graduated in May of 1991 and began my teaching career at CCMT in September of 1991.

"I was on faculty at CCMT from 1991 to 2005. My classes included basic and advanced massage techniques, Energetic Foundations, Professional Foundations, Jin Shin Do® Acupressure, and a variety of one day workshops...

"In 2002 I accepted the challenge of creating a pathology course with Peggy Schjeldahl for the Kripalu Yoga Institute’s Massage Therapy Training program. The course name was Dynamics of Health and Healing. It was unique for programs of its kind in that it looked at system physiology, where and how things go wrong, what the body does to restore health and how massage can support the body’s natural process. I taught this course with Peggy for three years.

I’ve been teaching workshops since 1991 in Reiki I, II & III, Energy Awareness, Jin Shin Do®, Energy Meditation and more. I provide training for Massage CEU’s as well as for non-professionals looking for healing tools for themselves and their family.

"I founded and co-directed the Shoreline Center for Wholistic Health, Inc. in 1994 with Dianne Berg. Still in operation today, the center was one of the first integrative health services in the area. Dianne Berg is the current owner and director.

"In 1996 my husband Colin Andrews and I went to Germany to collaborate with Dr. Franz Lutz at the Institute for Resonance Therapy in Cappenberg. Resonance therapy is a form of frequency medicine used to treat and restore ecosystems. Our interest in this area grew and I founded a non-profit research institute, Foundations of Life, Inc. (FOL) in 2001. Colin and I are co- directors of FOL.

"For the past 9 years FOL has been a vehicle to explore energy medicine and aspects of consciousness and healing. Through this research I have been gifted with access to cutting edge frequency devices such as the QXCI frequency healing machine and the Russian Skenar electric stimulation machine. The Skenar was designed for use in the Russian space program.

"Education is important to me. I love to learn and have maintained an aggressive continuing education schedule. My studies have ranged from very anatomically oriented modalities such as visceral manipulation and myofascial release, to energy approaches such as acupressure and frequency healing. I strive to find the cause of pain and dysfunction even while alleviating symptoms. I find the cause rarely resides solely in the physical body. To assist clients with visualization skills and emotional process I have studied hypnotherapy and Body Mind processing skills such as The Personal Totem Pole process. A list of courses I’ve taken can be found on this web page.

"My massage practice has focused on the interaction between emotions and the body, especially related to chronic pain. My studies in this area led to a specialization in emotional processing through bodywork. I spoke twice on this topic for the Phoenix Conference at the Mercy Center in Madison, CT. The titles of my lectures were, Massaging the Emotional Body and Living from the Core Self. Other speakers on the venue included Dr. Bernie Siegel.

"I published two submissions in 2003. I contributed to an article written by CCMT professionals published in the journal Techniques in Orthopedics titled The Application of Therapeutic Massage to Low Back Pain. I also contributed a chapter in my husband Colin Andrews’ third book, Crop Circles: Signs of Contact (Career Press).

"My chapter in Colin’s book opened the door to co-authoring my own book. New York Times best-selling author Steve Spignesi (Colins co-author in Signs of Contact) brought me to the attention of acquisition editor Mike Lewis at Wiley Press. Mr. Lewis offered me the opportunity to write Acupressure and Reflexology for Dummies with Bobbi Dempsi, published in September 2007. This project was gifted with a tremendous project editor, Kristin DeMint, who made the book a true pleasure to write.

"Book agent Marilyn Allen brought me the next book, The Complete Idiots Guide to 2012, with Penguin Press. I was excited to write the book as I've had a life-long interest in Mayan and Hopi prophecy. Colin and I have traveled extensively around the world talking to many indigenous cultures about prophecy, healing and end-time predictions. Colin was a natural co-author and we embarked on the project together. The publishing date is October 2008."[1]

Author of The Path of Energy: Awaken Your Personal Power and Expand Your Consciousness with foreword by Barbara Marciniak (New Page Books, 2011). Postive reviews of her work are provided by Gregg Braden, Meredith Young-Sowers, Kathyrn Brinkley, Edgar Mitchell, Henry Grayson, and J.J. Hurtak. [1]


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  1. colinandrews Synthia Andrews, organizational web page, accessed September 17, 2013.