Tony Neate

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Biographical Information

"Tony Neate has been a well-known and respected channeller of H-A for over 50 years, and these teachings reflect the growing ability of seeking humanity to understand and make use of higher wisdom. Tony is the co-founder of the College of Healing and the School of Channelling. He is also a founder of the Nature’s Own/Cytoplan group of nutritional supplement companies. He was Chair of the Spirit Release Foundation for 4 years and is Spiritual Advisor to the Helios Community. His books, New Dimensions in Healing and Channelling for Everyone are definitive texts." [1]

"Tony co-founded The Atlanteans Society in 1957 with Murry Hope. He started a Health Food business in the ‘70s with his wife Ann and, through this, began to study nutrition. He became interested in the complementary treatment of cancer when his mother died from stomach cancer in 1975.

"As part of his work with the holistic treatment of cancer he toured Europe with Dr Alec Forbes - a retired consultant physician who became the first Medical Director of the famous Bristol Cancer Help Centre - including visits to Dr Hans Moolenburgh in Holland and Dr Hans Nieper in Germany. (The latter treated a number of film stars including William Holden.)

"In 1979 Tony co-founded what is today the Nature’s Own/Cytoplan group of companies, now in the forefront of nutritional supplementation, but which were created originally at the instigation of Dr Forbes who wanted specialist nutritional supplements for his cancer patients at Bristol.

With his wife, Ann, Tony directed a Cancer Help Centre in Cheltenham in collaboration with Dr John Cosh, a retired hospital consultant. Tony has also been Chair of Holistic Council for Cancer, New Approaches to Cancer and succeeded the late Sir George Trevelyan as Chair of Wrekin Trust.

"Tony was Chair of a Waldorf (Rudolf Steiner) school for six years. He co-founded Runnings Park and the College of Healing, which provides the most accredited Healing Course in Europe; and also was a Co-founder of the Confederation of Healing Organisations.

"In 1990, Tony co-founded the School of Channelling, of which he is now Chair. He is author of Channelling for Everyone, published in the UK by Piatkus and in USA, Germany and Bulgaria. Tony has appeared on TV and radio and has gained coverage in national press.

"With Ann, he lectures and runs workshops internationally on channelling, psychic protection, healing, stress management, spirit release and self-development.

"He is a past Council member of the College of Psychic Studies in London and worked there as a therapist for nearly ten years. He works on a one-to-one basis as a healer/counsellor and nutritional advisor, including past-life therapy, and deals with spirit attachment, spirit release, hauntings, etc.

"Tony was Chair of the Spirit Release Foundation for 4 years, an organisation which includes highly respected consultant psychiatrists: Dr Andrew Powell, Dr Alan Sanderson and Dr Haraldur Erlendssohn." [2]

"Co-founded what is today the Nature’s Own/Cytoplan group of companies. These are now in the forefront of nutritional supplementation but were created originally at the instigation of Dr Forbes who wanted specialist nutritional supplements for his cancer patients at Bristol. Directed a Cancer Help Centre in Cheltenham with Ann and Dr John Cosh, a retired hospital consultant. Chairman of Holistic Council for Cancer, New Approaches to Cancer and succeeded the late Sir George Trevelyan as Chairman of Wrekin Trust. Tony was also Chairman of a Waldorf (Rudolf Steiner) school for 6 years. " [1]

Married to Ann Neate.


  • Channelling for Everyone Tony Neate, Published by Piatkus Books UK

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  1. spiritualchannelling Books, organizational web page, accessed September 18, 2013.
  2. spiritualchannelling Tony, organizational web page, accessed September 19, 2013.