Trans Europa Naturgas Pipeline

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This article is part of the Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker, a project of Global Energy Monitor and the Center for Media and Democracy.

Trans Europa Naturgas Pipeline is an operating natural gas pipeline in Germany transmitting between Northern and Southern Europe.[1]


Bocholtz interconnection point with the Netherlands along the western border of Germany to the Wallbach interconnection point with the Transitgas pipeline in Switzerland.

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Project Details

  • Parent Company: Open Grid Europe (51%) and Fluxys (49%)
  • Operator: TENP GmbH & Co. KG
  • Current capacity: 15.5 billion cubic meters per year[2]
  • Proposed capacity:
  • Length: 968 kilometers / 601 miles
  • Status: Operating
  • Start Year: 1974


The TENP pipeline was planned at the beginning of the 70's as the German part of the pipeline system that would supply Dutch gas to Italy. Today the TENP pipeline system, coupled with the Transitgas pipeline, plays a key role in the supply of Norwegian gas to the German, Swiss and Italian markets.[3]


The Trans Europa Naturgas Pipeline (TENP) consists of two parallel pipelines measuring 500 kilometers, running from the Bocholtz interconnection point with the Netherlands along the western border of Germany to the Wallbach interconnection point with the Transitgas pipeline in Switzerland. From Wallbach, the Transitgas system takes gas delivered by TENP and transmits it to Italy.[3]

Since 2007 the TENP system includes a share of the pipeline running from Stolberg to the Belgian border at Raeren/Eynatten, where the TENP system is connected to the Belgian network operated by Fluxys.[3]

Technical Details

The TENP pipeline system consists of two lines, the first of the two (36"-38") has been working since 1974 and the second (40") was completed in 2006. Part of this second line has been working since 1978. The system also includes 4 compression stations located at Stolberg, Mittelbrunn, Schwarzach and Hügelheim.[3]

Reverse Flow Project

Currently, the TENP line is undergoing infrastructural changes which would implement a bi-directional ability to the gas system. This reverse flow project will enable gas flows from Italy and France into Germany, significantly adding to the gas supply for Germany.[4]

The reversing of gas flows from south to north has been listed as European Project of Common Interest (PCI) since 2012. Due to the fact that Italy has become a major hub for current and future gas supplies from Northern Africa along with the development of the Southern Corridor project, a south to north flow will allow for significantly diverse gas supplies.[4]

Articles and resources


  1. Natural Gas Transmission Between Northern and Southern Europe, Fluxys, accessed April, 2018
  2. Trans Europa Naturgas Pipeline, Wikipedia, accessed February 2019
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 The TENP Pipeline, Fluxys, accessed April, 2018
  4. 4.0 4.1 [ Trans - Europa Natural Gas Pipeline (TENP) Reverse Flow Gas Project To Go Ahead: Big Boost to European Energy Security, Pipeline Technology Journal, November 23, 2015

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