User talk:Bob Burton

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Service suppliers


Mine of the Future



Abbott on coal

You see, the main difference which I’m sure you know but which I suspect many of our people have forgotten, between the modern and the pre-modern world is energy consumption and it is our destiny in this country to bring affordable energy to the world.

It’s particularly important that we do not demonise the coal industry and if there was one fundamental problem, above all else, with the carbon tax was that it said to our people, it said to the wider world, that a commodity which in many years is our biggest single export, somehow should be left in the ground and not sold. Well really and truly, I can think of few things more damaging to our future.

Linda St. Martin

  • ""Never let injustice shut you up. When you see injustice you must stand up. It's going to hurt sometimes. It's going to cost you something. But you can never, never allow injustice in your presence and sit silently by and let it happen. You cannot do that."

Jon Grayson

Sunita Narain

Electricity sales by country



Links to add



India Link

Mantle's new lease area

China power stations

Latrobe valley



EPDK database



Viv Forbes

ACA on climate

Fred Palmer

Energy stats

Report on costs/volume


Archive links to collections of submissions on Aust greenhouse policy



park pic link



Don Elder


Aust economics

Abbott Jan speech




India met coal imports

Link to Energy White paper submissions




Maurice Newman


coal in 50 years

reaction to coal plan

Met coal

Australian coal mine closures

  • BHP Billiton-Mitsubishi Alliance's (BMA) Gregory open cut October 2012.[1]

New SA export terminal

Energy Brix


  • Attila Resources - Gascoyne - Carnarvon Basin thermal coal explorer
  • Blackham Resources Esperance – Scaddan thermal coal. Proposed coal-to-liquids project, includes JV with Wesfarmers
  • Cullen Resources - Kimberley - Canning basin JV with Singapore co Advaita, also tenements in Gascoyne (Carnarvon Basin), Qld (Galilee and Millungera) + Namibia
  • Attila Resources Gascoyne - Carnarvon Basin thermal coal explorer
  • Eneabba Gas Mid West - thermal coal tenements as alternative fuel source for gas power station

Return to

UK coal and power stats

CCS boosting

Country pages to update





Katherine Teh-White

Mt Penny link

alcoa link

Loy Yang report

Rio Tinto & CCS


  • see page 608 in 2nd WGII report

Nikki Williams on CCS

FOI on National CCS Council

Add link

Indonesia and coal

Climate Institute survey


Despairing CCS booster

Enel in Italy

Pages to review

Check pages Waubra Foundation, and disambiguate Australian Landscape Guardians and Landscape Guardians

UK CCS economics assessment

The Plight of CCS in the EU

Carbon Capture & Storage:A Critical Part of the Climate Change Solutions Portfolio

Nick otter

Rio 2011 AR







Bhadreshwar Thermal Power Project (Adani) and Mundra Thermal Power Project (Adani) - are they the same project?


The map below shows the location of Pali, Korba District, Chhattisgarh, India but not the exact location of the project.

Indian companies and Australian coal


Vale protests in Mozambique

Vic coal

Pages to merge

The JR Power Project and the Wardha Naini Power Project pages are probably referring to the same project and should be merged.

Qld members of plt statement of interests

Vic possible coal allocations

Qld floods 2008 and

port of mackay - proposed coal transport corridor and coal terminal.doc

fitzroy river basin.doc

Qld govt coal plan 2030

Qld Ag lands policy

Mines spreadsheet

Download the Operating Mines dataset as a ... - Australian Mines Atlas

Ad links to Vic submissions


Queensland data

Acland mine blasting and nitrogen dioxide

Hazelwood road closure


Mt Piper fly ash

ERM Power

“Gas is the greatest competitive energy advantage that Australia has. But we are blowing our green dollars on renewables which are not mature yet,” he said.

“I do not support the commercialisation of technology that is not competitive. We would be better off spending on research and development to make it competitive,” he said.

“In two decades we should have shifted from 80 per cent coal to 80 per cent gas. By then, wind and solar should be competitive and can take over the bigger part of the load in 20 or 30 years’ time.”

Mr St Baker noted that the current carbon tax level of $23 a tonne will do nothing to change the energy mix in power generation, with brown coal power generation still coming out the cheapest source of power even with the impost.

Harther on Shenua conditions

Chip's take Can Coal Be Part Of The Answer? 07 Sep 2007 Chip Goodyear, Chief Executive Officer, addresses the APEC Australia 2007 Business Summit in Sydney, Australia.

note no EE etc

Travel times for met coal to market

BHP Caroona

NSW coal data

Coal vs renewables

NSW MC multiplier

Peabody sub

Carabella and Rinehart



Mantle Mining: Quotable Quotes

doing a test--Bob Burton 01:03, 7 September 2011 (UTC)

Kim Wells



ABS Coal mining/mining jobs data

Household energy

  • 1301.0 - Year Book Australia, 2009–10 .. solar hot water "In 2008, 7% of households used solar energy to heat water, up from 4% of households in 2005. More than half of all households in the Northern Territory used solar energy to heat water (54%) - a much larger proportion than in Western Australia (21%) and no other state or territory exceeded 10% (graph 2.42)."

Redbank 2


Hunter Valley

China Stone project



Coal companies

1. Peabody 2. Arch Coal 3. Alpha Natural Resources (including Massey) 4. Cloud Peak Energy (Rio Tinto spinoff) 5. CONSOL Energy

1. Alpha 2. Arch 3. CONSOL 4. International Coal Group 5. James River Coal Company 6. Patriot Coal


Graham Readferan


Additional navbar

User talk:Bob Burton/Bobstest2

Experimental navbar

On May 28, 2011, two indigenous rights activists, Ramesh Agrawal and Dr Harihar Patel, were arrested in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh and denied release on bail.[2]

The state police charged the two men with “circulating defamatory material”, “disrupting public order” and “causing alarm and panic among the public” at a May 8, 2010 mandatory public consultation, held by the state pollution board at Tamnar village, relating to the proposed expansion of a coal-fired plant run by Jindal Steel and Power.[2]

This article is part of the CoalSwarm coverage of India and coal
Related articles:

Bayswater protest

Sheep Hill Deep Water Port Facility (Stage 1)

CSIRO reports

Aust coal and waste elements ie mercury etc

Coal dust in NSW mines

  • and "ABC April 15, 2010

A SENIOR NSW health official says exposure to coal dust particulates can harm people's health, even if the pollution is within state guidelines.

Coal dust exposure

Latrobe Valley just transition

Coal terminals



IPA on Hazelwood

Sample navbar


Map link



Abbott Point

Vic links


Tony Maher

WA funding for Perdaman Collie Urea Project


Lovins on clean coal

US west coat terminals

Gas emissions vs coal How Do New Methane Leakage Numbers Affect the Life-Cycle Comparison Between Coal and Natural Gas? Saya Kitasei

Revolt (WorldWatch Institute blog)


EIA data

have a look here

Stanford link

coal and evil

South Carolina

hings that can be added included videos, images, news of scrubber settlements and retrofits, coal source, citizen action and protests, toxic waste data, incidents of accidents and negligence, litigation, coal plant databases, and information about how upcoming regulation may affect the plant. For some ideas of what to improve pages, see Bruce Mansfield Power Station. Also, for data on toxic releases, see Top 100 TRI facilities for 2009, Right-to-Know Network.



International Advanced Coal Technologies Conference

Peter Beattie


MCA and Vic coal page

Road subsidence

Coal and water

Coal seam gas and water





Coastal maps

Coastal maps help Australia prepare for impacts of climate change Greg Combet, media statement, 15 December 2010 New maps which identify the future impacts of climate change on some coastal regions will assist the community prepare for sea level rise, the Federal Government announced today. MAPS AND TOOLS

Aust China trade

Cobbora mine

Queensland floods and coal

Rio Tinto corp reorg

NSW power station privatisation

WA stats 2009-2010

Surat Basin Rail

Queensland Cabinet docs on mining

US Exemptions

Lock the gate alliance


Coal Loader action

Rio Tinto

  • Rio Tinto and Chinalco to form joint venture for exploration in China

NSW Minerals Council

Darling Downs development

"In early 1995, the first significant mine opened on the Downs. Located approximately 290 kilometres from the Port of Brisbane, the Peabody (Wilkie Creek) mine has pioneered the export of this vast coal reserve."[2]



Coal seam gas

Clinton visit


South African CSP project

EU register of lobbyists


Reuters, 29 September 2010 Ontario will shut about 2,000 megawatts of coal-fired power generation to reduce carbon dioxide and other emissions to combat global warming and improve health. These plant closures mark nearly a decade of effort to close the province's coal plants and move toward a cleaner energy future.

AUst and finance

Paddy Manning, The Age, October 2, 2010 Australian banks, highly dependent on offshore capital, will face increasing international scrutiny of their lending practices - particularly, their exposure to the coal industry.



Mark Wakeham, Climate Spectator, 30 September 2010 (subscription, but free to register) Victoria produces the nation’s dirtiest electricity, relying on soggy brown coal to keep the lights on. Which makes it noteworthy that both sides of the state’s parliament last month voted to legislate for a 20 per cent cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.



Eskom MeMedupi


Vic water allocation

Fed parl inquiries

Coking coal

"Amidst predictions of a decline in good-quality coking coal reserves worldwide, the acquisition will enable JFE steel to increase its ratio of captive coal resources to one of the highest among major steel makers." [2]

Coal waste

Clive Palmer

John Maitland


WA power stations

Minister for Environment; Youth, July 12, 2010 Minister determines environmental appeals on power stations



Tables on US IGCC/Gasification

CCS Aust


  • have a look at Rio Tinto's "Mine of the Future" project


entropy & Stop AB32 initiative

CShearer19 and Bob Burton, we've got an entropy problem - there are now (at least) 3 places regarding the upcoming initiative. There should only be one. 1. CShearer19 has done a section on it at Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006; 2. it turns out to have a page that Bob Burton started at The California Jobs Initiative; and 3. I did one - not realizing Burton had started that one - at Suspend AB 32 (2010)

IMO the page shouldn't be called "ca jobs initiative' since the official name is:

Suspends Air Pollution Control Laws Requiring Major Polluters To Report And Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions That Cause Global Warming Until Unemployment Drops Below Specified Level For Full Year Initiative
Anna Haynes 16:26, 28 June 2010 (UTC)

BHP Billiton




Western Australia



CCS report and amines

Aus opinion polling

W on Australia


Peabody AR

CCS in the uk


Co2 and coal



Australian links

Links to Asian groups


Plimer cashing out?

Can you quantify how much he's making from this deal [3] ? Scribe 12:39, 2 June 2010 (UTC)

Submissions to government inquiries

Politics of the Maldives

Hi Bob, As I just read here, you personally wrote a letter to the Maldivian minivan news regarding the work of Hill & Knowlton for the Gayoom government and their apparent abuse of wikipedia. To my astonishment, no one had ever reacted to these accusations at wikipedia. I now brought it to their attention and, funnily enough, found out that the same IP once used for manipulation of the articles related to politics of the Maldives [4] was later used for obscene vandalism and by Niall Cook who reveals himself to be worldwide marketing and communications director of Hill & Knowlton. Thank you for your nice investigative work. I presume you have a principle of not interfering at wikipedia yourself in articles related to your work here? Unfortunately, wikiscanner seems to be undergoing an update and cannot be used right now. Let's see if more Hill & Knowlton jobs can be found. Brauchichnich 12:25, 17 January 2011 (UTC)


Hi Bob;

I seek to download a photo into SW, but dont have the edit-setting to be able to do that. Can u change?

Kind rgds --Antidotto 10:10, 8 February 2011 (UTC)

Corporate research

Hi Bob was just wondering if you could email me about some research I am doing I lost your email address. Mike


Hi Bob;

Is Lisa Graves‎ the former "Articial Intelligence?"

Kind rgds --Antidotto 21:42, 28 April 2011 (UTC)

re clarification

Dear Antidotto:

No. I am not AI. I'm the Executive Director of CMD, which publishes this site. I'm sorry you disagree about my decision to strike the use of the term "zionist," which I consider to be a perjorative term--as I have stated on my talk page.

Bob works for CoalSwarm, not CMD, so please direct your commentary about my editing to me.


Hey thanks for your help Bob, Hengist.

SW: Citing sources

Bob, I've noticed that you've changed (reformatted) a few of my citations; at the same time I notice that your own citations are very simply formatted. I'd like to help, if I may. I added some citation tools to the SW utilities page. I especially recommend the FireFox add-on. Scribe 00:32, 18 July 2011 (UTC)

SW: stacking badges / boxes / templates

Hi Bob, I found a workaround for the formatting problem that allows multiple badges on pages. Used it at Gina Rinehart. See this Scribe 06:12, 28 July 2011 (UTC)

why not work

Hi Bob;

Could you tell me why the redirect for David Lewis doesnt work?

Kind rgds --Antidotto 10:29, 5 January 2012 (UTC)

5 January 2012 1:47 p.m. MST
Hi Bob,
I forwarded your question about redirects to Patricia, and neither she nor I could find a problem with the redirects. KVK redirected just fine to the article on KVK Energy. All seems to work okay for us. If you have another example of the problem, please send. In the meantime, happy new year! Hope everything is going well down under.


Hi Bob;

I notice that you entered some info in C. Beisner. It turns out that there is a Cal Beisner and E. Calvin Beisner... two articles referring to the same person. These require merging...

Kind rgds --Antidotto 13:19, 6 January 2012 (UTC)

6 January 2012 11:21 a.m. MST
Hi Bob, I merged the articles on Calvin Beisner.

Neither Patricia nor I could find any malfunction with the redirects. Are you still having problems?

What is your current email address? I want to check and see if I have the right one for you, still.
Anne Landman

Phew! Lots of potential work here ...

[5]. Amazing stuff. ≡ SCRIBE ≡ 22:56, 15 February 2012 (UTC)

How to fix this disambiguation page

Hi Bob;

I asked you a similar question before, but didnt pay attention as to how you fixed it.

This disambiguation page doesnt work. How do I fix it?

It should contain: #REDIRECT [[Daniel Cohen (media producer)]] #REDIRECT [[Daniel Cohen (French economist)]] But it only redirects the first one...

Kind rgds --Antidotto 15:28, 13 March 2012 (UTC)

many thanks

Hi Bob; Many thanks about that. Maybe it is a good idea to add a brief explanation in the FAQ/doc about this. And I am mystified why my version wouldnt work. kind rgds --Antidotto 09:23, 15 March 2012 (UTC)

Monsanto Edits

Hi Bob, Not sure what protocol is these days or who's in charge (I saw a new name) but I wanted to pass this by you. There have some been edits recently to the Monsanto articles that I believe are deleterious. Specifically I refer to Rebekah Wilce's deleting or removal of several entire articles without explanation. In California we have an important vote coming up in just a couple of months or so about the labeling of GM crops. This vote could be pivotal for the entire nation and people are looking for answers, yet the article on Monsanto and labeling issues is now gone. Jill Richardson also removed the main article of the Monsanto series, Monsanto and the Roundup Ready Controversy. I talked with her via our talk pages (which she requested we remove), via email and over the phone almost a month ago. She assured me that she was going to get right on better version but up to recently it's stayed a stub and what's up now sounds like a weak and wandering thing. The previous article was on the Sourcewatch hot list for a long time. I don't get it.

I emailed Lisa Graves but have been put off twice. No offense to her, I suspect that she is very busy but I just want to point out to all concerned that there is a bit of a time crunch here. As I mentioned to Jill and Lisa, perhaps now is not the best time to be starting from scratch. After the vote would be much preferable. It's funny that articles which have remained virtually unchanged for years are suddenly having these issues right before the vote. I realize that they need updating and that they are not my articles and I am probably overstating their importance but again would it hurt to wait a couple of months? A lot of work went into the Mon series.

Thank you, Miocene 07:02, 15 August 2012 (UTC) ==Met coal


See response on my talk page ≡ SCRIBE ≡ 23:29, 4 June 2014 (EDT)

Pulling of Baha'i related articles

Hi Bob- wanted to let you know about this editorial issue, as you've been involved with discussions previously. Quite concerned about this. I've copied in my discussion with Lisa Graves (below), and alerting contributor Mike (who has made important contributions) but if you could also check in with this, that would be very much appreciated. Many thanks --Atomised (talk) 16:53, 2 July 2014 (EDT)

Hi Lisa- It appears that the very well established articles linked to the Baha'i Faith are being pulled pretty much wholesale for editorial review. Rather than any kind of individual edits, these are being systematically taken down and referred to some kind of editorial review. This looks very suspicious and I cannot see how every single article, based on this linkage, can be seemingly simultaneously pulled into an editorial review without some kind of explanation. All these articles have been established (and received page views in the thousands) and backed up with rigorous referencing, which may need updating, but this is no reason to pull entire articles all at once. Please look into this and get back to me asap, as this does not look good. I will be keeping a very close eye on editorial review here, and expect full and absolute transparency in terms of any review process undertaken. Thanks --Atomised (talk) 18:06, 27 June 2014 (EDT)

These articles are under review as we assess what topic areas can be maintained to ensure that they are accurate and up to date. Materials regarding religious beliefs and movements may be better suited to a general wiki than to a specialized one like SourceWatch. We are the process of reviewing these materials. Lisa

Hi Lisa- I assure you these and topic areas can be maintained. The fact that these pages have attracted a very large amount of views testifies to their relevance. Also, the connections of this organization in many, many well documented and referenced areas related to business, academia, information technology, the military industrial complex, intelligence and political involvement absolutely justifies their inclusion in Sourcewatch. This has never appeared to be an issue before, and and I absolutely cannot understand your suggestion that they may be better suited to a general wiki, when there are clear issues of interests, funding, and media and other areas involved. These issues regarding the religious beliefs of the organization are in some ways secondary to very well documented structure, influence and lobbying connections of the organization, and its importance as an area of discussion in relation to Middle East politics. --Atomised (talk) 20:29, 1 July 2014 (EDT)

  1. BHP Billiton, "Production to cease at Gregory open-cut operation", Media Release, September 10, 2012.
  2. Queensland Bulk Handling, "Coalfields", Queensland Bulk Handling website, accessed November 2010.