Victor Han

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{{#badges: tobaccowiki}} Victor Han was Director of Communcations for Philip Morris Worldwide Regulatory Affairs (WRA) office circa 1993-95. He was appointed Vice President of WRA in 1995, and was reported to Steve Parrish. Mr. Han directed strategy and implementation of internal and external communications. He also worked for Philip Morris Corporate Affairs.


Victor Han joined Philip Morris in 1991. Prior to joining PM, worked with Burson & Marsteller.

Mr. Han gave a deposition on 3/16/95, 6/9/95 and 6/27/95 that was 554 pages long for the Philip Morris v. ABC case, which revolved around ABC's "Day One" segment that accused PM of nicotine manipulation. Mr. Han also worked for Philip Morris Corporate Affairs. Vic Han vigorously defends the company's right to make and sell its products. Yet he refuses to smoke when his two young daughters are around - not because he believes second-hand smoke is harmful, but because he doesn't want them to pick up the habit. "Certainly I don't want my kids to smoke," he says. "As a parent I want to take as many risks out of their lives as I possibly can." Han has been smoking since he was 15 or 16, enjoys cigarettes, pipes and cigars. "I like the taste, I like the way they smell, I like the rituals," he says. As for the health risks, " I am aware of them, but I have made my decision that this is what I want to do."(Washington Post National Weekly Edition, January 13, 1997, pg. 9)(PMI's Revised Initial Disclosure, June 27, 1996)(PMI's Introduction to Privilege Log and Glossary of Names, Estate of Burl Butler v. PMI, et al, April 19, 1996)

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