William Cotton

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{{#badges: Climate change}} William Cotton is a professor of atmospheric science at Colorado State University. His academic training is in meteorology and mathematics. [1] Cotton is a climate change skeptic and a speaker at the International Conference on Climate Change (2009) organized by the Heartland Institute think tank. [2]

On climate change

Along with Roger Pielke, Cotton authored a book titled, "Human Impacts on Weather and Climate." According to one review, "This book makes no predictions about the future global climate and rejects claims that anyone can." The authors "say that the scientific community's lack of understanding of the fundamentals of climate change makes it impossible to detangle the signs of human influence at the global scale from ordinary variability." [3]

Cotton told a 2007 Colorado agricultural meeting, "While some are saying right now is the warmest in history, there are others who predict we are going into another ice age in the next 5,000 years. ... There are many variables that cannot be predicted. Our climate system has natural variability." [4]

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  1. "William Cotton Faculty Profile", CSU Faculty Profile website, accessed February 2009.
  2. "Speakers," Heartland Institute website, accessed January 2009.
  3. Kimbra Cutlip, "Book review: Human Impacts on Weather and Climate: Second Edition," Weatherwise, November 1, 2007.
  4. Bill Jackson, "Too many variables in global warming, speakers say," Greeley Tribune (Colorado), February 22, 2007.

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