William Gumede

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Biographical Information

"William Gumede is Honorary Associate Professor, Public & Development Management & Board Member, Centre for Public Enterprises (CPE), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg; and Senior Associate & Head of Africa and Emerging Powers program, Foreign Policy Centre (FPC), London. He is a contributing commentator for The Guardian, London. He held positions in the South African student, trade union and civic movements, including having worked as a communications officer and senior researcher for the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu). He was peace mediator and area co-ordinator for the National Peace Committee, the all-party committee mandated to monitor and resolve political violence during South Africa’s all-party negotiations for a democratic South Africa (CODESA). He was seconded to South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission to turn the findings of the commission into an accessible format. He has written several books including the recently released bestselling Restless Nation (Tafelberg, 2012). " [1]


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  1. Helen Suzman Foundation Trustees, organizational web page, accessed January 10, 2013.