Zhanjiang-Lianjiang-Maoming Oil Pipeline

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This article is part of the Global Fossil Infrastructure Tracker, a project of Global Energy Monitor and the Center for Media and Democracy.

Zhanjiang-Lianjiang-Maoming Oil Pipeline (also known as 湛江-廉江-茂名输油管道) is operating oil pipeline in China.[1]


The pipeline runs from Zhanjiang to Maoming, Guangdong

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Project Details

  • Operator:
  • Parent Company:
  • Current Capacity: 20.00 mta (formerly 10 mta)
  • Length: 71.46 miles / 71.46 kilometers
  • Status: Operating
  • Start Year: 1983


The source of the pipeline is imported oil at Zhanjiang Port.

Articles and resources


  1. Wang Zhenchuan 湛江港至茂名市的输油管开始输油 CNKI.net, Accessed Dec. 17, 2019

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