Australian National Low Emissions Coal Research and Development

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Australian National Low Emissions Coal Research and Development was a company established by the National Low Emissions Coal Council (NLECC) "to implement a nationwide program for low emission coal research and development to address the research priorities" set out in the National Low Emissions Coal Strategy.[1] (NLECC was established in July 2008 to develop the strategy as a part of the National Low Emissions Coal Initiative.)[2]

Contact details

Unit 1.1, Level 1, NFF House,
14-16 Brisbane Avenue
Barton, 2600
PO Box 536
Civic Square ACT 2608

Phone: +61 2 6175 6400
Fax: +61 2 6103 9109

Articles and Resources


  1. Australian National Low Emissions Coal Research and Development, "About Us", Australian National Low Emissions Coal Research and Development website, accessed August 2012.
  2. Department of Resources and Energy, "National Low Emissions Coal Council", Department of Resources and Energy, accessed August 2012.

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