LEED Exposed

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{{#badges: Front groups}}

LEED Exposed is a front group operated by Berman & Co. Berman & Co. operates a network of dozens of front groups, attack-dog web sites, and alleged think tanks that work to counteract minimum wage campaigns, keep wages low for restaurant workers, and to block legislation on food safety, secondhand cigarette smoke, drunk driving, and more.

LEED Exposed describes itself as a project of the Environmental Policy Alliance criticizing LEED — Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, the green building certification program for the United States Green Building Council — for "wasting taxpayer money to fund not-so-green buildings."[1]

According to Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, LEED Exposed "attacks the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy Environmental Design (LEED) building rating system and promotes misleading research about the system..."[2]

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  1. LEED Exposed, "Home Page", corporate website, accessed February 20, 2014.
  2. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, Berman Exposed, BermanExposed.org, accessed June 12, 2014.
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