Portal:Coal Issues

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Coal Issues Portal

This article is part of the CoalSwarm portal on SourceWatch, a project of Global Energy Monitor and the Center for Media and Democracy. Find out more about contributing content to this portal.


Welcome to CoalSwarm, the shared information tool on issues such as coal plants, mines, companies, environmental impacts, clean alternatives, regulation, grassroots organizing, industry lobbying, and much more. Articles include:

Alabama and coalAlaska and coalArizona and coalArkansas and coalCalifornia and coalColorado and coalConnecticut and coalDelaware and coalFlorida and coalGeorgia and coalHawaii and coalIdaho and coalIllinois and coalIndiana and coalIowa and coalKansas and coalKentucky and coalLouisiana and coalMaine and coalMaryland and coalMassachusetts and coalMichigan and coalMinnesota and coalMississippi and coalMissouri and coalMontana and coalNebraska and coalNevada and coalNew Hampshire and coalNew Jersey and coalNew Mexico and coalNew York and coalNorth Carolina and coalNorth Dakota and coalOhio and coalOklahoma and coalOregon and coalPennsylvania and coalRhode Island and coalSouth Carolina and coalSouth Dakota and coalTennessee and coalTexas and coalUtah and coalVermont and coalVirginia and coalWashington State and coalWest Virginia and coalWisconsin and coalWyoming and coalDelaware and coalMaryland and coalNew Hampshire and coalNew Jersey and coalMassachusetts and coalConnecticut and coalWest Virginia and coalVermont and coalRhode Island and coalMap of USA with state names.png
About this image

General information


Coal plants


Coal mines


Citizen activism on coal


Coal-related companies, agencies, and lobbying groups


Coal lobby

Coal project financing and construction

Electric power

Coal mining






Carbon capture and storage


Economics and subsidies


Other extreme energy sources




The problem with coal

James Hansen testifies to the U.S. Congress
There is no longer any doubt that global warming is underway, but the situation is not hopeless. The good news is that scientists have proposed a way to avoid the worst outcomes: phase out coal. In fact, James Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Space Institute, has said that ending emissions from coal "is 80% of the solution to the global warming crisis." Fortunately, economical alternatives to coal are now at hand, and around the world, over 400 citizen groups are working to promote a transition away from coal. The mission of CoalSwarm is to assist this movement by building a constantly expanding body of information that everyone in the movement can use and add to.



Politics and coal


Environmental, health, and safety issues


Coal mines

Coal plants

General impacts


Legislation / Regulation / Judicial decisions


Alternatives to coal



"CoalSwarm is a great example of a loose community united by a common cause developing a shared resource to do their collective work better."[1] --Advocacy 2.0

For the more academic activist, look to CoalSwarm, the one-stop-shop wiki for all the dirt you need on coal. Coal Swarm is an effort to create transparent, group-source information about the coal industry: tracking plant announcements, political maneuvers, lawsuits and more. As one supporter explained: “It’s putting information once the province of lobbyists into local activist’s hands.”[2] --SolveClimate

"What began as a few local ripples of resistance to coal-fired power is quickly evolving into a national tidal wave of grassroots opposition from environmental, health, farm, and community organizations and a fast-growing number of state governments. The public at large is turning against coal."[3] --Lester Brown, President, Earth Policy Institute

"In a few years, the backlash against coal power in America has become the country's biggest-ever environmental campaign, transforming the nation's awareness of climate change and inspiring political leaders to take firmer action after years of doubt and delay. Plants have been defeated in at least 30 of the 50 states, uniting those with already strong environmental records, such as California, with more conservative areas, such as the southern and central states."[4] --Manchester Guardian

  1. "Coal Swarm," Advocacy 2.0, accessed June 2008
  2. Rachel Barge, "Media Savvy Youth are Blogging Coal to Death," SolveClimate, March 31, 2009
  3. Lester Brown, "U.S. Moving Toward Ban on New Coal-Fired Power Plants," Earth Policy Institute, February 14, 2008
  4. Juliette Jowit, "Coal plans go up in smoke," Manchester Guardian, September 3, 2008

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