Society of Toxicology

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The Society of Toxicology (SOT) appears on the surface to be a independent professional organization of toxicologists. But on closer examination it is more likely to be one of the cluster of societies, think-tanks and institutions that were formed by the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries around the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) for the purposes of lobbying. It seems to be housed at the same address as the ILSI in Washington DC, and the cross-over of membership and associates is obvious.

The fact that executives and staff members of the EPA and FDA were also SOT members made this society especially attractive to its funders.

Documents & Timeline

Toxicology Forum
Society of Toxicology
ILSI & Tox.Forum (Doc Index)
Nutrition Foundation and ILSI-NF
ILSI Risk Sciences Institute
Society for Risk Analysis
American College of Toxicology
Health & Environmental Science Institute
Center for Excellence in Toxicology
Alex Malaspina

1993 Apr 6 A meeting of the ILSI on countering the Californian Proposition 65 Clean Air and Clean Water initiative shows that the same scientific lobbyist were running both the ILSI and the Society of Toxicology (SOT). Denise Robinson of the consultancy ENVIRON Corporation has delivered the first draft of th acetaldehyde document, and the report says '

'"A meeting was arranged between Dr Tom Starr, Dr Robinson and committee members interested in acetaldehyde to discuss the draft at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) meeting in New Orleans on March 18" [2]

The same document has minutes of the SOT Annual meeting. It has a Food Safety Speciality Section (FSSS) which has some relationship with the Institute of Food Technology. It is also holding workshops with the ILSI's Risk Science Institute (RSI). Dr Denise Robinson of ENVIRON Corp. was on the Scientific Advisory Panel. Also considerable discussion on the OSHHA (Californian) Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (a subsection of the Californian Environmental Protection Agency)

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